Best Son-in-law

Chapter 150 The whole story

"Maybe something happened at Zhou Ji Restaurant." Li Fan thought to himself, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Xiaoman's mobile number again, but still couldn't get through.

"Where did he go?" Li Fan put down his cell phone helplessly and glanced at Wang Erxi who was smiling: "Brother Erxi, thank you very much."

"What's there to thank you for? You saved my life, Wang Erxi. Now that I have fully recovered, my life will be left to you in the future." Wang Erxi's little eyes were bright.

During the recovery period, he also thought about a lot of things.

Wang Erxi's heart ached when he thought that Tian Xiaofu, whom he usually regarded as his biological brother, was going to hit him with a car.

He had true feelings for Tian Xiaofu, and he stood up for Tian Xiaofu, but he didn't expect that he would turn against him and kill himself for the immediate benefit.

This made Wang Erxi couldn't help but start to re-examine what he had done, and his heart was filled with all kinds of regrets.

At the same time, he was very grateful to Li Fan.

Repaying evil with kindness saved himself and healed his leg.

Therefore, after these things, Wang Erxi's feelings for Li Fan were naturally very different.

"Brother Erxi, why are you talking about this? I don't want your life. It's better for you to live a good life in the future." Li Fan patted Wang Erxi on the shoulder, and he naturally felt the sincerity filling Wang Erxi's chest. gratitude.

Wang Erxi nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "Fanzi, if you need help with anything, just let me know. I don't have anything else, but I still have some strength. If I can help you, I will be happy."

At this time, Wang Erxi also wanted to repay his kindness.

"Well, if I need help, I won't be polite to you. Let's go back first. It's getting late." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Yes." Wang Er replied happily and went back.

Li Fan looked at his back at the door and suddenly patted his head: "By the way, I'll call sister-in-law Meilu. She must know what's going on."

With that said, Li Fan quickly dialed Yang Meilu's mobile phone number.

Sure enough, the call was connected.

On the other side of the phone was Yang Meilu's anxious voice: "Li Fan, have you gone back?"

"You're back. Did something happen at the restaurant?" Li Fan nodded in response, and then asked tentatively.

"Something happened, something big happened!" Yang Meilu's words made Li Fan's heart sink.

"I can't explain this to you clearly. Are you in the village? I'll go to your house to find you." Yang Meilu said on the phone.

"Well, sister-in-law Meilu, are you back?" Li Fan asked.

"I'm back. Wait for me at home." Yang Meilu hung up the phone after saying that.

Sure enough, not long after, Yang Meilu arrived at the door of Li Fan's house and knocked on the door with her white hands.

"Come in, sister-in-law, the door is unlocked." Li Fan said.

Yang Meilu opened the door and walked in, sitting on the kang.

"Zhouji Restaurant is in trouble. Someone tripped it up." Yang Meilu said with a long sigh.

"What exactly happened? Wasn't the restaurant's business very good in the past two days? How could something happen just by saying something happened?" Li Fan poured a cup of freshly brewed tea for Yang Meilu.

"Oh, it's just Gao Duozi and Wang Youcai who are bad! They are now in cahoots with each other," Yang Meilu said with a sigh.

"Goofy? Wang Youcai? Do they still dare to come out?" Li Fan narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this.

"The two of them are the culprits. Recently, many restaurants in the county have had hygiene problems, and many customers have become wary because of this. Then Gao Duazi and Wang Youcai took the opportunity to expose the food source, saying that the restaurant The vegetables are all collected from our Laoshan Village."

"He also said that Laoshantun had been polluted by chemical plants for a long time. He also told about the plague that broke out in the village a few days ago. When the guests heard this, they were unwilling to come and eat, and they even called out the Health Bureau. Come and check."

"Now they have asked the restaurant to make rectifications. Li Fan, you have to think of a way. If Zhou Ji Restaurant collapses, what will we do in the future?" Yang Meilu looked worried.

From a certain perspective, Zhouji Restaurant is equivalent to her hope, and it is also the hope of Laoshantun.

If this hope fails, Laoshantun may remain poor forever.

"They have the nerve to say it? Why is our village polluted? Isn't it because of Wang Youcai's chemical factory? This idiot has nothing to do with it." Li Fan said coldly.

"This is their deliberate revenge. What should we do?" Yang Meilu frowned.

"Where's Sister Xiaoman?" Li Fan asked.

"She is now cooperating with the investigation by the staff of the Health Bureau." Yang Meilu looked at Li Fan unblinkingly with her big beautiful eyes, hoping to hear his thoughts.

"Sister-in-law Meilu, let's not rush this matter now. Now that the staff from the Health Bureau are here, we are not afraid anymore. At worst, they will take the vegetables for testing and see the ingredients to prove themselves. Let's see what happens. , this matter is not without improvement." Li Fan comforted.

"Well, that's fine, I hope nothing happens." Yang Meilu nodded, feeling a little relieved.

"Sister-in-law Meilu, have you eaten?" Li Fan asked with a smile.

"No." Yang Meilu said softly.

"It's at my house, so let's eat at my house. I didn't eat either." Li Fan said and walked to the kitchen.

"Yes." Yang Meilu pushed her hair over her ears, stood up and said proactively, "I'll cook the food."

"Sister-in-law, you are tired of being a chef and cooking every day. Just take a break and try my skills. My cooking is very delicious recently." Li Fan said with a smile.

After hearing this, Yang Meilu felt warm in her heart, nodded, and said a little shyly: "I just happened to bring some wine from the restaurant, so let's have a few drinks."

"Sister-in-law, do you know how to drink?" Li Fan had never seen Yang Meilu drink before, so he couldn't help but ask.

Yang Meilu shook her head and said softly: "The alcohol content I brought is low enough that I won't get drunk. I want to try it."

"Okay, let me make two more meat dishes." Li Fan chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

When he got to the kitchen, he discovered that there were a lot of vegetables, but there was no meat. This made Li Fan a little confused.

"Li Fan, what are you looking at? What's wrong?" At this time, Yang Meilu came over and asked specifically.

"Nothing, nothing." Li Fan's mind was spinning rapidly. It was getting late now, and it was too late to buy more. However, there were some eels in the fish pond he contracted. How about making eel soup today?

Then go to Aunt Zhang's house next door to borrow a chicken and kill it, which can make two or three dishes.

But when he thought of eels, Li Fan's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"Li Fan, just make two dishes. I don't have much to eat, so don't bother me." Yang Meilu knew that Li Fan's family didn't raise any poultry and livestock, so she said this deliberately.

"No, it's okay. Sister-in-law, you go home and get the bar first." Li Fan made up his mind to make some eel soup tonight, and paired with the wild ginseng he cultivated himself, it would be a very good dish.

"Okay." Yang Meilu said, twisted her waist and left.

Li Fan first went to borrow a chicken from Aunt Zhang next door, and then went to the fish pond to catch three eels.

When I went back, I happened to meet Yang Meilu.

Yang Meilu was seen carrying a bottle of wine in each hand. She glanced at Li Fan and asked, "What are you grabbing?"

"Eel, didn't I contract a fish pond recently? I thought there happened to be eels in the ditch in the back mountain, so I caught them and wanted to keep them for sale." Li Fan looked down and explained quickly.

When she heard it was eel, Yang Meilu's face suddenly became strange: "People in the village don't often say that eels seem to be particularly good at that."

Yang Meilu was halfway through her words when she realized that she seemed to have said the wrong thing. Her whole face turned red. She spoke softer and quieter. She lowered her head and turned directly into Li Fan's home.

Li Fan was stunned for a while, came to his senses, and quickly followed up and said: "Sister-in-law Meilu, I have no other intention, don't get me wrong."

"It's okay, I just said the wrong thing, do you want my help?" Yang Meilu's face turned red to her neck, and she didn't dare to raise her head when facing Li Fan.

"No, no, sister-in-law, please rest first. There is a computer in the house. You can turn it on and watch TV for a while." Li Fan said quickly.

Yang Meilu felt a little regretful at this time, but she felt that what she had just said was extremely embarrassing, and she was too embarrassed to stay any longer, so she turned around and went into the house.

Li Fan breathed a long sigh of relief, his heart pounding. It took him a long time to calm down, and he lowered his head and started working in the kitchen.

"What's wrong with me? Why did you say that?" Yang Meilu sat on the kang with a red face, very shy, looking around and towards the kitchen, but she only heard the sound of chopping vegetables.

At this time, Yang Meilu's whole heart was completely in chaos. She gently covered her face with her little hands, and she suddenly felt that it was hot.

Her eyes flickered from side to side, shining with crystal luster, and she wanted to find something to do.

I found Li Fan's computer in front of the table, opened it directly, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then slowly calmed down.

The computer Li Fan bought was also new, so it was not slow to start up, and it turned on in a short time.

Yang Meilu sat in front of the table, looking at the computer, feeling in a trance again.

She had learned computers before, but had little exposure and was not very proficient.

I saw Yang Meilu's hand gently pressing the mouse and moving it to the menu of the web page.

"Sister-in-law Meilu, do you know how to use the computer?" Li Fan heard the sound of the computer turning on in the kitchen and asked.

"Yes, yes, I know how to use it. I learned computers before." Yang Meilu said a little embarrassed.

"That's fine." After Li Fan said this, he didn't take it to heart and continued busy cooking.

Yang Meilu held the mouse and clicked on the webpage, browsing some romantic TV series, and finally found the one she wanted to watch, so she clicked on it.

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