Best Movie Star

Chapter 730: philanthropist

The roaring sound of the motor scared away countless animals, the bumpy wheels stirred up the sky, a long motorcade galloped across the grassland, and the scattered armed military vehicles dispelled many people's eagerness to move. On land, heavy firepower equipment is much more useful than the United Nations flag.

Soon, the convoy stopped at the gate of a large camping area consisting of tents and simple houses.

Matthew got out of the car first, and Emma Watson jumped out of the other door, looking a little dazed at the endless camp.

"What's the matter?" Matthew walked to her side and asked with concern, "It's bumpy and uncomfortable."

Emma Watson shook her head and said, "This is the first time I've seen a refugee camp." She could see some people in ragged clothes walking between the camps. The nineteen-year-old girl was far more sympathetic than Matthew. To enrich, "They all look so pathetic."

Matthew did not answer. Compared with Emma Watson, a first-time African who has donated a lot of supplies to African refugees, women and children, he has a better understanding of the actual situation.

The real situation was far more complicated than it seemed, but for a while Matthew didn't know how to start.

The many media reporters accompanying them were busy at this time. Not far in front of Matthew's side, a female reporter and her cameraman had already started filming with the entrance of the refugee camp as the background.

“Across Africa, a total of 2.4 million refugees live in more than 200 refugee camps in 22 countries. Many refugees have fled and arrived in camps with no means of livelihood and are almost entirely dependent on international aid…”

"So many people?" Emma Watson couldn't help asking Matthew when she heard the reporter's words, "Can it survive through international rescue alone? Can international institutions not be able to support it for a long time? Why don't you want to be self-reliant?"

Matthew shook his head and said, "I'm not particularly aware of other places, but there are more than Somali refugees in the Dadaab refugee camp."

"Huh?" Emma Watson asked curiously, "Didn't you say this is a place for Somali refugees?"

"Well... it is said that there are many Kenyans." Matthew shook his head slightly.

Emma Watson is even more curious, "Isn't Kenya the most stable and wealthy country in East Africa?"

Matthew was worried that his own prejudice would affect Emma Watson, and he did not explain in detail, but said, "Let's go and see it in a while, and you will probably understand when you turn around."

Gutierrez's assistant came to call Matthew at this time, and the Women and Children's Fund came to look for Emma Watson.

The UN team is also split into two parts, UNHCR and WFP, and WHO and Women and Children's Fund.

Of course, Matthew followed the previous part of the action. Gutierrez was the top leader of this team. Matthew and he have always been at the forefront of the team, followed by security guards and a large group of reporters.

The team entered the refugee camp and walked forward along the road between the tents. The management of the refugee camp had done a lot of work in advance, and the dirt road was at least fairly smooth.

Gutierrez is now the high commissioner of the UNHCR, that is, the top person in charge. The refugee camp is his direct work, and as a person who is interested in the secretary general, he takes this field trip very seriously.

Similarly, Matthew needs identities and titles such as philanthropists and social activists, and it is even more serious to accompany Gutierrez.

It's too commonplace for him to do something like a show.

When passing by a pair of grandparents who were crying because their food was robbed, Matthew specially asked the translator to come over, inquired about the situation in detail, and solved their problems in a timely manner.

Of course, all of this was captured by the reporter's camera lens.

Even if the reporters in the social and current affairs are unwilling to shoot, there is no problem. A team hired by Helen Herman has already sneaked into the right side of the media interview team of the United Nations.

With the help of UNHCR, this is easy to do.

Matthew thinks that his consciousness is very high. If he does good deeds, he must publicize it, so as to attract more people to do good deeds, right?

Of course, you have to do a full set of plays.

Afterwards, Matthew got into several tents under the attention of numerous cameras.

A group of children share a little food, which is covered with dust and grime...  

A group of refugees queuing up for food, under the scorching sun, waiting to be distributed...

Matthew and Gutierrez circled a small area of ​​the refugee camp, focusing on the living conditions of the elderly, children and women.

Matthew, in particular, even took a notebook and wrote down what the translator had said.

The reporter named Lao Wang was very sensitive, so he took the opportunity to ask a black child while Matthew lowered his head. He raised his hand-held camera and took a picture of the notebook in his hand.

"What's the film?" Xiao Li found out, leaned over and asked, "What top-secret content."

Lao Wang opened the playback and looked at the various demand materials densely recorded on the notebook on the screen. He couldn't help sighing and said to Xiao Li in a low voice, "Even if you know that they are putting on a show, you have to admire them."

Having said that, he handed the camera to Xiao Li, "Let's see for yourself."

Xiao Li glanced at it and said, "He's not just doing a show, he's actually doing things." He pondered for a while, and then said, "Pharaoh, whether it's for fame or not, but what he did... "

He pointed to the gray-white tents in the refugee camp. "It's really helping these people."

Suddenly, the advancing team stopped, only to see hundreds of black people in front of them blocking the front of the team, the security personnel in the team increased their vigilance, and the translator also stepped forward to communicate.

"What's going on?" Old Wang quickly stopped, "Uncles black want to make trouble?"

Having worked in Africa for many years, he knows that many refugees are not refugees.

Xiao Li was also a little puzzled. He stood on tiptoe from the crowd and looked forward, and found that Matthew Horner suddenly walked in front of the black people. After the translator said a few words, the black people seemed to be very excited.

Many reporters in the front went to the front to take pictures and video, and Lao Wang and Xiao Li quickly followed, and they quickly figured out the whole story.

It turns out that these refugees from Somalia have received a large number of materials from Matthew Horner's charitable foundation in the past few years. Some of their children would have died if the Matthew Horner Women and Children's Foundation had not acted in time. .

These people came specifically to thank Matthew Horner.

Watching Matthew Horner hug those black people one by one, pick up a black child, and talk to several black elders without any qualms, Xiao Li unconsciously raised the camera and took pictures of all these.

"This is really doing charity." He muttered while filming, "Even if he is doing a show, he can be regarded as a real philanthropist by getting so many people to thank him from the bottom of his heart."

Lao Wang was also shooting with a handheld camera, and nodded after hearing it, "This ghost is really impressive."

Xiao Li added, "Look at the charities in China, the gap is too big."

"You don't have a good idea." Old Wang disagreed, and said while filming, "It's a little foreigner."

Xiao Li turned his head to look at Pharaoh and said, "I'm telling the truth, which star in China can be like Matthew Horner? Which star can do charity and come to Africa?"

Lao Wang shook his head, "Why do you want to go to Africa to do charity?" He snorted, "We must first pay attention to our own people when we do charity. We should let Gui Lao worry about the lives of these black uncles."

Hearing this, Xiao Li was stunned for a while, then his head was stunned, and he gave Pharaoh a thumbs up, "That makes sense!"

Then, he sighed again, "Some of these black people are really..." ..

Someone passed by the two of them, and Xiao Li was worried that he might understand Chinese and did not continue speaking.

Matthew stood in front of hundreds of black people who were grateful to him, and let reporters take pictures as much as possible. This was not pre-arranged, but his two foundations have indeed helped a lot of people in recent years. Compared with United Nations charities, His charitable foundation and the Women's and Children's Charity Foundation adhered to the principle of not helping the poor most of the time, and helped many people on the brink of life and death, especially children.

These people thank him from the bottom of their Indeed, his charitable purpose is very strong, and his starting point is not pure at all. He must be the object of contempt by many Taoists, but no one can deny that a large number of them are from Funds from his foundation have helped so many people.

Now that he has paid, Matthew naturally wants to seek something in return.

Therefore, when standing in the middle of a group of rescued objects for a photo, creating news breaking points and accumulating halo effects, Matthew is not guilty at all.

Because this is what he got after a lot of work.

At the end of the group photo, Matthew and Gutierrez waved goodbye to these people and continued towards the depths of the refugee camp. Compared with the last time they came, the Dadaab refugee camp was much larger.

Moreover, he also saw a lot of special situations in the refugee camp, and heard the comments of the people around him, but he didn't say much.

Even with the UN to maintain order, refugee camps are not a pure land.

"Identification", "executive partner", "reasonable fear", etc., have become words that Matthew often hears.

The Dadaab refugee camp is the largest refugee camp in the world. In 1999, the UN refugee agency began to integrate Somalis fleeing the civil war, and then established informal settlements and formed this refugee camp.

Today, the bureaucracy in the camp is as suffocating as the heat.

Today, in addition to the Somalis who cannot go home, the refugee camp is also filled with a large number of Kenyans. Many Kenyans with legal status have somehow become Somali refugees.

But this kind of problem is not something that Matthew can solve.

A problem that even UNHCR has trouble solving, let alone him.

After turning around and exiting the UNHCR, the group drove to a town very close to the Somali border, and watched the children who were homeless because of the war.

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