Best Son-in-law

Chapter 188 Complaints

"Can you tell me about the breeding method?" Sister-in-law Osmanthus saw such a big eel swimming in the water and couldn't help but wonder how Li Fan fed it to become so big.

"This is troublesome to say. Let's talk about it later when we have a chance. By the way, I was planning to catch two eels for soup at noon. How about sending some to your house? To brother Yongzhong, just to relieve his anger." Li Fan also wanted to ease the relationship between the two. After all, Guihua's sister-in-law had always been very kind to him, and he couldn't make the relationship too harsh.

"Forget it, he doesn't deserve to drink this soup." Osmanthus sister-in-law looked at the big eel in the water, rolled her eyes and said: "Fanzi, since you are going to make these eels for soup at noon, sister-in-law might as well eat them with you. never mind."

She and Zhu Yongzhong were already in trouble, and she was too lazy to look at his stinky face anymore, so she just went out to eat with Li Fan. Firstly, she wanted to piss off Zhu Yongzhong, and secondly, she didn't want to cook at home anymore. Let Zhu Yongzhong realize the contribution he has made to this family.

"Ah?" Li Fan was stunned when he heard this. He immediately understood that Sister-in-law Guihua was deliberately getting angry. However, he was not very good at saying anything, so he could only advise: "Don't go home and do it." Have you eaten yet? Sister-in-law."

"I'm not going to cook any more. What's wrong with asking him to eat alone? Sister-in-law is not welcome?" Sister-in-law Guihua had already made up her mind.

"Welcome, welcome, okay, I'll let you, sister-in-law, try my cooking later." Li Fan couldn't say anything more now, so he simply nodded and agreed. He also wanted to see Sister-in-law Osmanthus's reaction when she ate this dish. .

"Okay, let me help you. Let two of us lift such a heavy eel." Sister-in-law Osmanthus said as she followed Li Fan.

"No, no, I can do it alone." With that, Li Fan went into the water and fished out three or four eels, carried them on his back, and walked home along the path.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus followed behind, and she glanced at the top of the mountain, only to find that there was no trace of Zhu Yongzhong, and the anger in her heart suddenly rose again.

She no longer hesitated, turned around and left.

The two were walking on the path. Zhu Yongzhong happened to see this scene from the top of the mountain. He immediately put out his cigarette, threw it to the ground, and stepped on it.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus followed Li Fan home.

Li Fan felt that if he ate with her alone, outsiders would gossip, so he wanted to invite a few more people to his home for dinner on the way.

These fellow villagers also praised him twice, but did not really go with him. After all, they were busy at home and couldn't get away.

Moreover, Li Fan is going to open a restaurant, and others are afraid that he wants to ask them for help.

There was no other way, so Li Fan could only work in the kitchen with his sister-in-law Guihua.

While we were busy cooking, we kept talking.

After chatting, it was already noon. The two of them cooked several dishes and set the table to eat.

There was a stew, three stir-fry dishes, and a pot of soup on the Kang table, which was very rich.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus picked up the chopsticks, picked up a dish first, and then whispered to Li Fan: "Fanzi, sister-in-law doesn't treat you as an outsider. I came home today just to make you angry, brother Yongzhong."

"Look, you two understand the truth. You must be harmonious." Li Fan couldn't persuade him any more.

"What kind of couple are you? He slapped me just now, but he treats me as his wife?" Guihua's sister-in-law said dissatisfiedly, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

"Hit you? He's not that kind of person, is he?" When Li Fan heard this, he realized that the matter was serious. No wonder Guihua's sister-in-law was so angry.

"You don't believe it? Look at my face. Where is the red mark?" Sister-in-law Osmanthus pointed to her face. When she came in just now, she went to look in the mirror, and the bright red mark was engraved on her face.

Li Fan suddenly remembered that Sister-in-law Osmanthus had cried just now, and she was thinking about Zhu Yongzhong in her heart, but she still asked: "What's the reason?"

"Alas, my sister-in-law's life is miserable." As she said this, Guihua's sister-in-law felt aggrieved in her heart and started to cry. She wiped her tears and said, "You also know my sister-in-law's situation. She has always wanted to have children. Her family has prejudices against me. Especially my mother-in-law, who always said that I am a hen that does not lay eggs. I work hard for this family. I work on the ground during the day, wash clothes and cook at night, and serve the elderly. I can only do so well, right? I don’t have any complaints, they don’t treat me as a human being.”

"Alas." After hearing this, Li Fan understood what was going on, and could only sigh.

After all, it is right that the husband's family wants a child. As the saying goes, there are three types of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the most important. Having a child is very important for a woman, but this matter cannot be blamed on Sister-in-law Guihua. After all, she has nothing wrong with her. Yeah, and I usually do everything well.

If you say those mean words again, it will be very depressing.

"Sister-in-law Guihua, have you been to the hospital for a check-up? I heard people say that the problem of not being able to get pregnant may not be caused by the woman, but it may also be caused by the man." Li Fan whispered.

"No, why would you have the nerve to go to the hospital for something so embarrassing? I just told him today that it might be something wrong with him that caused him to be slapped like this." Sister-in-law Guihua said with tears in her eyes.

"This shouldn't be the case." Li Fan completely understood what was going on, and could only pat Sister-in-law Osmanthus's back to comfort her.

"Hey, by the way, Fanzi, aren't you a doctor? Can you tell what's wrong with my body by checking my pulse? I've seen some Chinese medicine doctors before, but the Chinese medicine they prescribed was useless, and they didn't tell me why." Osmanthus fragrans The sister-in-law looked at Li Fan with eyes full of hope.

"Let me try this." Li Fan said.

After hearing this, Sister-in-law Osmanthus quickly rolled up her sleeves, stretched out her white and tender arms, and placed them in front of Li Fan.

Li Fan gently put his hand on it, holding his breath and concentrating, quietly feeling the beating of Sister-in-law Osmanthus's pulse.

Sister-in-law Guihua was also very panicked at this time. She was afraid that there was something wrong with her body, and she would never be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life.

After a while, Li Fan let go of his hand and told the diagnosis result: "It's okay, sister-in-law, you are just a little cold and a little weak. You may not be able to keep up with your nutrition, but it will not affect your fertility."

"So it's his problem?" When Sister-in-Law Guihua heard this, she felt even more resentful.

Why doesn't she want to have a child and be a mother? She has been irritated enough without having children in the past few years, and her family has put all the blame on her, which makes her even more angry.

Thinking about the injustice she had suffered over the years, Sister-in-law Guihua burst into tears again.

"Maybe? I can't say for sure. There is also the element of time and so on." Li Fan said with some embarrassment. It is a bit bad to say that my husband is not good.

"When? It's been several years since I tried everything. It's because of him that I still have to take so many bitter Chinese medicines. The responsibility is all on me. I've been swallowing my anger these past few years. I've had enough." Yes, you beat me today, no, I want to settle the score with Zhu Yongzhong!" Sister-in-law Guihua said angrily.

After saying this, she got up and ran outside.

Li Fan quickly stopped him: "Sister-in-law Osmanthus, please don't be impulsive. Brother Yongzhong is a man with a good face. If you make such a fuss, you may not know what he will do when his head gets hot. This matter has already happened." If this is the case, you have to solve the problem, right? If this happens, it will become a big fuss. The neighbors in the village will know about it, and Brother Yongzhong and his family will not be able to hold their heads up. How embarrassing is this? "

After hearing this, Sister-in-law Guihua sat down again, took several deep breaths, and slowly calmed down her excitement.

After a while, her first words were: "There's no way I can survive this life with him anyway, so let's leave it like that. I won't say more. A man who beats a woman cannot survive. This is one of them. The other is Second, I don’t want to suffer from this cowardice anymore, I want a divorce!”

Sister-in-law Osmanthus had a determined expression on her face.

"Sigh." When Li Fan saw this, he also sighed deeply. Divorce in the countryside is an extremely shameful thing. If Sister-in-law Guihua mentioned it, Zhu Yongzhong might not agree, and the situation would definitely not be much better than before.

"Sister-in-law Osmanthus Osmanthus, why don't you give him a chance and discuss the matter with him. What will he say? Divorce would be ugly, and it would be bad for both you and him." Li Fan advised.

"What should we do? How long will I have to carry the reputation of not ordering hens?" Sister-in-law Osmanthus wiped away her tears: "No more, no more, I feel so sad even if I mention this, I will accompany my sister-in-law to make two cups." ?”

As soon as the pain in the heart rises, people want to drink.

There happened to be two bottles of liquor at home, so Li Fan didn't think much, so he got off the kang and took them back. He also brought back two small cups, one for each person on the kang table.

As soon as Li Fan sat down, Sister-in-law Osmanthus took the liquor bottle from his hand, picked up a small cup, and filled it up directly.

By the way, I also filled up Li Fan's wine glass.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing?" Li Fan looked at the glass full of liquor, feeling very embarrassed.

"Sister-in-law feels uncomfortable, come and drink with me." Sister-in-law Guihua has been feeling angry in her heart. She has worked so hard, but she is still questioned and slandered like this, and even her innocence is suspected. She must not be able to bear it, so she wants to fill her heart with anger. The anger was vented.

At that moment, she picked up the wine glass and drank it.

Li Fan had just picked up the wine glass when he saw the Osmanthus sister-in-law had filled the glass. His expression changed. How could she drink like this? After the Osmanthus sister-in-law drank the glass, she continued to pour the wine.

Li Fan quickly stopped him: "I can't help it. It's sad, but my body is always my own. If I don't live for others, I can't drink like this anymore, sister-in-law."

"Let's have some food." Li Fan handed her chopsticks and gestured.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus took one look at it, then took the chopsticks, took a mouthful of eel meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

As soon as I swallowed it, I immediately felt a cool air rushing up from my lower abdomen, and my whole body entered an indescribable state.

Moreover, the meat is crispy, fragrant and tender, melting in your mouth, and the aroma seems to float into your stomach.

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