Best Son-in-law

Chapter 111 Ending

Wang Youcai's processing plant was rebuilt from an old workshop.

A small room on the second floor was also converted into a small office.

There is a party in the office at this time.

Wang Youcai and several people sat in front of the table in a crowd, chatting and laughing, toasting each other.

"Brother Han Zhuang, thanks to you this time, don't worry, after this is done, I will never treat you badly." Wang Youcai patted his chest and assured.

"Hey, Boss Wang, because of you, all the brothers have been injured, and the group of scoundrels went straight up and let the dogs go. If the brothers had not seen a lot of battles, they wouldn't have been able to settle them. But this Although the second thing has been done, what do you think about the injuries of the brothers?" Han Zhuang said tentatively.

"My brothers are all injured because of my business, so the cost of the soup and medicine will naturally be counted on my head. Not only that, but also some bonuses for the brothers, don't worry." Wang Youcai laughed.

Now, he regards Laoshantun as his cash cow. As long as the chemical factory can be moved back and the chemical factory can be re-produced, he can get more money.

He, Wang Youcai, is a man who can't afford to pay early. The profits that chemical factories can bring are too great, and there are people behind him to support him.

"Is that kid surnamed Li injured?" Hou Huai, who was next to him, couldn't help but ask.

"I went and didn't see the figure of this kid. 80% of them went to the city. If this kid is here, things won't be easy to handle." Han Zhuang said with lingering fears.

"It's alright, don't worry about him, this kid can't fight me, just subdue the troublesome people in Laoshantun, let them know that without my king's wealth, Laoshantun can't even think about building roads and changing it, it can only be A poor village for a lifetime. Those dog villagers can only work for me for a lifetime! Hahaha!" After Wang Youcai finished speaking, he couldn't stop laughing.

But soon, Wang Youcai's laughter stopped because the door was hammered open by Li Fan.

"Yo, where are you drinking? You're all very happy, huh?" Li Fan glanced at a few people coldly, and they were all jolted.

"Bastard? How did you come in?" Wang Youcai's face was a little panicked. He knew that Li Fan was a bad visitor, but seeing Han Zhuang and others were there, Li Fan was alone, and his heart sank again.

Mr. Jiang is not there now, and the location of the factory is very remote. If you do it, no one will be able to find out.

And if you get rid of you, no one in Laoshantun will dare to resist.

Thinking of this, Wang Youcai couldn't help but have the courage to stand up straight.

"The door is facing the sky, of course I walked in." Li Fan said with a faint smile.

"Boy, you don't know whether you live or die? There is surveillance here, and everything you do will become evidence in court. I advise you to be honest." Wang Youcai warned, but he greeted Han Zhuang next to him with his eyes.

Han Zhuang understood and went around behind Li Fan, ready to attack.

At this time, Hou Huai also narrowed his eyes and quietly took a wine bottle and hid it behind his back.

The movements of these people were naturally hidden from Li Fan's eyes.

"Don't think I don't know about the good things you've done behind your back, do you really think our Laoshantun people are easy to bully?" Li Fan also clenched his fists.

"Hey, Brother Li, you are a smart person, but you can't blame me for this. I have so many brothers and so many mouths, all waiting to eat? A chemical factory is like a bowl for brothers to eat. You don't let everyone The guy has eaten, and what he did is a bit unkind, right?" Wang Youcai was sloppy.

"When Mr. Jiang came, you didn't say that, and you want to eat, but the blood buns stained with the blood of so many folks in Laoshantun, can you have a good conscience?"

"You opened a chemical factory, insulted the air, insulted the water source, polluted the soil, and polluted the reputation of Laoshantun. You made money, but where are the folks in Laoshantun? The family has worked so hard. No one in the county town buys the vegetables grown every year, and it gets poorer every day." Li Fan glared at Wang Youcai.

"Hey, Brother Li, it's not right to say this. The villagers of Laoshantun, have I treated them badly? Didn't they all work in my chemical factory?" Wang Youcai said indifferently.

"You are ashamed to say that no one knows the level of pollution in chemical plants better than you, right? Isn't this money in exchange for human life?" Li Fan said angrily.

"That can't be helped. This is also for the development of society and the development of the economy. It is necessary to make some people sacrifice a little bit. But think about it from another angle? The villagers in Laoshantun sacrifice a little bit and give more. Compensation, wouldn’t it be good? Wouldn’t everyone be happy? My brothers can also earn money and promote economic development.”

"I can still use money to build roads in Laoshantun, what is this called, sacrifice a generation, happiness for thousands of generations, what a good thing. Brother Li, you are not deep in the world, you don't understand some rules and regulations, my king has money. I'm not the kind of person you think, and I also have difficulties." Wang Youcai said righteously.

"Shit, you're just doing it for your own pockets, right? You're righteous and dignified, put away your suit." Li Fan said with a sneer.

"Okay, then I won't go around with you all the time. As the saying goes, money can make a ghost run the mill. You come here to talk about money. It's just for the money. There is also such an agreement with Tian Dafu. How about it? As long as the chemical factory is relocated back to the village, I will definitely give you a generous return." Wang Youcai couldn't understand, and squinted his eyes and began to tempt.

"I don't care about your money? If you want to move back, there is no door. Besides, don't think too much, otherwise I will be rude. In the future, Laoshantun and you Wang Youcai will go all the way and go to one side. ." Li Fan also refused directly.

"Boy, you don't eat or drink for a toast." Wang Youcai heard Li Fan's words and knew that there was no room for negotiation, and his voice became cold.

"To tell you the truth, Jiang Wenyong is here, I'm still afraid of you, but now Jiang Wenyong is not there. And this is..." Wang Youcai's voice became colder.

"This is your territory, right? I know what you want to say. Don't you just see that I came alone? But so what? If I dare to come, I will be afraid that you will fail?" Li Fan narrowed his eyes .

"Then there's nothing to say, come on!"

Wang Youcai gave an order, and Han Zhuang rushed up first, followed by the rest of the big men in the room. Some directly touched the wine bottle under the table and smashed it against Li Fan's head.

Wang Youcai stepped aside, watched this scene with a sneer, knocked out a cigar from the table, lit it with a brand-name lighter, and took a heavy puff.

"Oh, some people are just courting death, thinking that once they know Jiang Wenyong, they are invincible in the world. But I don't know that there are many ways to kill you. It's easier than stepping on an ant."

"I was worried about you being a trouble, but I brought it to my door myself. Of course, I didn't want this great gift..." Wang Youcai swallowed the word "gong" in his mouth before he could spit it out. His eyes were stared straight, with an incredible expression, and the hand holding the cigar couldn't stop shaking.

This is also the time to light a cigarette. All his men collapsed, lying on the ground with his stomach covered, screaming miserably.

But Li Fan clapped his hands as if nothing happened, and looked at Wang Youcai with a smile.

"What's going on?" Wang Youcai was stunned. He thought he was dazzled, rubbed his eyes quickly, but found that all this was true.

At this time, Wang Youcai was completely panicked.

Standing next to him was Hou Huai, who also had a ghostly expression at the moment.

Hou Huai originally wanted to take advantage of the crowd and go up to his hands, but before he got to the place, he saw that everyone was brought down.

He didn't even see how Li Fan did it!

"I warn you, this is a legal society. You can't touch me. I have surveillance here, and the video files are in other places. You can't run away." At this time, Wang Youcai was finally afraid, because he learned from Li Fan's There was a cold, cold look on his face.

He was convinced that it was really possible for Li Fan to kill himself now.

Wang Youcai couldn't help shrinking his head and shivering.

"Are you afraid? If I knew about today, why was it in the first place?" Li Fan smiled, his smile did not contain a trace of emotion.

"Brother Li, there is something to discuss. You are still young, and you must not go on the road of crime." Wang Youcai said in fear.

"Who said I wanted to touch you, I didn't move you, I just came to say hello to you, but you sent your subordinates to beat me, right? I'm all for self-protection, you can let go of the surveillance at will, send Go to the police station and see what the police comrades have to say."

Li Fan's voice became colder, and when he turned his hand, a few slender silver needles popped out of his palm, exuding a cold glow.

With a slight push, these silver needles were sent out and pierced into various acupoints on Wang Youcai's body.

Then, Li Fan turned around, still smiling.

Wang Youcai was afraid that he would no longer have the ability to hinder Laoshantun from building the road.

"You, what have you done to Boss Wang?" Hou Huai was beside him, clearly seeing a few flashes, and then Wang Youcai fell down, clutching his throat, his face flushed red.

"I didn't do anything. I didn't touch Boss Wang. Maybe he was punished by God? Who knows? You all pay attention, otherwise, the end may be worse!" Left without looking back.

Only Wang Youcai, Hou Huai, and Han Zhuang who were lying on the ground were left.

"Boss Wang, Boss Wang, take a drink." Hou Huai saw Wang Youcai's pained expression, and his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly brought a glass of water.

Wang Youcai took it and drank it, and his face gradually improved.

But he can't speak!

"Boss Wang, what's the matter? You can't speak anymore?" Hou Huai was stunned.

Wang Youcai pointed at his throat, waved his hand, and tears flowed out.

Seeing this, Hou Huai quickly took out a pen and paper and handed it to him.

Wang Youcai took it and wrote it clearly on the paper: "Take me to the hospital, I'm speechless!"

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