Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 700: Emperor Grande just saw this

Half an hour later, the car arrived downstairs at the Nuanhuan Global Apparel Company. After a warm look at the time, we hurried out of the car. "

Leng Feng poked his head out of the car window, looking at the petite back on the high heels trotting all the way, bent his lips happily, gently reminded: "Don't hurry, you slow down!"

Warm no head back.

How can it be slow? Today, the representative from the sk headquarters is coming over. I just delayed the time on the viaduct. Later, the cold front drove the car like a walking dog. Now the time to meet is coming. As a president, she is late at this time. How embarrassing!

Going upstairs in a warm breath, a little panting, Fang Yu came forward, and reached out to support her arm. "Run like this, someone chased after you?"

"No!" Warm breathed. "Are sk's observers there?"

"Not yet! Even if it arrives, we are the host. What are you panic about? Take a break first, and I'll pour you a glass of water!"

Fang Yu said, and he couldn't help but pull in the warmth and press on the sofa, then turned to pour water.

Warm looking at her fierce back, some could not laugh or cry.

It's more worry for Fang Yu to be an assistant around her!

Actually, now Shiyan is still young. It should n’t be that Fang Yu should come back to work so soon, but the Hao family likes their little princess very much. Fang Yu is a restless person, and repeatedly asks to come back to work. She grinded and agreed. Unexpectedly, when this guy came back, he was quite easy!

Warmly flipping through the documents in hand while taking a break from drinking water.

These things are intended for the observers of sk later. The company signed a 10-year long-term cooperation project with sk. The project was initiated when it was an early observer by itself. One year later, it became this. The president of the company, then who will be the new observer sent by sk? Wouldn't it be Mr. John?

Thinking of the tall, handsome and romantic Italian, warm smile and shook his head.

After five years in sk, John chased her for five years, but fortunately John was public and private, neither would he sneak her by his boss, nor did he use her position to wear small shoes for her, and wanted to come to her at sk A few years have been lucky.

"Mr. Wen, sk's observer is here!"

Warm stood up, "Welcome him to the meeting room immediately, I will come right away!"

Soon, Warm walked into the meeting room, followed by Fang Yu, holding a large stack of relevant information.

The moment I opened the door, I warmly looked at the tall back that seemed to have met inside, and froze for a moment.

Wouldn't it be so coincident?

The next second, Leng Feng turned her face and nodded and smiled at her: "General Wen, thank you!"

A smile also appeared on the warm face, "It turns out that you are the observer sent by sk! Then you should have known my identity long ago, but you didn't mention half a word along the way, it was really deep! "

Leng Feng's lips had a charming smile, "Do you want to surprise you?"

He stretched out his hand, "Mr. Wen, let's get to know him formally. Leng Feng, the vice president of sk, is also an observer of the project with your company this time!"

"Well! You are actually the vice president of sk, amazing!"

Warm raised his eyebrows, admired without hesitation, and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Leng Feng, and smiled in return: "Hello President Leng, welcome to our company for inspection!"

The two were half-joking about the official tone, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy. Leng Feng gently shook a warm, white and delicate little hand, and the gentleman released it, "Sit!"

Warm didn't mind his anti-customer-oriented, but instead reached out to the table and chairs opposite him, "Cold please!"

There was no more politeness, and they quickly got to work.

This project was personally handled by Warmth, which is the company's largest project, and has a special significance as a link between her and Emperor Hao. It was also quite pleasant. During the year, the previous cooperation projects were carried out in an orderly manner, and the results obtained were better than expected.

Warm didn't use an assistant, and didn't even have too much information about his staff.

Lie Feng looked at her self-confident and charming look, squinted her eyes slightly, and hid the flashing heart quietly.

He's known for the beauty and charm of this woman. Coupled with that unique ability and self-confidence, it's a man who can't help but see it, really!

Lie Feng looked at the warmth with a smile, the touch of the heart that had just been pressed down, but unconsciously surging up!

When the emperor entered the door, he just saw this scene


Warm suddenly stopped speaking, stood up, and stared at the door with a smile on the emperor.

"I'm busy now. Would you go to my office for a while?"

Lie Feng sat in his position, a fascination passed under his eyes.

Such an important workplace was interrupted, and the warmth was not angry. It seems that it is really tolerant to Emperor Juehao!

The corner of Leng Feng's lips lightly hooked, and there was a hint of complicated playful feeling flashing in his eyes. He also stood up, looked at Emperor Juehao slightly, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Warmly walked over, reached out and pulled the arm of Emperor Juehao, a little shy: "My husband, Emperor Hao! He is the former president of this company. You should have read his information, right? Juehao, Let me introduce you. This is an observer sent by sk, Leng Feng, and also my former middle school classmate! "

Emperor Hao squinted his eyes.

Secondary school students? So coincidental!

Emperor Hao also raised his eyebrows, shaved the cold front up and down again quickly, and when he returned to his warm body, he softly confused again, "Are you all right?"

Warm asked something inexplicable, "I'm fine. I'm talking about work. What can I do?"

Emperor Hao's deep eyes were silent, "Then you're busy, I'll wait for you!"

With that said, Emperor Hao stepped out quickly.

Looking warmly at his cold back, he felt that this man should be a little upset, but because she didn't have time to think about it, she quickly returned to her seat and smiled apologetically at Leng Feng: "Let's continue!"

Leng Feng's focus is not on the cooperation case. He looked at the warmth with a smile, and asked half-jokingly: "Is he always so uneasy to you?"

Don't ask for deep meaning in this remark, it's so a little provocative.

Warmly, stretched out my hands and pinched my cheeks. "Well, my husband always cares about me, mainly because I don't care about myself!"

Leng Feng was caught off guard, and his mouth filled with dog food turned out a bit of bitterness in his heart.

Uneasy and caring are two different things. Is this woman because she is too stupid to understand, or because she is too clever to pretend not to understand?

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