Best Son-in-law

Chapter 138 Everyone was shocked

Jiang Tingting pointed at Li Fan, her eyes burning.

"Senior Tingting, to tell you the truth, he is not a student of our school at all. He is just a farmer in the countryside and sells vegetables in the school cafeteria. Why do you have to dance with him?" Qiang Shiming was very worried. puzzled.

"Shut up, Li Fan, let's dance?" Jiang Tingting invited Li Fan again.

"How does Senior Sister Tingting know that his name is Li Fan?"

"Did we know each other before?"

"How could this happen? How can a farmer be related to the rich daughter of the Jiang family? She is obviously beyond the reach of eight poles, right?"

Everyone was thinking in confusion, but they couldn't figure it out.

But an even more shocking sentence came out of Li Fan's mouth.

"What did you call me? No one big or small."

But after hearing what Li Fan said, Jiang Tingting didn't feel angry at all. Instead, she showed a rare hint of embarrassment on her face: "They are all my classmates, don't mention that matter yet."

This sentence shocked everyone even more. They stared at Li Fan, trying to see what was special about him, but after watching for a long time, these people could not see anything.

"Senior Tingting, has this kid provoked you? As long as you speak, I will never let him go." Qiang Shiming was still a little unwilling and wanted to make up for it.

But Jiang Tingting didn't give him any face.

"Is this your right to speak? Shut up!" Jiang Tingting's eyes showed a hint of disgust, and her cold words made Qiang Shiming's heart sink to the bottom.

On the contrary, after Jiang Tingting scolded Qiang Shiming, a smile immediately appeared on her face, she bowed slightly, and respectfully extended a white hand to Li Fan.

"Wait until I finish drinking this glass of juice."

After saying that, Li Fan faced everyone's astonished eyes and drank the juice one mouthful at a time, as if he hadn't seen Jiang Tingting's invitation.

But Jiang Tingting was unexpectedly lifeless, the smile on her lips became a little stronger, and her body became more and more bent.

"This kid?" All the boys suddenly had the urge to kill him. This is the goddess of all the boys at Yannan Medical University. She invites you so sincerely, but you still turn a deaf ear? Are you putting on a show here?

Seeing this scene, Qiang Shiming couldn't help it anymore, raised his hand and slammed it on the bar table, and said in a deep voice: "Didn't you see Senior Tingting inviting you? Are you blind? "

Before Li Fan spoke, Jiang Tingting had already spoken.


A very simple word made Qiang Shiming lose the shame to stay any longer. He could only look at the two of them faintly and nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of resentment.

At this time, Li Fan happened to finish drinking the juice, and casually put his hand on Jiang Tingting's hand. Then, facing the murderous eyes of all the boys, he led their goddess to the dance floor.

Then, the other hand gently held Jiang Tingting's slender waist and danced slowly with her.

Everyone looked stunned, especially Qiang Shiming and others who had just clashed with Li Fan. Their eyes seemed to pop out, staring in the direction of the dance floor.

"Ah, my eyes! My goddess, tell me it's not true. This must be a dream." Some boys couldn't bear it anymore and covered their eyes in pain.

"I also want to gouge out my eyes. Isn't Senior Tingting always cold by nature? How could she be?" Several boys' eyes were dull and lifeless, and their hearts were broken.

"He actually held my goddess's hand and put one hand on her waist, ah..."

As the boys screamed, Jiang Tingting unexpectedly placed her head gently on Li Fan's shoulder, looking satisfied and intoxicated.

She completely lost the cold senior attitude she had before, and looked like a little woman in front of Li Fan, with a face that was quiet and peaceful.

"Impossible, this is impossible." The boys looked at it with disbelief, and they were almost going crazy.

What's more, some people left the music bar indifferently, vowing to never come to this sad place again, and to study wholeheartedly in the future.

This night is destined to be sleepless.

This night, many people fell in love.

That night, the beer in the school supermarket was sold out.

That night, ghosts and wolves howled in the boys' dormitory...

From the bottom of their hearts they didn't want to believe this was true, but everything they saw told them that what happened was so real and so sudden.

"No wonder Senior Sister Tingting always behaves coldly and arrogantly. It turns out that she already has a crush on her, and she only shows her tenderness in front of him. No wonder this country boy comes to school. It turns out that he is not delivering food, but to visit his girlfriend. Yes. All this is explained. Oh my God, just stab me to death. How the hell can such a person win the heart of my goddess?"

The boys' hearts were full of unwillingness, and they felt as if they were dead, with no possibility of recovery.

Li Fan had no idea what these boys were thinking. He had a gentle smile on his face, as if he was a fine person.

"Li Fan, your dancing is not very good." Jiang Tingting lay gently on Li Fan's shoulder, but she laughed at him from time to time.

She was very satisfied to be able to laugh at Li Fan.

"What did you call me?" Li Fan still had an elegant smile on his face.

"You don't think you're too young to let others call you uncle? Why do you come to our school?" Jiang Tingting asked softly, her voice was crisp. If it were anyone else, their bones would be softened by this voice.

"Come to play." Li Fan's hand kept feeling soft, as if he had touched an extremely soft sponge.

"Nonsense, I heard that the teacher will have a lecture tomorrow, and he also said that he has invited a special guest. Are you the guest?" Jiang Tingting asked.

Li Fan smiled lightly but did not answer.

Jiang Tingting suddenly raised her head and looked straight at the mysterious young man in front of her. Her red lips pursed slightly, and the confusion in her eyes suddenly disappeared, as if her father's words were lingering in her ears.

This scene was seen by everyone, and it aroused hatred in their hearts.

Qiang Shiming looked unwilling and stared at Li Fan. He couldn't figure out why. A suspicion of himself suddenly arose in his heart.

Chang Minjun was also dumbfounded at this moment. How could the person who just laughed at her so arbitrarily win the heart of the Jiang family princess? All this is too sudden.

"Obviously he is a farmer in the countryside, what is his charm?"

Listening to their conversation, it seems like the two of them knew each other before? She couldn't understand even more, how could a farmer interact with the princess of the Jiang family? Could it be that Li Fan had sold vegetables to the Jiang family before?

Chang Minjun became increasingly puzzled and puzzled.

The expression on Huang Rui's face was more complicated, and she was also stunned.

I originally thought that Li Fan just knew a female restaurant owner in the county town. When he went to college, he and she were no longer on the same page. In the future, he was bound to surpass him and even leave him far behind.

But the reality was not what she thought. This fellow countryman of hers seemed to have many secrets.

Of course, Huang Rui was not so stupid as to naively think that Jiang Tingting just fell in love with Li Fan.

After all, Jiang Tingting is the daughter of a wealthy family and is well-informed, so it is unlikely that she will really fall in love with an unknown poor boy.

But Pei Jiayan became more curious about Li Fan and developed a strong interest.

The senior bartender at the bar seemed to be stupid and forgot to mix the wine.

At this moment, all eyes were focused on Li Fan and Jiang Tingting, and every intimate movement they made would cause exclamations and screams from around them.

Even many girls present had a strong interest in Li Fan, and they started talking quietly.

"Wow, the prince has always been secretive. We made a mistake."

"What on earth does this boy have? How can he impress Princess Jiang?"

Several girls tilted their heads and looked at this scene with curious expressions on their faces.

However, Qiang Shiming was so angry that he went to the bar and drank the cocktail in one gulp, then pulled Chang Minjun and turned around and left.


"Where are you going?" Chang Minjun was pulled directly into the auditorium by Qiang Shiming.

"Go back, where else can you go?" Qiang Shiming's face was full of anger, and his face was red with suppressed anger.

"Aren't you going to teach that kid a lesson? What he did before was too much." Chang Minjun had not yet come to his senses.

"Dance with Jiang Tingting, go teach me a lesson." Qiang Shiming was speechless for the brainless girlfriend in front of him.

At this time, Chang Minjun came to his senses and gritted his teeth: "How could this happen?"

"What else do I want to ask?" After Qiang Shiming said this, he turned around and left.

Chang Minjun chased him for a long time before catching up with him.

"Shiming, let's go explain to Professor Luo. That kid made a big fuss in class." Chang Minjun stopped in front of Qiang Shiming and said.

"Why is he causing trouble?"

Later, Chang Minjun told Qiang Shiming everything about the class.

Qiang Shiming's eyes widened as he listened, with disbelief written all over his face: "Is this happening?"

"Yes, that country bumpkin's grandfather used to be a village doctor. He learned a little from him, so it's not surprising that he knows some folk medicine skills. It's just that he offended Professor Luo. We will be the ones who suffer in the future. This matter must be explained clearly. , see if we can ask Professor Luo to come forward and teach this kid a lesson."

"After all, Professor Luo is a teacher, and no matter how powerful Jiang Tingting is, she is still a student. She wouldn't dare to directly go against Professor Luo's words." Chang Minjun suggested from the side.

After hearing this, Qiang Shiming thought deeply for a while and nodded: "Let's go to Professor Luo and explain it clearly. Then we will tell him about this kid's guilt and let Professor Luo settle the account with him!"

Thinking of this, Qiang Shiming no longer hesitated, picked up Chang Minjun and walked to the professor's apartment.

After suffering such a big loss just now, why didn't he, Qiang Shiming, want to take revenge?

If he didn't bite him back, his face would be completely disgraced in school.

However, at this time, Professor Luo also had a look of anger on his face and threw a tantrum in the apartment given to teachers by the school.

"Hmph, this brat is neither old nor young. He has only a little knowledge and is daring to act!" Professor Luo picked up the thermos cup, remembered what happened during the day, and smashed the thermos cup down again angrily.

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