Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 887: Fight empty (1)

Bo Yan is usually not without love, but a little calmer. Just now a few young people were holding flower baskets and asked him to buy roses for his girlfriend, but he didn't make a move.

A bunch of roses pretending to be roses, I dare to sell 31 roses. This year, the first money is really good.

Xia Siyu came over and saw a lot of oily sweet potatoes that were roasted, sweet and soft. She doesn't have the burden of idols at all. What she likes the most is not the tall French food, but these roadside stalls, and she quickly grabbed Bo Yan to buy.

Just as Bo Yan was about to ask the price, the other party apologized in a slightly dialect accent: "Can I use banknotes. I don't have a QR code, and some belong to my son, so I will go directly to him."

Bo Yan nodded, that's it, it's no wonder that with so much traffic today, this stall is still short of people and can't pay with mobile phones. Most people can't pay.

But it didn't bother him. He went out, and was afraid that Xia Siyu would go to the night market today and brought some change, so he asked the other party to pick a red heart, roasted with bursting skin, and a big sweet potato that continued to flow. Xia Siyu stood watching the fireworks for a long time. She was indeed a little hungry. There was no one else here anyway. She took a bite of the sweet potato. The sweet potatoes are very hot, her hands are very hot, and her mouth is very hot, but it is fragrant and sweet when eaten, especially soft.

Bo Yan handed him a twenty-dollar bill. Unexpectedly, the other party found him fifteen in the end. She also rummaged through her change bucket and asked him 50 cents.

For many years, Bo Yan hadn't bought such a cheap snack with such a big size, and was a little shocked. This sweet potato has just been clearly said, at least two catties, and only received him more than four yuan!

Xia Siyu saw it too, and the expression in her eyes was a bit unpleasant. Bo Yan looked back at her, and then at the old man. She still had soot on her face, and her clothes were a bit dirty by the charcoal fire, but her hands were clean. She just smiled: "This is our own plant. , And sweet potatoes are cheap this year, a few cents a catty. This is my hard money."

Bo Yan nodded, looked back at Xia Siyu, her eyes softened, and asked her, "Is this delicious?"

Xia Siyu nodded desperately holding the sweet potatoes, and Bo Yan smiled, "How many sweet potatoes do you have? I want to buy them for my friends. We have several friends here, and everyone likes them."

He wants to help, but he doesn't want to pay directly. The other party came to the stall on a cold day, relying on his own hands to make money by doing things innocently, and threw her cash directly, which was too humiliating for him to do it.

The old man weighed it out. Today, I was also at a loss for a firework party. The sale was relatively fast. Only less than ten catties remained. I bought all of it and handed it to her for fifty. The other party was still a little embarrassed: "This...I can't Look for it."

She doesn't have so much change, but her words are gentle. He smiled: "Then, you can give us more plastic bags so we can distribute them. We will share them with friends later. Now the supermarket plastic bags also Charges."

The other party hurriedly nodded, tried to find him the change, prepared a lot of grease paper, and put a few layers of plastic bags and handed it to him.

Bo Yan held it in his hand and walked back with Xia Siyu. There was such a slight fluctuation in Xia Siyu's heart, and the sweet potato in her mouth stopped gnawing: "Remember those people in the northwest?"

They previously donated Hope Primary School and built roads for the village. But I always feel that there is still something boring in my heart.

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