Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 982: cp sense (6)

"Little umbrella, little umbrella."

Bo Yan was stunned this time, but didn't continue. He really stopped, first brought a piece of equipment, and then came to fight.

Xia Siyu certainly wouldn't be passively beaten, she chose to take the initiative to attack, and for a while, the two were inextricably beaten, and no one would lose, and no one was willing to compromise easily.

The war was anxious, and it took a little longer than usual. When Mingjin retreated, her face and body were covered with red marks that were scratched by her, especially the hardest-hit area on her back, which were crisscrossed, all of which were caught by her nails.

Xia Siyu didn't feel better. Although Bo Yan didn't know how to use his nails in a fight, he used his strength when pinching her waistline to take the initiative. Xia Siyu's skin was white, and the bruise marks were even more obvious.

When Bo Yan got up, there was a slight tingling of blood on his back with a slight movement. However, he was not angry when he was scratched by his wife, even a little proud. If the wife is not very dedicated, she will not be able to scratch it to this extent. This is not a shame, it is simply a medal.

But when he saw the bruise on Xia Siyu's body, he was slightly taken aback, then shook his head: "Sorry, I just...maybe too much."

Xia Siyu looked at his face full of words, not angry at all, but found it funny. She grinned and hooked his neck: "You just happen to be MAN!"

Although she doesn't like men being too rude, but occasionally engaging in petty pleasures like this is fine. After being jealous, I sent my jealousy to my wife, but I also mastered my strength and didn't make too much noise. This feeling is completely different from usual. It is fun to play occasionally.

Especially Bo Yan apologized as soon as he came up. If he didn't apologize and admit his mistake first, she wouldn't smile and make peace with him.

Xia Siyu changed his words: "If I really wanted to find a little wolf dog, I would be so stupid to look for you in front of you? After all these years, if I could find a handsomer and better figure, I wouldn't be on your thief ship again. Up."

Bo Yan is usually wise and calm, and always occupies the commanding heights of IQ and EQ. It is rare for him to fail. Of course, if he really lost his attitude, it would not have just "teached" her a meal, it must be a more serious consequence.

Bo Yan asked: "Then what if you find someone with a more handsome body and a better body in the future?"

"Then he doesn't necessarily like me! I don't want to chase him. It was troublesome to chase you once before. Now that he can't chase him when he is old, he chases me if he wants to."

Bo Yan asked again: "Then what if this handsomer and better-built man pursues you all his heart?"

Xia Siyu hesitated intentionally: "Ah this..."

Bo Yan's eyes sharpened immediately, Xia Siyu just wanted to laugh: "You usually say I'm stupid, you're stupid. If there are men in the entertainment industry with a handsome body better than you over the years, you will still be the first one Top spot? Besides, maybe he is really handsome and likes me, but it doesn’t necessarily grow in my aesthetic point. Why should he like me, I have to like him, huh, I’m not so easy to be chased. ."

Xia Siyu was still complacent, raising her small chin and sighing with emotion: "Eh, no way, why did my mother make me so perfect and so beautiful? Why do you like me so much?"

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