Best Son-in-law

Chapter 146 Never took it seriously

"Mr. Weng, what do you see here?" Dean Tan asked, pointing to Luo Shuxin lying on the seat.

"Forget it, forget it, my senior brother's first lecture must of course focus on his lecture. We can wait until senior brother finishes speaking." Weng Qishu waved his hand irritably.

At the same time, he felt something was wrong, so he stood up and introduced Li Fan solemnly: "The Mr. Li on the stage is Mr. Li Fan, my senior brother of Weng Qishu. He is very talented and has great medical skills." He is extremely uncanny and unpredictable, and cannot be judged by his age."

After this sentence, the entire audience was silent. Some students stared at Li Fan. They felt that this was too unbelievable.

At this time, several professors in the front row who had met Li Fan also stood up to testify for him.

"Mr. Li's medical skills are so amazing that I feel ashamed."

Many professors and deans said that Li Fan's medical skills were very powerful, and now the students had to believe it even if they didn't believe it.

These students looked at the front desk in surprise. They could no longer hold the black pen in their hands and their hands were trembling. It was difficult for them to accept that a young man of about the same age as them actually had his own mentor. Unparalleled medical skills.

Chang Minjun and Qiang Shiming were stunned. They stared at Li Fan, unable to say a word.

Huang Rui seemed to have understood something. Various emotions such as hesitation, loss, and sadness surged into her heart, which was extremely complicated.

"It turns out that I am the one who is really ridiculous." Huang Rui thought mockingly.

Yesterday, I vowed to run over and warn him, thinking that he was just relying on women like Jiang Tingting, the owner of the county restaurant, but it turned out that he didn't rely on anyone but himself.

For a moment, Huang Rui had mixed feelings, all kinds of emotions came to her heart, and tears welled up in her eyes at the same time.

The huge gap between her and Li Fan instantly shattered all the pride in her heart...

Weng Qishu's senior brother, this name clearly told Huang Rui that the difference between them was a huge gap.

She also thought of what Li Fan said before.

"I didn't expect that in his eyes, the entire Medical University is just reading on the palm of my hand. What else can I be proud of?" Huang Rui thought sadly, as if all the strength in his hands had been lost.

Pei Jiayan also said nothing. Her eyes were full of horror and she looked at Li Fan dreamily.

Xu Jiaming slowly got up, feeling ashamed.

But Luo Shuxin's eyes were full of despair. He never dreamed that Li Fan was Weng Qishu's senior brother.

No wonder he dared to contradict me. It turns out that his medical skills are far superior to yours.

After the grand introductions by many professors and deans, Li Fan smiled and nodded, coughed twice, raised his voice, and continued what Weng Qishu had just said.

However, what Li Fan said was very different from what Weng Qishu said, leaving many students stunned.

What surprised them even more was that what Li Fan told was more detailed than any other professor. He even explained some of the allusions clearly, making people not feel bored at all.

"He made this up, right?" Xu Jiaming couldn't help but whisper.

This sentence was directly reprimanded by the professor next to him: "Nonsense! I have heard of these allusions, but they are far from as detailed and transparent as what he said. He is indeed Mr. Weng's senior brother. His academic skills are really impressive." .”

Li Fan was talking incessantly about the traditional Chinese medicine skills he knew. The professors in the audience were stunned at first, then their faces were full of astonishment, and then they shook their heads and sighed, feeling ashamed.

Most of the students' expressions were similar to those of the professors. They were confused at first, then their eyes widened, they kept flipping through the books, then they were shocked, and then they started to admire Li Fan.

"Isn't this amazing? Do you all know this?" A student who likes traditional Chinese medicine listened to Li Fan's words like a sponge falling into the water. He refused to let go of a word and wrote it all down in his notebook.

After two hours, no one in the audience dared to question Li Fan's medical skills. Everyone was either recording crazily, videotaping crazily, or watching dumbly.

Li Fan did not forget to interact with the students in the audience, and there was laughter one after another. The atmosphere was far less oppressive than before, and they admired Li Fan more and more.

Dean Tan and the others also carefully recorded every word Li Fan said, sighing.

"This is a real lecturer. He can explain such difficult-to-understand content in such a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Every word can be heard, and the analysis is clear and logical. This is truly a genius in the world!" Dean Tan and Ji A professor couldn't help but praise.

The lecture ended quickly with light laughter and thunderous applause.

Unknowingly, Li Fan had talked from morning to evening. He felt a little hungry. He shook his head and smiled, and looked at Weng Qishu to indicate that he had finished speaking.

At this time, both students and professors in the audience kept begging Li Fan to speak again, and they were all addicted to it.

Li Fan could only push his hand and said with a smile: "Forget it, I will tell you all again when I have the opportunity."

"Oh, what Mr. Li said is really good. What you said made me enlightened. It's like seeing the blue sky through the clouds. It's great. I have a gracious request. Can you please stay with Mr. Li? Can you tell me more?" Dean Tan also stood up with unfinished thoughts and asked Li Fan to speak for a few more days, facing the expectant eyes of the students.

"Mr. Li, I won't let your lecture go in vain. Our school will definitely give you a satisfactory lecture fee." Dean Tan said in a low voice.

Weng Qishu, who was next to him, also laughed after hearing this: "If senior brother is willing to teach, I am also willing to stay a few more days to listen to the class."

After listening to Li Fan's lecture for a day, Weng Qishu became more and more admired by him and found that he was more powerful than he thought.

What ancient prescriptions, rare medicinal materials, special elixirs, and many allusions can be described as eloquent in Li Fan's mouth.

He also benefited a lot from listening to it and enjoyed it greatly.

The day passed before I knew it.

"Please Mr. Li speak for a few more days."

Some female students in the front row have become ardent fans of Li Fan. Their eyes are full of prayers, and they keep pestering Li Fan with their big eyes blinking.

Li Fan was also helpless. He thought that he had nothing else to do for the time being, so he agreed to stay in the medical department for a few more days and lecture for a few more days.

At this time, not only the students, but also the professors were cheering and in a good mood.

"Mr. Li, thank you so much. You have made a great contribution to education. Go to the hotel and book a table for Mr. Li. You all should go back. Come over tomorrow morning and prepare your notebooks and study materials. "Dean Tan arranged.

After hearing this, the students quickly packed up their notes and books. Unknowingly, they took down most of the notes and annotations.

Soon, the professors and students dispersed.

Only some students were left to organize notes, including Professor Luo and others.

These students carefully sorted out their notes and walked out.

Chang Minjun, Qiang Shiming, Huang Rui, Pei Jiayan, Xu Jiaming, and Professor Luo were left in the auditorium.

Chang Minjun and Qiang Shiming looked at each other, dumbfounded, with dumb faces, completely at a loss, and they didn't know what to do.

Huang Rui's expression was much more exciting, and she was very conflicted in her heart.

What Li Fan said just now was so shocking that she followed it and unknowingly wrote down the contents of a notebook.

She looked at what she had written down with blank eyes, feeling as if she had not yet woken up from a dream, so foggy and unreal.

Huang Rui pursed her red lips. She didn't know how to face her fellow countryman.

Thinking about it carefully, not only did this fellow villager never do anything to disgrace his family, but he also helped a lot by repaying evil with kindness.

This made Huang Rui feel even more conflicted, and she didn't know how to deal with herself.

"He is Weng Qishu's senior brother, an expert-level figure. How could he be so powerful?" Huang Rui couldn't figure it out.

Pei Jiayan's expression at this time was no different from that of a normal person. After knowing that Li Fan was Weng Qishu's senior brother, she was just surprised for a while and then returned to her normal expression.

"Huang Rui, let's go eat. Are you hungry? What Mr. Li said is really good." Pei Jiayan stood up first and pulled Huang Rui up and said.

"Yes, it's really good." Huang Rui stood up with dull eyes, walked to the aisle, seemed to remember something, walked back, and said to Chang Minjun and Qiang Shiming.

"Let's go eat."

"Ah?" Chang Minjun still looked stupid and responded dully, his eyes moved, and he subconsciously replied: "Forget it, forget it, we are not hungry."

"You have to leave even if you're not hungry. Do you want to live in this auditorium?" Pei Jiayan looked at the two of them and felt a little funny, so she made a joke.

"Huang, Huang Rui, no, no, Jiayan, you and Mr. Li have a good relationship. Can you say a few words to him later and ask him to ignore the villain's mistakes and let us two go..." Chang Minjun has already Losing all pride, he begged Pei Jiayan in a low voice.

She was worried that Li Fan would use Weng Qishu to take revenge, which was something they could not afford.

"Yes, yes, please, Jiayan, help me say a good word." Qiang Shiming also put down all his self-esteem, his eyes were blood red, and he lowered his head facing Pei Jiayan.

Pei Jiayan looked at the two people with such solemn expressions and couldn't help but be stunned. It took a while before she realized: "Huh? I don't think he is someone who can hold grudges."

"Yes." Huang Rui confirmed what Pei Jiayan said, and then said something a little depressing.

"He is not on the same level as us. In other words, they have never taken us seriously at all? How can we talk about revenge?"

After listening to Huang Rui's words, Chang Minjun and Qiang Shiming felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

Huang Rui looked sad...

She suddenly realized that Li Fan had never taken them seriously from the beginning.

It's like an ant provoking a person. You are too small and I can't even see you. Why should I care about you?

The two are not on the same level at all!

After all, no one has the expression of an ant holding a magnifying glass...

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