Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 966: Song and Dance (2)

Bo Yan certainly didn’t want his wife to be too embarrassed. He said, “Let’s wait for the vocal teacher to come and redistribute it. You and Shang Feier are half experts in dancing. We are not experts in singing. Let the professionals divide more. better."

Although Xia Siyu was reckless, she was a little bit better. She felt that thin words were more powerful and would not harm her. Then, even if she did not agree with what he said, she would not immediately object to it. At the moment, she had to reluctantly agreed: "Well then!"

Soon the vocal teacher came, and she asked everyone to finish singing with the lyrics book. After listening to it, Xia Siyu looked expectant, and the vocal teacher analyzed it seriously: "Teacher Xia's voice is very special, but I think since it is three people singing together, this chorus part should come together."

Xia Siyu doesn't object to this, she also knows herself. Although she was excited for a while and felt that she could sing the Gaochao part, she calmed down and thought about it carefully. She also knew her shortcomings, so she wouldn't sing if she didn't sing.

Seeing her promise, Wei Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this elder sister didn't insist on her own opinion and insisted on "showing".

During the word segmentation, Xia Siyu also received a mediocre lyrics without any difficulty. He sings very little, with the most blunt words, followed by Shang Feier. The vocal teacher was also afraid that she would be unhappy. Bo Yan said at this time: "I think I should give full play to my personal advantage. For example, Xia Siyu's street dance is good, so she should show her difficulty. Shang Fei'er dance is also good, here you can do a little bit of national style The adaptation of, with a slight modification, with Shang Feier’s dance, it should be amazing."

He mentioned this point quite well, and even Shang Feier nodded. So today I quickly assigned the words and dances, and everyone has a prominent point, and everyone is happy.

Then Bo Yan asked Xia Siyu to practice dancing under the banner of "action separately" and asked Shang Feier to discuss the adaptation of the national style. As long as Xia Siyu doesn't make up with Shang Feier, I believe that with their own abilities, they should be able to show it easily.

After all, I have been in the entertainment industry for so long, everyone is a human being, and I can't get there without two brushes.

Separate practice can also separate him and Xia Siyu, lest they are in the same space and he can't help but look at her.

As for Xia Siyu's singing voice... he thought it was better to go home at night and teach her to practice each sentence.

Bo Yan slashed and separated the three people in a mess. Xia Siyu didn't object, and Shang Feier didn't want to be troublesome. Everyone acted separately. Xia Siyu wants to get rid of her habit of jumping to the national standard, Shang Feier discussed the adaptation with her vocal teacher, and added a drama to suit her voice.

Bo Yan practiced singing in the original practice room. One of these two people danced and the other was adapted. He had to show many parts of the original lyrics, so he had to practice well.

However, when Xia Siyu was still in the mood and decided to increase the difficulty, he received a message from Bo Yan. He said: "You have a physical injury, don't force it."

Although her soft tissue contusion does not sound too serious, there is still swelling on her body. Some basic movements are not too important, but if Xia Siyu does Thomas' full rotation, it will aggravate the condition properly.

The dance teacher next to him asked cautiously: "Ms. Xia, do you have to increase the difficulty?"

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