Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 404: I'll clean up you myself

"you you you"

Rong Zixi stared at the warmth, trembling with anger and stunned.

"Warm! You don't go too far!"

Rong Zhiyue blocked Rong Zixi in time, and his face was not good-looking.

Warmth is like listening to a century-old joke, and I can't help but hit a haha, "Am I overkill? Master Rong, do you feel comfortable saying this? It seems that it is wise for Snow Sister to leave you!"

Rong Zhiyue was poked to the pain, his face paled instantly.

Since Fang Xue left the house with his children, he would go to the place where the mother and daughter lived again and again every week after being busy and tired. However, Fang Xue had already disappeared from him and his only tolerance was that he did not move, at least let him He knew that their mother and daughter lived well there!

That blue and white villa has become a pain in the heart of Rong Zhiyue!

Seeing Rong Zhiyue's pale and ugly face, Rong Zixi quickly held him, "Brother, we don't care about this nasty woman, she can't wait any longer!"

Rong Zhiyue clenched his thin lips and said nothing.

In fact, he didn't have any particularly bad feelings about warmth, except that he thought that warmth had an ulterior motive, and approached Fang Xue deliberately. Instead, this series of things came down. He admired the woman very much, but everyone stood by. Different positions, so I have to do something contrary!

Unable to respond, Rong Zixi's face was a bit unstoppable, and she turned to look at warmth with arrogance. She laughed and said, "Oh! Warmth, without the emperor's support, you are so poor that you can't even afford a lawyer What? "

Rong Zhiyue frowned slightly.

Despising opponents is a taboo. More importantly, the former Rong Zixi was cute and lovely, caring and gentle, and sticking with the old lady, it is just a caring little jacket, but now

Has the stimulating mood changed, or did she hide too deeply in the past and now gradually expose her nature?

Rong Zixi didn't notice the change in Rong Zhiyue's expression, and when he was angry with Rong Zhiyue, he deliberately arrogantly and provocatively gave him a warm look.

"What to stare at? Try another stare! Sister has long wanted to tear your skin, and by the way cut your broken mouth and throw it out to feed the dog!"

Fang Yu couldn't hold back anymore, so he rushed up to clean up Rong Ziyi.

The bodyguards of Rong's family immediately came around and surrounded the warmth, Fang Yu and Hao Shuai.

The bodyguards brought by Hao Shuai also heard the wind and quickly surrounded the bodyguards of the Rong family!

A large circle of black people, the sword is violent, the conflict is about to start.

Warmly stretched out Fang Yu, "My business, I'll do it myself!"

Fang Yu knows her warm personality, she looks sweet and quiet, but she is a strong master in her bones. For things like cleaning up Xiaosaner, she will never fake it!

Fang Yu erected his **** towards Rong Zixi and took two steps back.

The bodyguards on both sides also returned to their original positions.

Everyone in city A has a head and a face. If it is not a last resort, it is better not to fight in front of the court hall.

When everyone was quiet and warm, I used my hands to wear a wedding ring to gently poke the broken hair on my forehead, glanced at Rong Zixi, and slowly said:

“As a royal designer, I ca n’t even afford a lawyer. Is n’t it a joke? Oh, yes, the imperial lawyer team is also said to be the top one. I have a 10% stake in imperial. With my own team of lawyers, I do n’t even have to give money! Why am I not even bringing a lawyer? ”

Warm intentionally showed annoyed expression, Rong Zixi smiled like a flower instantly, "The court time is coming soon, you just remember now, it's late! Besides, my brother is ready for everything" "Zixi!"

Rong Zhiyue interrupted Rong Zixi with a calm face.

This younger sister is really too suffocated to speak such a word!

Rong Zixi poked his lips, glanced at the warmth, and shut up timidly.

Warmth is raising a smiley face, his face is flying with confidence.

"Rong Zixi, listen well, I'm here alone, not because I can't afford a lawyer, but because"

Looking at Rong Zixi warmly and earnestly, saying word by word: "I have never met a woman like you who is shameless, so I must leave my hands and personally-collect, pick up, you!"

When the last three words popped out from the lips of the warm cherry pink, Rong Zixi heard her heart choke!

Could it be that this woman left behind?

Rong Zixi saw Xiang Lei's leap for the first time and asked him with his eyes: Brother, are you sure we can win?

Rong Zhiyue gave Rong Zixi an uneasy look.

It is said that he should have made preparations before the discovery of Emperor Juehao, but the person of Emperor Juehao is really unpredictable. Today I did not see him. Rong Zhiyue is not like the short-sighted Rong Zixi. So happy, but added a bit of worry, and now look at the calmness of the warm look

An ordinary woman is so calm when facing this kind of thing, it only shows that she leans on a man she can lean on!

But this time, Rong Zhiyue is probably wrong, because warmth is really not an ordinary woman. When she was a little girl five years ago, she dared to challenge the authority of the emperor's house alone. Today's warmth is even more incomparable!

She didn't know where Emperor Hao had gone and had any plans, but as a woman and a mother, when others became more and more deceiving, she would fight for her dignity!

The brothers and sisters of the Rong family are still hesitant, warmth has passed them, and walked up with their heads raised.

After Fang Yu and Hao Shuai, Hao Shuai shouted a whistle at the brothers and sisters of Rong family handsomely. Fang Yu directly took his thumb and rubbed it on the tip of his nose, and then in front of Rong Zhiyue and Rong Zixi, Go down!

It's almost like a bitch!

Hao Shuai looked so funny, he tilted his head and asked, "Hey, are you a woman?"

Fang Yu blurted out without thinking: "I'm a woman, don't you know?"

After the rebuttal was completed, Fang Yu realized that the taste was wrong. In Hao Shuai's meaningful eyes, he stomped his feet and chased him up.

At the back, Rong Zixi looked at Xiang Lei with a worried look, "Brother, did you say that warmth is a myth or did she really have a way to blame?"

"She wasn't guilty!"

Rong Zhiyue condensed a handsome face, spit out such a word.

In fact, he didn't really want to send the warmth to prison. He just wanted to defeat Emperor Hao, and wanted him to pass the Rong family. However, both Emperor Hao and Warm were the masters who refused to lose. You die in the end, so things have developed to the point where they are today, and you have to go to court!

I really want to send in the warmth, and the Rong family is over!

Rong Zixi listened to Rong Zhiyue's words, stared at him incredibly for a long time, and then angrily stamped: "No! I must be in prison!"

Regarding Rong Zixi, Rong Zhiyue no longer wanted to talk too much with her, but left the sentence coldly: "After this matter, I will officially announce that you are included in our family tree. You are my sister Now, take good care of my mother! "

Rong Zixi's eyes quickly passed a hint of resentment, but his face was extremely obedient: "Okay, brother, please rest assured, I must respect the old lady as my own mother!"

Rong Zhiyue's complexion eased a little, and he took the lead to walk towards the hall.

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