Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 453: Old man discharged from hospital

Emperor Hao went to the attending doctor's office.

Because of the special status of Empire Macro, even if it is a common small problem, the attending doctor assigned to him is also the most famous professor in the hospital-Professor Zhu, an expert in cardio-brain surgery.

Professor Zhu's office is open.

The emperor knocked on the door symbolically.

Professor Zhu looked up and saw Emperor Juehao. He quickly got up and greeted him with a smile: "Emperor Hello, how are you! Please come in!"

The emperor entered and sat down and opened his door: "Professor Zhu, my old man has been hospitalized for some time. Today I want to hear from you and analyze his health!"

Professor Zhu took the old man's medical record and pushed it in front of the emperor. "Young Emperor, these are all the examination data that the old man did during this time. Look at it!"

Emperor Hao frowned, "I don't understand your professional data, just tell me the results!"

Professor Zhu groaned and pondered the words: "From the current examination data, there is not much problem, but well, people are old and old, and their bodies will always be uncomfortable, and some instruments will be temporarily checked. I do n’t know if it ’s not coming out! ”

The emperor looked up and gave a slight glance at Professor Zhu.

Suddenly in Professor Zhu's heart, he sat upright subconsciously. Ming Ming Emperor Shao underplayed that glance, but he felt a kind of invisible pressure.

Professor Zhu bowed his head a little guilty.

Emperor Jue said flatly: "Did the old man ask you to do this?"

Professor Zhu was startled, and looked up subconsciously. Seeing that Emperor Juehao's face was normal and did not seem to have any sense of accountability, he nodded a bit ashamed: "Yes, I hope that I can rest in the hospital for a while, so I just "

Emperor Hao waved his hand to signal that he didn't need to say any more.

"I see, as long as there is no major problem with his body, Professor Zhu, it will trouble you!"

Professor Zhu quickly stood up and retorted: "Where and where, this is what we should do!"

What should it be? Placing a faultless person in a VIP ward is a waste of precious resources of the hospital!

Emperor Juehao also stood up, "Since nothing is wrong, I will leave first. Over there, I will tell him!"

Professor Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, nodding his head and sending the emperor grandeur out.

If he was to be discharged from the hospital, he would have to be ordered by the dean. If Emperor Shao had to talk about it, the war would not burn him.

From Professor Zhu's office, Emperor Hao strode back to Imperial Hong's ward. At this moment, warmly holding poppy, just coaxed her, Imperial Hong reclined on the back of the bed, staring at the mother and daughter, her face was a little dark.

Immediately after entering the door, Emperor Hao was acutely aware that the atmosphere was not right, and frowned, and asked, "What's going on?"

The warmth has coaxed poppy, let go of her, and let her go to read the villain's book with holy. Then she whispered to Emperor Hao: "It's just a little thing, let's go back later!" Emperor Grande glanced at poppy, and there was a wet tear on Bai Nen's face. This daughter is usually cheerful and lively, but sometimes she has a little bit of coquettishness. She will cry immediately after being aggrieved. Perhaps she just did something wrong and was warmly scolded. If you think about it, Emperor Hao will not be too good. Heart, only gently embraced the warmth, reached out and touched her bulging belly, "Are you tired?"

Warmly knocked off the hand of Emperor Juehao, and gave him a shameful glance, signaled him: your parents are still watching here!

Emperor Hao smiled indifferently, and helped him sit down on the chair beside him.

Poppy is a very lively little girl, her emotions come and go quickly, she soon had a great time with holy on the sofa, her affairs are just an episode, after the past, no one cares too much, the warmth is in She felt a little bit ashamed at the bottom of her heart. For the twins, she always felt that she didn't care enough about them. It seems that important educational issues have also been overlooked.

The warmth can't bear to destroy the atmosphere and hold back my mind.

Empire Hong also seems to have a very low voice today, looking down at the sea of ​​words in his hands, his face a little gloomy. Emperor Hao wanted to talk to him about his discharge from the hospital, and he stopped talking about him.

Forget about this ghost place, he will stay for a few more days if he loves it, and when he is tired, he will naturally want to be discharged.

In the next few days, the old man still couldn't figure out the names of the twins. Emperor Grande had to go to work, had a warm belly, and the twins were going to school. Even Bai Xin, he had to go back to his old home from time to time. After all, A large manor house, a hundred people and servants all need someone to take care of it.

Everyone has their own things to do, and it is boring for Empire to stay alone in the hospital.

The three family members of the Emperor Juehao still visit him every day, but the stay time is less and less.

The old man finally lay a little impatient, but he lived in the hospital and went back so quietly, it was a shame!

When the emperor saw that the fire was almost over, he reminded him: "Since there is no major obstacle to the body, it is better to go home to recuperate, the names of the twins, you can slowly think about it, when there is time, I will take the children to The old house came to see you! "

Empire Hong glanced at him, "It's been a long time, you have time to look back at the labor and capital!"

The emperor grandeur was silent.

In fact, he has already grown up, and the old man has a bad memory, forgetting that he has driven him out of the emperor's house.

However, Emperor Juehao was also clever enough not to poke the old man's scar, otherwise, the old man had to use a cane to beat him out!

In the end, for a long time, the old man agreed to be discharged.

The old house of the emperor's family is in the suburbs, far away from the main city. It is obviously unrealistic to let the emperor's family run at both ends of the day. The father is not too impersonal, only to let them go home on weekend .

When he left, the old man took the twins by the hand. "You two little guys, would you move to live with your grandfather?"

holy politely declined: "Thank you grandpa, but we still have to go to school!"

In comparison, poppy is much more straightforward: "Don't do it, I still prefer to live with Daddy and Mummy!"

Imperial Hong's face darkened for a moment, and there was a loss in his eyes, and he didn't say more.

After completing the discharge procedures, Dijue drove the car and personally sent the old man home. Warmth and twins followed.

The old house of the Emperor's House is located in the suburbs and covers a very large area.

About half an hour later, the car drove into the realm of the emperor's house.

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