Best Son-in-law

Chapter 108 New Village Chief

But soon, a few miserable howls.

Something unexpected happened.

Everyone slowly looked back and found that Li Fan was standing there safe and sound, with a relaxed smile on his face, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with him.

On the ground, these big men were already lying on the ground with their belly up, all of them baring their teeth in pain, screaming "Ouch, Ouch".

"Young man, don't play with knives next time, do you hear? It's not good to hurt others or yourself." Li Fan kicked the man with glasses a few times.

A look of fear appeared in the eyes of the man wearing glasses, and he hurriedly moved to the side.

"I said, do you hear me?" Li Fan squatted down and looked at the man with glasses with a half-smile.

"Listen, I heard." The man with glasses shivered.

At this time, they just arrived at a station. These people rolled and climbed out of the car. They ran and looked back. They looked at Li Fan as if they were looking at the god of plague.

After closing the car door, the old man sitting next to him pulled Li Fan and gave him a thumbs up: "Young man, you are doing well, you have good skills and blood."

After praising Li Fan, the old man looked at the girl whose wallet was almost stolen and said, "Little girl, you have to thank this young man. If he hadn't come forward just now, your wallet would have been lost."

As soon as the girl imagined that when she woke up, the zipper of the bag in her arms was unzipped and her wallet was taken out, she immediately understood what was going on, and immediately smiled and thanked Li Fan.

"Thank you, thank you."

"It's a trivial matter, it's an effort, you're welcome." Li Fan waved his hand indifferently.

At this time, a person next to the girl just got up and wanted to go to the door and wait to get off.

The girl moved a seat inside and gave it to Li Fan.

"Come and sit here." The girl blushed.

At this time, the people in the car had already gotten off, and Li Fan sat directly next to the girl.

"My name is Xia Menglan, a fresh graduate, where are you?" The girl gently raised her long hair with her hands and put it on her ear, her lips pursed slightly, revealing a small pear vortex.

"My name is Li Fan, I farm in the village." Li Fan introduced himself carelessly.

"Which village are you from?" After hearing this, Xia Menglan looked at Li Fan, her eyes filled with doubts.

"Old Shantun, what's wrong?" Li Fan asked casually.

Hearing that Li Fan was from Laoshantun, Xia Menglan became very excited: "I'm also going to Laoshantun."

"Ah?" Li Fan's mouth twitched a few times, his face full of doubts.

Laoshantun is a remote rural area, why is such a beautiful girl going there?

"Oh." In addition to being excited, Xia Menglan patted her plump breasts, regained her composure, and continued to introduce, "I was assigned to be the village chief in Laoshantun."

"What?" Li Fan thought he had heard it wrong, so he couldn't help looking up and down at Xia Menglan.

"I was assigned to be the village head of Laoshantun. What's wrong? Do you have any questions?" Xia Menglan asked in confusion with her big eyes flashing.

"No, nothing, our village is pretty good, except for being poor." Li Fangan laughed twice, although he didn't think Xia Menglan could change anything when he came to the village, but having a village chief is better than none.

"I've heard it all. It turned out that I was going to be assigned to a wealthy village, but I felt that the wealthy village couldn't display my talents, so I asked for redistribution, and I was assigned to Laoshantun."

"Don't worry, Laoshantun may have been a little poor before, but I'm here, and I can definitely change the status quo." Xia Menglan patted her chest proudly.

She was wearing a knitted grey sweater, which showed off her graceful figure.

The girl was quite confident, and Li Fan shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, I still remember when Tian Dafu first took office, he vowed to lead the villagers in Laoshantun to become rich. As a result, every two years, he used his crooked brains and almost put the village in danger." Li Fan said in his heart. dark road.

"Hey, don't believe me, I've done my homework before I came here and learned about the situation in our village. The chemical factory has just moved out, the reputation of the village has been damaged outside, and there are rumors of plague recently, so the villagers' Vegetables can't be sold, and poultry can't be sold, right?" Xia Menglan said.

"The plague is not a rumor, it's true." Li Fan sighed and corrected his mistake.

Hearing this, Xia Menglan's eyes narrowed: "Have the villagers all been vaccinated?"

"I haven't been vaccinated, but the plague in the village has been brought under control for the time being," Li Fan said.

"Oh, that's good, that's good." Xia Menglan shook her head: "In the final analysis, our village still has no roads that can be opened to traffic. If the traffic is more convenient, whether it is imported by foreign businessmen or villagers, it will be more convenient for the villagers to walk out of Laoshan Village. a lot of."

"Who said it wasn't?" Li Fan smiled bitterly: "There is no infirmary in the village, there is no school, you have to go to the neighboring village or even the county town to go to the next school, or even the county town. The road to the county town is not close. It takes half a day for the car to go back and forth.”

"But I thought of a way, didn't the chemical factory leave a pollution fee? You can use this pollution fee to build the road first, and then get some funds from the town to control the pollution of the village and restore the reputation of the village. , let everyone sell the vegetables first, so as to ensure the income of the villagers, and after the road is repaired, the village will gradually become rich?" Xia Menglan said quite proudly.

After hearing this, Li Fan shook his head. It seemed that the girl didn't know much about the actual situation of the village.

"It's not that simple. First of all, the pollution fee from the chemical plant has been embezzled by the former village chief, the money has been spent, and everyone else is in prison. Second, our town is also a well-known poor town. Set aside a sum of money, why don't you go early? They don't have money for you."

"However, the road in the village has already started to be repaired, but Wang Youcai, the owner of the chemical factory, doesn't seem to give up. He still wants to move the chemical factory back to the village, causing harm to the villagers, so he deliberately destroyed the road and the workers were driven away. Now the roads are all built by our own people." Li Fan explained the situation in the village to Xia Menglan in detail.

"Ah? How can the owner of this chemical factory be so bad, how can people do this." Xia Menglan bit her lower lip with a look of unwillingness.

"Society is more complicated than you think. It's not in a TV drama. It's said that you can get rich if you get rich. The village has no conditions now, and people are still thinking about it. There is no way."

At this point, the car had reached Laoshantun, Li Fan shook his head and stood up.

"Here, is this your luggage? I'll help you move it down." Li Fan helped Xia Menglan carry her suitcase down.

Later, Xia Menglan also got out of the car.

There were only two or three old poplar trees at the entrance of the village that had lost their leaves, dry to the point of hard soil and only a few yellow weeds.

Looking inside along the road at the entrance of the village, you can only see a low house made of bricks and plaster with asbestos tiles on it, which is extremely desolate.

"Let's go, this is our village." Li Fan glanced at Xia Menglan, thinking that she must have retreated.

Even a rough man in his 50s or 60s might not be able to work here, let alone a little girl with thin flesh and tender skin.

"Let's experience life when you come. If you can't do it, just leave tomorrow. I'll see you off then. It's getting late now." Li Fan sighed.

Who knew that when Xia Menglan heard this, she frowned and said in dissatisfaction: "Do you think I'm just a vase? The day I chose to be the village head, I already made all the psychological preparations, I'm not eating Those who do not suffer, just wanted to see the situation in the village just now."

"Is there a lake at the end of this road, take me to see it? I heard that the lake is the only lake that is not polluted."

"That's right, the last village chief still had the idea of ​​this lake, but luckily we stopped him." Hearing that Xia Menglan didn't want to leave, Li Fan couldn't help but glance at her.

"Let's lead the way." Xia Menglan said.

"Okay." Li Fan walked onto the muddy snake-like path, with Xia Menglan following closely behind.

"There is also a problem with the soil in our village. If we want to grow crops, it is easy to fail, and the harvest time is less than that in other places. You don't think that it is very hard to step on now. If it rains, it will be It's as soft as cotton candy, and I've read books, is it that the planting power of the land is not enough?" Li Fan said, deliberately stepping on the ground a few times.

After all, Yannan is located in the eastern part of the Huaxia Kingdom, and the economic development is very strong. It stands to reason that Laoshantun should not be so poor, but because the soil quality of Laoshantun is somewhat special, it led to such a situation.

Usually, the harvest of Laoshantun's farmland is not good. Even if the weather is good for a year, there is no bumper harvest.

"Huh?" Hearing Li Fan's words, Xia Menglan couldn't help squatting down, trying to pinch the soil, but it was too hard to pinch it.

So she took the roadside stone and smashed it twice, dug out a piece of soil, put it on the tip of her nose and smelled it lightly, and found that there was no difference, and couldn't help frowning.

"I'll take this soil back and study it tonight, but there are always pros and cons. The land in the village may not be suitable for planting, but there must be other uses, or other reasons. The clues you provided are very good. Discover the advantages of our village." Xia Menglan's big eyes brightened, and she smiled slightly.

This girl is quite optimistic.

Seeing this, Li Fan was quite helpless, and took her along the soil of the village to Laoshan Lake at the back of the village.

"This is Laoshan Lake. It has raised Laoshantun people for generations." Li Fan has special feelings for Laoshan Lake.

When Xia Menglan saw Laoshan Lake, she was also stunned for a moment, and she suddenly calmed down and stood by the lake, stretched out her hand in front of her eyes, and looked towards the end of Laoshan Lake.

"This lake is so big." Xia Menglan exclaimed.

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