Best Movie Star

Chapter 810: change director

It's hard to give "Watchmen" a true evaluation. Comic book fans like this movie very much, because Zack Snyder almost restored the comics through the big screen, but for passers-by audiences, even if Zach Snyder compromises with Warner Bros., Two introductory paragraphs have been added, and the film is still not very friendly to passers-by.

But one thing is for sure, this is Zack Snyder's best-known film since he moved to Hollywood.

Even people like Matthew who haven't read the comics think this film is unique.

Unfortunately, in the history of Hollywood, there are too many examples of good movies falling into the sand.

For any film with an investment of more than 10 million US dollars, it is impossible not to look at the box office figures, whether it is the producer or the cinema.

Only the box office round seems to be playing a hooligan, but for Hollywood movies that have reached a certain investment scale, not talking about the box office is the real hooliganism.

Everyone knows that commercialization is the key to making movies mainstream entertainment around the world.

"Watchmen" has excellent fan reputation and good media reviews, but once again, word of mouth does not fully equate with box office.

If the film's $55 million North American box office opening weekend was anything to go by, the 70 percent drop that weekend and the nearly 60 percent drop in the third weekend made Warner Bros. and DC Comics' Seniors were disappointed.

After three weekends of release, the North American box office of "Watchmen", which has been heavily invested and produced, is still within $100 million...

Perhaps only by the time the disc is released, Warner Bros. will be able to recoup its investment in the project.

From the perspective of an investor and film production company owner, Matthew briefly analyzed the situation of "Watchmen", and also came to some conclusions of his own.

A movie that can make a lot of money may not be a good movie, but it must be a movie acceptable to the public. Any movie with a production budget of more than 100 million US dollars can basically be classified as a large-scale production. Such a movie must be a popular movie. Or it is a movie aimed at a group with a very large market size, otherwise it will be difficult to recoup the investment simply by relying on fans, let alone make a profit.

He invests in movies to make money, so why waste time and energy if he doesn't make money?

Maybe many people think that art is a higher pursuit and enjoyment, but Matthew feels that the enjoyment brought by money and beauty is more advanced.

Besides, which of the world-renowned artists has not been commercially packaged?

No matter how elegant an artist is, he also needs vulgar material enjoyment.

This also makes Matthew more determined. Investing in filming must take the popular road to adapt to the market. Even the two youth series "Twilight" and "The Hunger Games" are aimed at mainstream audiences in the commercial film market. Group of teenagers.

"Twilight 2: New Moon" is in the final pre-screening promotion, and "The Hunger Games" is about to enter the official preparation stage.

At the end of October, Matthew, on behalf of Studio Thirteen, signed a distribution agreement with Warner Bros., and the "Hunger Games" series will be distributed globally by Warner Bros.

Warner Bros. was chosen, on the one hand, because Warner Bros. offered a low 7% distribution commission, and on the other hand, it was also out of business strategy considerations.

He's been working with Disney, and he's working well with Warner Bros.

And Disney is already the publisher of the "Twilight" and "Fast and Furious" series.

In addition, Disney Pictures took the initiative to find Helen Herman, intending to restart the sequel to "National Treasure" that has been neglected for many years.

At that time, because of Matthew's high remuneration, Disney Pictures temporarily shelved the sequel to this series out of risk considerations. Now that Matthew has shown more and more terrifying box office appeal, Disney naturally remembered this series again.

Matthew did not refuse, but asked Helen Herman to talk to Disney Pictures. With his current status, the salary a few years ago can no longer be solved.

Slightly far from the first, Disney Studios still has a lot of work to do when it comes to rebooting the series.

Entering November, Matthew received a call from Sofia Coppola and rushed to the Disney studio. Although "Twilight: New Moon" has not yet been released, the third "Twilight: Moon" has not yet been released. Food" has already started early planning.

"what happened?"

At the entrance of the studio where the "Twilight" crew is located, Matthew met the producer Sean Daniel and asked, "Sean, is Sophia in trouble?"

Sean Daniel shook his head, "No." He led the way, "You better talk to her in person."

The two entered the studio and soon came to an office door. Before Sean Daniel knocked on the door, the door was pulled open from the inside.

As the door opened, Sofia Coppola came out.

"Hi, Matthew," she said in a slightly nasal tone, "Long time no see, let's talk alone."

Matthew nodded lightly, "Yes."

Sofia Coppola walked first towards the set area of ​​the studio, and Matthew followed.

Matthew asked as he walked, "Why did you suddenly resign as director?"

He rushed over because Sofia Coppola called him and said he was no longer going to direct Twilight: Eclipse.

"It's not suddenly." Sofia Coppola's words were still nasal, "In fact, after the filming of "New Moon", I had such an idea."

She smiled and said, "I have been busy with a series for two consecutive years. I am very tired, physically tired, and even more tired mentally."

Matthew nodded and didn't say anything, the director had more work on the crew than the actors.

"I want to rest, I can't wait to rest, really." Sofia Coppola continued, "As soon as the planning for Eclipse started, I knew I couldn't hold on, and if I continued, I probably would. Tired."

"It's not that exaggerated." Matthew continued.

Sofia Coppola nodded, "Really, based on the relationship between the two of us, I don't need to lie to you. I plan to take a half-year break, and I will be completely out of work in this half-year."

"Also, there is another point that you may have overlooked." She reminded her in particular, "The style of "Eclipse" is not suitable for me to continue to be the director."

Matthew frowned and thought. Now that he is stuck between two films, changing the director is undoubtedly the best time.

Sofia Coppola's decision to leave is a bit abrupt, but it won't make him too embarrassed as an investor.

"In the whole series, Eclipse will be a key part, not only the emotional entanglement of a love triangle facing the emotional impact of a showdown, and the emotional display of various characters around this, but also the protagonist and the Victoria Legion. Such a massive increase in action scenes like fierce battles." With a sigh, Sofia Coppola said, "I have poor control over action scenes, and I'm not very good at it."

Matthew nodded. The action shots taken by Sofia Coppola were a bit horrific. The first two action shots were few, and they could make do with it. For the third film, even if Sofia Coppola did not leave office, they would need to look elsewhere. The director shoots the action scenes.

Sofia Coppola hasn't finished, ""Eclipse" is not only an action scene, but the style is more dark, which is also not my specialty."

She smiled at Matthew again, "Although your $10 million director salary is very attractive, I'm not the most suitable person."

Hearing this, Matthew couldn't help rubbing his forehead, "I originally thought that "Lunar Eclipse" would catch up with next year's Thanksgiving schedule. Now that the director is changed, the schedule is also a problem."

Sofia Coppola said, "Let me recommend someone to you."

"Oh?" Matthew became interested, "Tell me about it."

"His low salary allows you to put more money into the production." Sofia Coppola had a great time working with Matthew on this series. People, and don't want to see latecomers screw up the glory that they built, so she solemnly recommended, "Do you know David Slade?"

Matthew frowned and thought, "Where have you heard this name before, it sounds familiar."

Sofia Coppola no longer sold off, and said directly, "You may have heard of David Slade's directed works. The two most recent films are Hard Candy and Thirty Polar Nights."

Matthew had only heard of the latter film but never watched it, but watched the first film more than once, nodded and said, "So it was him."

The film about the powerful loli revenge on the strange uncle must be deeply impressed by everyone who has watched it. The strange uncle Patrick Wilson was also chosen by James Wen as the male lead of "Hidden".

Sofia Coppola recommends, "David Slade is a very good My father has dealt with him and has a high opinion of him, and I have been in contact with him, I think He fits the style of Eclipse while still handling the emotional entanglements and action scenes of the Vampire Legion fight."

Matthew did not answer immediately, but was recalling the movie "Hard Candy" he had seen.

""Eclipse" also fits the characteristics of David Slade in two well-known works." Sofia Coppola is recommending to Matthew very seriously, "As long as he handles the emotional scenes in the film well, I believe that Eclipse is likely to give us new feelings."

Matthew thought for a while before saying, "Okay, I'll let Sean get in touch with David Slade."

Whether to use it or not depends on the results of Sean Daniel's negotiation with David Slade. Besides, recommending David Slade is also Sofia Coppola's idea. The other party will accept or not accept this director position. Hard to say.

Just like looking for a job, it's a two-way choice.

Sofia Coppola's departure and the series' change of directors have also brought some uncertainty to Twilight: Eclipse.

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