Best Son-in-law

Chapter 130 Riding a Tiger and Being Difficult to Dismount

As soon as these words came out, the classroom fell silent and fell into a dead silence.

Chang Minjun was stunned, his eyes stared straight, and he didn't say a word for a long time. It took a long time before he recovered, laughed twice, rolled his eyes and said, "Who is not talking nonsense?" Yes?"

Huang Rui was also stunned for a long time, but unlike Chang Minjun, she didn't believe it at all, because she had memorized some of the Chinese medicinal materials Li Fan said before.

"It seems to be right." Huang Rui looked surprised and quickly flipped through the textbook in front of her page by page, trying to find the medicinal materials Li Fan mentioned.

Not only her, but several female classmates in the front row also had dumbfounded expressions, but they quickly recovered and quickly took out their textbooks, trying to dig out the series of medicinal materials Li Fan mentioned.

"Yes, yes, what he said is exactly the same as what is recorded in the book." A girl with braces in the front row said excitedly, pointing to the book.

Some other students also found this part of the content, and their eyes widened, because they had never studied this part of the content before.

"What's this person's name? He's so awesome." The students around him exclaimed. The theoretical knowledge of this traditional Chinese medicine theory textbook was very difficult to memorize. It was very difficult to keep up with the content required by the teacher. How could he still do it? Memorize all the content behind.

"How is that possible?" Huang Rui pulled out a batch of medicinal materials and found that it was exactly what Li Fan said. She pulled out another batch of medicinal materials and found that every word was the same.

"Huang Rui, what's wrong?" Chang Minjun saw everyone's reactions and realized something was wrong, so he asked quickly.

"Everything he said is right." Huang Rui couldn't find any deviation, and in the end she could only come to this conclusion in despair.

After hearing this, Chang Minjun's eyes widened and he stared at Li Fan's back, unable to say a word.

At this time, the girls in the front row became more and more excited as they watched. They couldn't help but applaud Li Fan. One person applauded, and a group of people followed suit.

On the contrary, Professor Luo's face looked a little unnatural. He looked at Li Fan and nodded: "Okay, no wonder you are so arrogant. You have some ability. I will remember you, Qiang Shiming!"

At this time, not only Professor Luo remembered the name Qiang Shiming, but also all the students in the classroom remembered the name, and they were very impressed.

Chang Minjun's face suddenly turned extremely ugly.

She suddenly thought that Professor Luo would definitely settle the score and create difficulties in every possible way if he took down Qiang Shiming's name. In that case, Qiang Shiming still failed to pass this subject.

But she couldn't say much at this time. After all, she answered it for you and answered the teacher's questions for you.

You can't blame others for being too good and be remembered by the teacher, right?

Chang Minjun's face became more and more ugly. She felt very aggrieved in her heart, and her eyes were full of resentment when she looked at Li Fan.

"Teacher, you haven't answered my question yet. Why do you have to mix these three medicinal materials together? Am I ignorant? Will these three medicinal materials be mixed together to form different new medicinal materials?" Li Fan did not let it go. What Professor Luo meant, now he began to ask Professor Luo with a smile.

"I hope the teacher can teach me!" Li Fan's voice was not loud, but it was like a heavy blow, hitting Professor Luo's heart.

Professor Luo's face suddenly turned ugly. This was the first time he had been questioned like this by a student since he became a teacher.

So he coughed twice, waved to Li Fan, and motioned for him to sit down: "This classmate Qiang is right. Actually, these three medicinal materials do not need to be mixed together. For various reasons, ah, but There are exceptions to everything. I asked this question just to test you. Now I find that your knowledge is quite good. Well, I will forgive you for not bringing a book. Sit down. "

After hearing these words, Li Fan had no intention of sitting down. Instead, he looked at Professor Luo with a smile and said, "Does the teacher know the hidden medicinal properties of these three herbs? They are mutually reinforcing and incompatible. What kind of treatment methods, as long as they are combined together, they will produce toxicity. Although this toxicity is not great, it can be fatal to certain patients. The teacher took this question, which really puzzled me. I also asked the teacher to explain. Confused!"

Professor Luo laughed dryly, and was about to walk back to the podium when he suddenly heard these words, and his face suddenly turned purple, terrifyingly gloomy.

"Sit down!" Professor Luo did not answer Li Fan's question directly.

"Teacher, aren't you going to give us an explanation?" Li Fan showed no intention of sitting down and stared at Professor Luo with burning eyes.

"You!" At this time, before Professor Luo could say anything, Chang Minjun couldn't help but speak out: "Shiming, sit down quickly, teacher, I'm sorry, Shiming is really sick, has a fever, and is still sick." It’s not good.”

Suddenly everyone looked over, Chang Minjun laughed twice and said.

"Okay, it's me who's confused, or you're confused, or the teacher's confused. Don't you want to explain the properties of these three herbs to us clearly?" Li Fan waved his hand and asked Professor Luo directly.

When Professor Luo reached the podium, he almost missed his step, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, it's that even he doesn't know much about the hidden properties of these three medicinal herbs, and he can't explain it at all, so how can he answer it?

Facing Li Fan's aggressive questioning, Professor Luo couldn't help but feel a little upset and waved his hand: "Okay, these three herbs are somewhat toxic, but I just want to use them as a test..."

"Teacher, you are too rash. Are you going to test this life-threatening issue? You are irresponsible to the patient. If I don't know about these hidden medicinal properties, teacher, you won't tell me about it, right? Classmate Let's write it down. If we use it in the future, wouldn't it be harmful to others?" Li Fan's eyes turned cold when he looked at Professor Luo.

As a doctor, he hated this kind of perfunctory and evasive treatment.

You are perfunctory and evasive, but what matters is the lives of others and the eager expectations of their relatives.

"Or, teacher, you don't know the hidden medicinal properties of these three herbs?" Li Fan pointed at Professor Luo with a sharp voice.

As soon as these words came out, the whole classroom was in an uproar, and the students turned their heads and talked among themselves.

The look in Li Fan's eyes changed from suspicion to shock and admiration.

But Professor Luo's body froze. Facing Li Fan's questioning, he couldn't get angry. He could only bite the bullet and laughed twice again, waving his hands: "Okay, okay, teacher knows you understand very well." I’ll remember you. I’ll give you more points during the exam. How could the teacher not know this? It’s just that you haven’t learned it now, so it’s not convenient to teach.”

"These three kinds of medicinal materials are not usually used much. Anyway, everyone just remembers not to mix them together. As for the hidden medicinal properties, we can learn about them in books later. Our courses are heavy and there are important things to talk about today, so we won't talk about this. That’s it, okay, students, turn the books to page 26, let’s learn new content.”

"Why is it not convenient to teach? It won't waste too much time to talk about the hidden properties of medicine. Teacher, if you don't know, just say you don't know. Why are you still making excuses?" Li Fan did not let Professor Luo go.

"Shut up." Chang Minjun was very anxious when he saw this situation, but he couldn't stop it.

Huang Rui was stunned, looking at Li Fan blankly, unable to say a word.

Originally, in her mind, Li Fan was just a half-baked village doctor who learned a few folk remedies from his grandfather and had poor medical skills. However, what happened today caused a huge change in her mood.

You can even question a famous professor from a medical university, but how can he still be a half-baked village doctor?

Pei Jiayan, who was next to her, smiled and looked at Li Fan with admiration and admiration. After smiling, she also pulled Li Fan and asked him to give Professor Luo some face.

All the students in the multimedia classroom have basically figured out that Professor Luo may really not know the hidden medicinal properties of these three medicinal materials.

"Don't push yourself too far!" Professor Luo's heart was fluctuating. His face turned red to the root of his neck. His eyes were dark and scary, and his teeth were gritted. He turned around and scolded Li Fan angrily.

"What are you trying to do? Teacher, what you said is too funny. Isn't it right to ask the teacher if you have questions? If you don't understand, just say you don't understand. Don't mislead others for your own sake. It's harmful to others. "If you don't know, just say you don't know. It's not embarrassing. If you don't know and still say you know, that's embarrassing!" Li Fan faced Professor Luo without any fear.

Professor Luo's whole face sank, his fists were clenched, and veins popped up on them. His face was shaking with anger, and he wanted to eat Li Fan alive.

The students in the front row also looked at Professor Luo with questioning eyes.

"Qiang Shiming, get out of here! You are not welcome in my class!" Professor Luo couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out.

He has been a professor for so many years, and the students usually look at his face and speak with respect and fear of him. No one dares to question him.

Now Li Fan not only questioned him, but also provoked him. How could he endure this?

"Oh, I really think highly of your professors at Yannan Medical University. They have no shit skills. They are very good at pretending to mislead others. You can become a professor like this? Forget it? If you still want to show off, just reply. Go home and farm, don't come here to mislead your children, understand?" Li Fan looked straight at Professor Luo and said word by word.

At this time, a girl in the front row stood up and asked: "Teacher, can you explain clearly the hidden medicinal properties of these three herbs?"

"Yes, teacher, if you don't learn, you won't be able to return to school, but we are all doctors when we go out, so we can't just know everything." Other students also shouted one after another.

"That's right. If you don't understand this, wouldn't it still be in vain if you learn it?"

During the discussion, Professor Luo's face became increasingly ugly, and his eyes were fixed on the culprit Li Fan.

Now he is riding a tiger. If he tells what he knows, he will probably be exposed by Li Fan on the spot. If he says he doesn't know, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

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