Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 444: Is it a boy or a girl

What did Grandpa just say? Just don't welcome Emperor Howe?

So, he likes warmth and twins a lot?

Not like his usual style!

Even if I knew that Imperial Hong was talking in anger, the warmth was surprised, and I looked at Imperial Hong with a little surprise.

Poppy twitched her shoulders and her heart softened? Not so much?

I thought I had followed the Emperor Hao, and it did n’t seem to be very good to say a word. Warmly politely said to the Empire Hong: "Master, rest early, and bring the children to see you someday!"

"Easier said than done!"

Emperor Hong glanced warmly, his beard flickered, his eyes flickered over her slightly abdomen, fell on Emperor Hao's face, and he immediately changed his face, sternly rebuking: "Outside Isn't it all rumored that you have a daughter-in-law and forgot your mother? That's how you hurt your daughter-in-law? "

Emperor Jue found that the old man behaved particularly strangely today. He didn't touch his mind and didn't dare to act lightly. He just saw a chair near the bed, and dragged it over to him in front of him.

Immediately, Emperor Hong's face showed a satisfied look, and he looked at Emperor Grande with a disdainful look. "Say you are not as good as a child, are you still not convinced?"

Emperor Hao and Warm looked at each other and finally figured out that the old man was uncomfortable standing warm and standing with his body, and wanted to let her sit down!

It ’s okay to speak straight. It ’s a big turn. This old man is really

Warm heart smiled, shook his head helplessly.

It seems that although the old man looks fierce, he is also cute.

When Holy took the chair to the front, warmly saw Bai Lanxin standing aside, and said to Holy: "Take it to your grandma!"

For the education of respecting the old and loving the young, warmth has never been ignored. As she said to the children, although Bai Lanxin does not like them, after all, she is an elder. Out of reason, warmth will give her enough respect!

When Bai Lanxin heard this, his face changed. Instinctively, Empire Macro was going to get angry!

Sure enough, as soon as the warm voice fell off, Empire Hong opened his eyes wide and said, "Just ask you to sit and do it, and she is not pregnant. What does the chair do for her?"

The arrogance and bluntness of Imperial Hong made people laugh and cry, and warmth had to sit down in the chair that Holy sent to him.

Well, you woman have framed me again!

Bai Lan's heart was a little angry, and her eyes drifted toward the warmth without complaint. When she touched the curve of her round belly, she softened involuntarily. The words at the exit turned out: "Have you checked it? Not twins? "

She had long wanted to figure out this question, and was always embarrassed to ask it.

Empire Hong also wanted to know, his ears were silently frowned.

Warming his stomach and smiling, "No, the doctor said there was only one!"

"Oh!" Bai Lanxin was a little disappointed. "Is that a boy or a girl?"

Immediately, Emperor Hong crossed his heart, "You care if he is a boy or girl!" He was afraid that if Bailan talked a lot, he would say something terrible, so he blocked her head first.

Warm slightly bowed his head, a little shy and gentle smile, "Did not ask! Emperor Hao said to enjoy the process of expectation! I heard that more tests are not good for the fetus, we are only when the child is very young Got a B-ultrasound, it was too small at that time, and no boy or girl could be seen! "

"It doesn't matter! When we buy baby products, boys and girls buy one each, and then they won't be in a hurry!"

Bai Lanxin said, longing for language, completely forgetting that she was still struggling with warmth the moment before.

Warm and smiling, looking at the appearance of the old couple, it is clear that they are looking forward to grandson and crazy, and brought the children over to visit, it is really wise!

Bai Lanxin longed for a while, and suddenly came back, her face was a little embarrassed, she slowly turned her eyes away and fell on the twins.

Over there, poppy took the initiative to chat with Imperial Acer while he was back: "Grandpa, do you feel more comfortable now?"

Imperial Hong nodded with satisfaction: "Well."

Poppy immediately smiled and looked very fulfilled. "I used to brag my mother's shoulders before, and she praised me like that! You don't know, at that time my mommy worked hard and was often busy alone in the middle of the night. "

"Poppy!" The warm voice interrupted poppy, who was talking vigorously.

This child is a taciturn, and it is endless as soon as it is spoken. The warmth does not want her to have the hardship of the year in front of everyone, lest Emperor Hao will feel ashamed after listening. Of course, she didn't want the old man and the old lady to think that she had deliberately performed a miserable show, and sent a child to the old man to draw emotional points!

No matter what she does, she won't leave her mind on the child!

The warmth interrupted poppy, but Empire Hong was dissatisfied. "The child just said a word, what did you call her? Are you upset to let her accompany me as an old man for a few days? Are you so filial? Boy taught you? "

The emperor's president lay down his gun and stood aside with a cold face.

Warm smile, "Then I won't interrupt you!"

Empire Hong turned back and patted Poppy's arm, "Girl, you continue to say!"

In fact, Empire Hong had a bit of curiosity about his warm years of experience.

After all, he spent a lifetime in the mall and finally planted it in the hands of a young girl. The old man was actually more angry than dissatisfied. He just swept his face with anger and warmth so that he couldn't get off the stage!

How did one warm up raise twins in the first few years? When she came back, she was already a gold designer of sk. Was her talent so good, or did she meet any expert help?

Empire Hong seems to be listening to poppy chat, but in fact he has other plans. I used to think that the warm doorway was too low to be worthy of my son. Now warmth is already a treasure of Rong's family, and his family background can barely survive, but if there is any stain in her past, he will not let this woman die. Come in!

"My mummy is very capable!"

Poppy speaks of warmth, full of worship.

"At that time, she was very busy with work, and she also took care of us."

Poppy was not very old at that time, there are many things that I ca n’t remember, so it ’s sporadic, but it ’s the fragmentary scenes that seem to be more real. Take a hard single mother with two children and work hard to make progress. Scenes of the beautiful young woman highlights.

When I mentioned the past, my warm eyes were a little sour, and I blinked without a trace.

Emperor Grande is full of pity.

If it weren't for today's poppy when he gave his father a piggyback, and talked about the past, he would never know what the warmth of that year was. Warmth is always a woman who keeps joy in her face and sadness in her heart, she won't let him worry!

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