Best Son-in-law

Chapter 134 Dance Fight

Qiang Shiming's performance on the stage immediately made everyone's eyes light up and felt a bit amazing.

Even a few seniors have begun to look around each other to get information about him.

"Who is this person? Is he a new junior?"

"You don't know yet, but he is now a popular figure in the school's DN dance club. Even the old president of the DN dance club admits that he is not as good at dancing as him."

"Yes, it's so amazing. This junior is not simple."

The eyes of these senior students showed strange colors, and they all looked eagerly, with a look of obsession written in their eyes, and a look of fascination on their faces.

Qiang Shiming performed several difficult moves on the stage, and a mechanical dance "guillotine" directly ignited the atmosphere of the audience.

At this time, other members of the DN Dance Club also appeared one after another, performing behind Qiang Shiming.

However, their appearance did not take away the attention of others, but made Qiang Shiming shine even more.

The cheers at the scene became even louder, and as the dance music reached its climax, everyone's emotions also reached a climax.

"Is this person the legendary Xue Xian?" Some boys also looked at the stage in front of them with admiring eyes.

"That's him! It seems that his pursuit of a doctorate in eighteen subjects is true. He is simply an all-around perfect talent."

"You dance so well, you study so well, and you look so handsome. Do you want to live?"

For a moment, there were different opinions, and the boys looked at Qiang Shiming with admiration.

Chang Minjun took great advantage of these comments. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he became more and more proud.

From time to time, he glanced at Li Fan with contempt, which was very provocative.

"Are you worthy of pretending to be Shi Ming?" Chang Minjun snorted coldly and deliberately spoke loudly, just enough for the surrounding students to hear.

They all turned their heads and glanced at Li Fan, suddenly realizing that the one leading the dance on the stage was the real Qiang Shiming, and the one behind him was a fake.

These people glanced at Li Fan with disdain and continued watching the show.

When Li Fan saw this, he was not angry. He just smiled bitterly and felt helpless.

Pei Jiayan, who was next to her, was afraid that Li Fan would be embarrassed, so she laughed quickly and wanted to smooth things over: "Qiang Shiming has been learning to dance since he was a child. He has talent in this area. Just like you, your talent in medicine is not bad."

After finishing speaking, Pei Jiayan's big eyes flashed and she stared at Li Fan closely.

After hearing this, Li Fan smiled faintly, indicating with his eyes that he didn't take it to heart.

But his indifferent gesture made Chang Minjun next to him unhappy.

"What talent does he have? A talent for farming, right?" Chang Minjun sneered beside him.

At this time, the performance of Qiang Shiming's dance club ended, and a group of people bowed deeply to the audience before leaving.

But at this moment, two hosts came up and left Qiang Shiming behind.

"It's so exciting. Junior, your dance is so cool. I want to learn from you." The male host politely joked: "Introduce yourself to everyone."

Qiang Shiming gasped for air and said coldly: "Good evening, classmates. I am Qiang Shiming, a freshman."

After saying this, he raised his chin, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and scanned the people in the audience with sharp eyes, showing an arrogant attitude.

Many girls at the scene couldn't help shouting, especially Chang Minjun, who stood up excitedly and shouted, "Qiang Shiming, I love you."

Chang Minjun's voice was so sharp that it shocked Li Fan and gave him a headache.

"Minjun, control yourself." Huang Rui couldn't help but pull her hand.

But Chang Minjun didn't care at all, as if he wanted everyone to know that Qiang Shiming was his boyfriend.

"Wow." The female host on the stage also looked surprised and looked at Qiang Shiming: "Classmate Shiming, it seems that your popularity is really high. It's incredible."

Qiang Shiming smiled, tilted his head and rolled his eyes and said, "Can I say that this has always been the case for me since I was a child? There are all kinds of spotlights everywhere I go. Well, I'm used to it."

Another extremely arrogant statement, which made them frown slightly when heard in the ears of the boys in the audience. But it once again aroused their admiration in the ears of the girls. The cheers and shouts became louder and louder until they were deafening. the point.

"Handsome, so handsome. I like cold boys best. This is the real arrogance and coolness!" Several senior students were excited by this sentence.

"Isn't this Qiang Shiming too arrogant?" Some boys were a little dissatisfied.

"I can't help it. I defeated the old president of the DN Dance Club when I first came here. He is also a scholar who is above the top students and the god of study. He is so good and definitely has the capital to be arrogant." The boy next to him reluctantly advised. road.

Hearing Qiang Shiming's words and the cheers of the girls below, the female host on the stage laughed twice: "You are really popular."

"I suddenly feel that I am getting old. From now on, the world will be dominated by you young people." The male host took over and said: "But back to the topic, junior, your dancing is really amazing. Can you show us another piece?"

"Of course it's no problem. Whether it's street dancing or mechanical dancing, I can do it at my fingertips."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiang Shiming performed another hip-hop breaking Thomas spin, which again aroused cheers from everyone.

After Qiang Shiming finished his performance, he shrugged and shook his head, looking arrogant.

At this moment, a young man dressed in hip-hop clothes walked up to the stage. He wore a forehead protector on his head and looked directly at Qiang Shiming with the same arrogance.

"I heard that you are very arrogant. Do you think there is no one in our medical dance club?" The young man picked up the microphone next to him and walked to Qiang Shiming step by step with his feet in rhythm.

"This is the president of the Sacred Dance Club. Is he going to take action?" As soon as this young man appeared on the stage, the atmosphere at the scene immediately reached a climax.

Everyone cheered and shouted in unison.

"Sorry, I'm used to being arrogant, and I never intend to change. I wonder who you are?" Qiang Shiming became more and more arrogant, narrowed his eyes, raised his chin, and looked at the young man with a provocative attitude. .

"I am the president of the Sacred Dance Club. I am not here for anything else. I am here to give you lessons and teach you what it means to respect the elderly and care for the young." After hearing this, the young man's face became slightly angry, and he continued He nodded, picked up the phone and spoke in a deep voice.

"Wow, is this going to be a dance battle? We didn't know about this in advance." The female host was also shocked by this unexpected situation, and she quickly came to her senses and said.

"Absolutely don't know." The male host also said next to him.

The atmosphere in the audience became lively again, the cheers and shouts were deafening, and the girls stood up excitedly.

Both Qiang Shiming and the president of the Sacred dance club are famous in the school. If these two people dance in a duel, it will be absolutely wonderful!

Many people shouted their names.

Some boys seemed to have found representatives, and their cheers were no less than those of the girls. The crowd was excited for a while.

The two hosts were stunned and couldn't speak for a while.

"I'm sorry, senior, I don't think there is anyone in the whole school who can give me lessons. How about fighting dance? I'm happy to accompany you, there's nothing to be afraid of." Qiang Shiming said another extremely arrogant words.

"Come on Shiming, you are the best, no one is better than you." Chang Minjun shouted excitedly when he saw this scene.

Her screams were so loud that it hurt Li Fan's ears.

Li Fan frowned and looked at Chang Minjun with a concerned look.

Chang Minjun happened to turn around and look at him. She rolled her eyes and turned away again with disdain on her face.

On the stage, the young man stopped talking and threw the microphone directly to the host next to him. He took off his shirt, revealing all his muscles, with a stern look on his face. Immediately he danced the opening dance of laking. His wrists were extremely flexible. Although the range of movement was not large, he displayed the hip-hop style to the fullest. At the same time, he danced very rhythmically without music.

The young man danced and turned his hand to play the music.

The music sounded, and the young man's steps were in perfect rhythm.

After dancing for a while, the young man stopped and hooked his hand at Qiang Shiming.

Seeing this, Qiang Shiming smiled disdainfully, took off his clothes, threw them away casually, put one hand on the ground, stood upside down, and then did another Thomas spin.

He stood up and picked up the microphone: "Senior, don't play with the basics of pediatrics. It's boring. Let's just climax. It's not like kindergarten kids fighting."

The young man listened and nodded repeatedly. His face was full of anger, he pointed at the sound engineer and made a gesture.

Suddenly, the explosive heavy metal music sounded again, and the continuous beats and the sound of breaking glass caused everyone to stand up and beat the time for the two of them.

The young man made a big windmill with his backhand. His face was full of provocation and arrogance. After dancing a section, he deliberately made a gesture of invitation towards Qiang Shiming.

In this way, Qiang Shiming and this young man danced various difficult dances one after another.

No one was allowed to give in, and everyone's atmosphere was lifted.

As if they were in a bar and disco, everyone was dancing to the intense heavy metal rock music, immersed in excitement.

At this time, only Li Fan was still sitting on his seat, with a straw in his mouth and a look of indifference on his face.

"It's so exciting, come and join us." Pei Jiayan saw this scene and wanted to pull Li Fan to dance with them.

"Jiayan, who cares?" Chang Minjun glanced at Li Fan contemptuously: "Is it the first time for a country bumpkin who has never seen the world to see such a dance? Don't be scared to death."

"Perhaps you have long been ashamed of yourself and have no shame to stand up, but you are the only one pretending to be my Shiming? Are you worthy? Have you seen the difference clearly? It's a thousand miles away!"

After Chang Minjun finished speaking, he immediately felt relieved. At the same time, he was extremely proud, and his chin rose higher and higher.

"Jiayan, let me advise you, it's best not to deal with him, that's not good." Huang Rui also frowned, trying to persuade Pei Jiayan.

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