Best Son-in-law

Chapter 144 It’s time for him to appear!

"Ah? He is an expert in traditional Chinese medicine. You say what he said is flawed? Who do you think you are?" Chang Minjun couldn't help but mock.

"This is a medical university, not your village. Your medical skills can only be shown off in your village. Oh, no, once Huang Rui learns it, he won't be on the same level as you." Qiang Shiming said disdainfully.

"Li Fan, you are so arrogant. I didn't notice it in the village before, but now I know it. I don't know what you are proud of, and you are not ashamed of it. You are so ignorant when you say that. I am really ashamed. ." Huang Rui said with disgust.

Li Fan shook his head, not angry at all. He just felt endless ridicule and sadness in his heart.

Soon, Weng Qishu's speech ended. He stepped back with a smile and sat next to Dean Tan at his invitation.

When everyone saw this, their eyes were full of confusion and confusion. They didn't expect Mr. Weng's lecture to end so soon, and they couldn't help but whisper in the audience.

"What's going on? Didn't this just happen?"

"I haven't taken all the notes, what's going on?"

There are many students in the audience who are fanatics about Weng Qishu and are crazy about him. In order to listen to this lecture, they started preparing for this lecture half a month ago.

And Weng Qishu continued like this, which directly made this part of the students very dissatisfied.

They couldn't help shouting: "Mr. Weng, please talk more, isn't it still early?"

Weng Qishu smiled as he walked, waved his hand and said, "I won't show off in front of you. Please invite my senior brother to come. His medical skills are far superior to mine. If you can listen to a few words of his speech, you will definitely benefit a lot." It’s shallow, what comes next is the highlight.”

"Mr. Weng is too modest." Some of the "enthusiastic fans" of Weng Qi's book shouted loudly: "Mr. Weng, please say another paragraph."

At this time, Weng Qishu faced all the students in the audience seriously, and his expression gradually became serious: "I'm not joking, my senior brother's medical skills are superb and rare in the world. I am not as good as one ten thousandth of them, just like you If you can learn one ten thousandth of what he said today, you will be on the same level as me."

After hearing this, the whole place was in an uproar, staring directly at Weng Qishu, and some hands were trembling.

"The rumors are true, Mr. Weng's senior brother is a peerless miracle doctor!" The students' eyes gradually changed from surprise and confusion to curiosity and shock.

Even Weng Qishu, a Chinese medicine expert, is less than one ten thousandth of that. You can imagine the medical skills of this senior brother.

"But where is this guy? There is no him at the front desk."

Weng Qishu sat down with a smile, picked up the tea cup and took a sip with a calm expression on his face.

But the students were all anxious. After searching for this mysterious senior brother to no avail, they started talking.

"You said that Mr. Weng's senior brother is really mysterious. He hasn't appeared yet." Chang Minjun had a smile on his face.

"I guess he must be an old man. Maybe a few students are helping him in." Qiang Shiming replied, his eyes were far-reaching and his face was still cold.

Huang Rui was in a wait-and-see attitude. She was very nervous, and her desire for success made her dare not even blink.

The more Weng Qishu said this, the more curious and admired she became about that senior brother.

"Hey, this senior brother is really mysterious. He didn't show up even after being introduced like this. What does he look like?" Pei Jiayan said curiously to Li Fan next to her.

"Ahem." Li Fan coughed twice softly: "You will know what he looks like in a moment. It's time for him to appear now!"

While speaking, Li Fan actually stood up and walked towards the front desk with a smile on his face.

The people next to him were immediately dumbfounded.

"Going to the toilet at this time? You really know how to choose the right time. Don't you know how precious this opportunity is? That's Mr. Weng's lecture!"

"Why is he going?" Chang Minjun became surprised when he saw this scene.

"These two idiots are probably too embarrassed to stay any longer. They are all called scumbags." Qiang Shiming glanced at Li Fan contemptuously and said.

"He stopped listening to Senior Brother Mr. Weng's lecture?" Huang Rui was also shocked.

"Hmph, does he understand? It has always been just a pretense. He is just a pretty boy who relies on women and has no real ability." Chang Minjun mocked.

After waiting for a full two minutes, the students became impatient and looked around in an uproar.

At this time, Weng Qishu put down the tea cup, his voice was loud and vicissitudes of life, extremely penetrating, and there was a rare look of respect on his face: "Senior brother, it's your turn to appear!"

"Hey." Li Fan responded from behind, and the whole place was instantly excited.

"It turns out that Mr. Weng's senior brother has arrived. Where is he?" Everyone looked around, trying to find an ancient old man. However, they searched for a long time but found nothing. Their eyes couldn't help but feel a little confused.

The students who were close to Li Fan looked horrified. They clearly heard the response coming from Li Fan's mouth.

Could it be that this guy is Mr. Weng’s senior brother? Impossible, absolutely impossible. Mr. Weng’s senior brother is at least over fifty years old. How could he be such a young boy?

"Is this person a fool?" The students who reacted looked at Li Fan with contempt.

After Chang Minjun and others were horrified, they also ridiculed.

"Senior brother who is called Mr. Weng, what do you say?" Huang Rui frowned.

"There's a dead rat stuck in his waist, pretending to be a hunter, and it looks human-like." Chang Minjun looked at Li Fan disdainfully.

But Qiang Shiming sneered and persuaded Chang Minjun from the side: "What do you say to this kind of person? He will embarrass you. If he makes Mr. Weng angry in a while, he will be good-looking."

"Jiang Tingting also likes Mr. Weng very much. When the time comes, she will definitely stop helping this boy. He will die without knowing how." Chang Minjun and Qiang Shiming seemed to have seen Li Fan's tragic ending, and their mocking voices became louder and louder. Come bigger.

It immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.

These people had been witnessing what Li Fan had done, and felt that he was deliberately humiliating their idol. Of course, they would not give him a good look, and began to ridicule him.

"Is this man sick? Is he here to learn or to cause destruction?"

"Li Fan, sit down. Don't realize that the sky is high. That person in front of you is no ordinary professor." Huang Rui couldn't stand it. She was also afraid that Li Fan would really die here, and she couldn't help but feel a little intolerable.

"If you offend Professor Luo, you can still be fine relying on Jiang Tingting. If you offend Mr. Weng, you won't be able to live in Yannan. If you bring trouble to the village again, you will be the sinner of our village!" Huang Rui continued, she hoped that a few A harsh word can make Li Fan look back.

But what happened was counterproductive. Weng Qishu shouted from the front: "Brother, please come up to the front and give a lecture."

Later, Li Fan smiled lightly and nodded in front of everyone: "Yes, I understand."

His voice was neither too loud nor too soft, just enough for most of the auditorium to hear him.

There was another uproar, and everyone was shocked. They all looked at Li Fan as if he were a fool.

Someone even deliberately reminded: "Brother, this is not for you. Don't take advantage of Mr. Weng, otherwise the attack may not let you off easily."

"Classmate, please give way. I have to go to the front to give a lecture. I'm so sorry." Li Fan said to the students blocking the aisle with a smile.

The student immediately showed a look of disdain: "You are really stupid, okay, okay, okay, I'll give you a way. You can go and lecture. The one who is not teaching is Sun Tzu. I want to see what you lecture."

"Li Fan, don't be ungrateful." Huang Rui's voice suddenly became sharp. She stood up and wanted to stop Li Fan.

But he was stopped by Chang Minjun next to him: "Okay, Huang Rui, you have done your best to be kind and righteous. He doesn't know whether to live or die, so let him try it. I want to see if Mr. Weng can do it." I would be so polite to him like Professor Luo."

Chang Minjun sneered, as if he was gloating about the good show.

"Li Fan." At this time, Pei Jiayan couldn't help shouting. She felt that this matter would be serious if it continued like this.

After all, Mr. Weng is not Professor Luo. He has many connections outside and his temper is not very good. If he offends him, the rest of Li Fan's life will be ruined.

But at this time, Li Fan didn't pause at all. He walked into the aisle without hesitation, without looking back.

Now he immediately became the focus of the audience, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Some were surprised, some were contemptuous, some were disdainful, some were shocked, some were strange... all kinds of eyes gathered towards Li Fan.

Li Fan faced these looks without any fear. With a smile in his eyes, he walked forward step by step with his head held high.

Seeing this scene, Huang Rui's eyes were full of disappointment. She shook her head sadly and smiled bitterly: "Do you think that all occasions will tolerate your nonsense? You are still too arrogant after all. In fact, I don't blame you. , after all, you haven’t graduated from junior high school, so you don’t understand many principles.”

"Forget it, forget it, let this incident teach you a lesson. It may not be a good thing. At least it will let you know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is, so that you can keep some sense of awe in your heart. !”

"Okay, Huang Rui, what are you talking about for him? Transcendence? Sit down quickly. This kid is pretending to be someone else and is addicted. Someone will punish him soon, hahaha..." Chang Minjun happily gave Huang Rui He pulled her down and asked her to sit next to him.

"It's okay. I will never say he is your fellow countryman again. We will not disgrace this person. You have to be more open-minded. Where can there not be such a fool?"

Chang Minjun kept talking beside him, Huang Rui slowly closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Yes, since you are seeking death, why should I sympathize with you?" Huang Rui quickly opened her eyes again, staring straight ahead.

At this time, Li Fan had already reached the front row of the professor's seat...

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