Best Son-in-law

Chapter 196 Brother Ming

After saying this, Li Fan turned around and left. Since this stall owner is a smart man, he should make the best choice for himself.

Sure enough, Li Fan had just taken two steps when he was stopped by him.

"Wait a minute." The stall owner sighed and said helplessly, "Those people are not easy to mess with."

"You don't have to worry about it." Li Fan turned around and showed a bright smile.

Another advantage of cooperating with this stall owner is that he can better understand some of the conditions in the market in the town. Sooner or later, he will have to deal with those thieves.

Moreover, Li Fan plans to create a sales outlet in the town first, so that it can complement the supply with the village, making it easier for him to grow bigger and stronger.

Although he was born in Laoshantun, he doesn't know much about the situation in the town. He usually doesn't go to the town to sell vegetables. Not only is he vulnerable to exclusion, but the chance of selling is not as high as in the county town.

"They are Zhang Ming's people, are you sure you want to pursue them further?" After the stall owner said this, he looked at Li Fan with a half-smile, showing a playful smile.

Zhang Ming is a well-known local gangster in this town. Even the King of Heaven is dissatisfied with hiding in this place. He has gathered a group of gangsters who do all kinds of evil, and they do a lot of sneaky things.

Moreover, Zhang Ming himself is also a vengeful person. Anyone who has offended him will find ways to regain his place.

Therefore, even a powerful and powerful person would not mess with a villain like Zhang Ming. A strong dragon would not overwhelm a local snake.

There is absolutely nothing we can do against this person in this place.

Li Fan rarely came to town on weekdays, so he didn't know Zhang Ming. He was just angry that Zhuzi was being bullied like this, and he just wanted to help vent his anger. What's more, he himself was not a person who swallowed his anger.

So Li Fan immediately replied: "We must pursue it. I have to get back a lot of those crabs."

"Okay, if you have the guts, just go to Zhang Ming himself at the intersection of Sancha Street and ask for it. Let's talk about cooperation when you get back." The stall owner also had shrewd eyes and encouraged Li Fan to go to Zhang Ming. Ming's trouble.

He also had some concerns in his heart, just wanting to see if Li Fan was really capable or if he was just talking empty words.

"Okay, thank you." Li Fan saw the stall owner like this, smiled, turned around and left.

Although he had not been to the town a few times, he knew Sancha Street.

The place was very chaotic. It was a remote area that outsiders could not control. There were a lot of gangsters there and there were various factions. Even if the big shots came over, they would not easily mess with them.

But today in order to vent his anger on Zhu Zhu, Li Fan had to go.

"That Zhang Ming seems not to be trifled with." Xia Menglan had a vague feeling in her heart and wanted to persuade Li Fan.

After all, it's just a matter of catching crabs in a net, so there's no need to go to war.

Although she felt sorry for Zhu Zhu, it was not worth getting into trouble for this matter.

"Who is easy to mess with?" Li Fan looked back at Xia Menglan with a bright smile on his face and a slight hook at the corner of his mouth, looking confident.

"Come on, Zhu Zhu, I will take you back the crabs."

"Hey." Zhu Zhu wiped away his tears and quickly chased after him.

"Young man, you don't know Zhang Ming, right? But you should know about Sancha Street. There are a lot of ghosts and snake gods gathering there to worship Master Guan. A young man also went there last time. He went in vertically. If you come out sideways, you even pay for the medical expenses yourself. If you don't have the ability, don't go and embarrass yourself." The stall owner cleaned up the fish in the basin and deliberately reminded him that he thought there was something different about this young man Li Fan. His eyes were particularly sharp, but when I thought about it later, I still believed too much in fortune telling. What ability could this kid have at half his age? Still so impulsive.

"Okay, I got it, I won't bother you." Li Fan waved his hand and walked outside with one hand on Zhu Zhu's shoulder.

"Hey, Li Fan, didn't you listen to what that person said? The people on Sancha Street are just a bunch of gangsters, why do you have to mess with them? If not, I'll use the money to supplement the pillars to buy meat." Xia Menglan bit her lip, she had the guts He is relatively small and naturally does not like to cause trouble.

"Teacher Xia, I don't want it." When Zhuzi heard that Xia Menglan wanted to give him money, he quickly waved his hands to refuse.

"It's not about money. How can you be bullied like this if you come out with me? Today is just to teach Zhuzhu a lesson. Stand tall and raise your head outside. No one is higher than us, and we don't need to suffer this from outsiders." gas."

People are poor but have short ambitions, and their vision limits their imagination. It is inevitable that Zhu Zhu has an inferiority complex now. After all, his peers have gone to school, and he has not touched a book yet.

If this matter is left to nothing, it will definitely leave a deep imprint on Zhuzi's heart. Even if it wasn't his fault, he would still blame himself in his heart, after all, it was lost from his hands.

This is definitely a wrong mentality.

Li Fan can understand these thoughts best, so he was not impulsive today. But he wants to tell Zhu Zhu that he is not to blame for throwing the crab, and there is no need to compromise. It shouldn't be his own, so why don't he want it when it should be his?

Although we country folk are poor, we are not to be bullied by others!

Sure enough, at this moment Zhu Zhu wiped away his tears, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he nodded heavily: "Yes."

Xia Menglan also looked surprised, but when she saw the brightness in Zhuzi's eyes, she quietly understood Li Fan's good intentions.

Something must be taken back.

A net of crabs is not a big deal, but a net of confidence is a big deal.

After squeezing out of the vegetable market, they walked along the street to the end of the market, then turned a few more alleys and arrived at Sancha Street.

This street is also an old street. The cement roads built are damaged, and there are still dirt roads in some places.

As soon as I came to this street, I suddenly felt a lot quieter, with fewer people coming and going. Low houses could be seen everywhere, and there was an eerie atmosphere.

In twos and threes, young gangsters with dyed yellow hair walked towards them, each with a cigarette in their mouth, looking at them strangely, especially Xia Menglan.

Such a beautiful girl immediately aroused their interest.

Some even whistled deliberately to provoke Li Fan when they walked far away.

Most of these gangsters are young and old. They have earrings in their ears, ripped pants, and long hair that covers their eyes. They have an unconventional look and always have a wicked smile on their lips.

From time to time, there are a few gangsters chasing and fighting, you come and I go, you kick me.

There was also a non-mainstream girl in the middle who was also wearing strange clothes. She also looked domineering. When she saw Li Fan and the three of them, she first raised her chin high, the contempt in her eyes obvious.

Faced with such an environment, Li Fan was fine. He had been in contact with many people in his daily life. He didn't say bad things about these people. He was probably deceived by the TV series "Young and Dangerous". He always thought about talking about loyalty in the world all day long. .

Still too young.

But Zhu Zhu and Xia Menglan couldn't bear it.

Zhuzi was young, and it was the first time he saw so many gangsters. He was a little scared at the moment. He was always an honest and responsible child. Zhuzi's mother often taught him not to associate with these people, so Zhuzi was very worried. conflict.

At the same time, I also have a deep sense of inferiority. Will I be able to get those crabs back soon?

Xia Menglan felt even more uncomfortable. She had only seen such gangsters in TV series, but never in reality. This was the first time she had seen such a scene.

Suddenly thinking of those gangsters in the TV series who were impulsive and had no scruples, Xia Menglan subconsciously shrank her neck and pulled Li Fan's sleeve with one hand.

"Forget it, go back."

She was afraid that the crab would not be able to leave until the crab came back.

"It's okay. Let's go and reason with them. We're not fighting." Li Fan was calm and calm, with a warm smile on his face. Now he could only comfort them in this way.

When Xia Menglan heard that it was reasonable, she immediately felt that there was still room for maneuver, so she would go and talk about it and give it a try, maybe she would be influenced. Even if you can't make sense, just come back. Besides, the town is not big, and there is a police station not far away. If it doesn't work, just call the police and let the police come and deal with it.

Xia Menglan's thoughts were very simple and she believed it.

"Okay, you can tell me when the time comes. If it doesn't work, I'll tell you. If it doesn't work, we'll leave." Xia Menglan coughed twice. She had already thought about what she wanted to say for a while. After all, she was also a university student. A graduate who wants to be a teacher, his eloquence must be better than that of Li Fan!

At the end of Sancha Street, there is a dilapidated house with the door open, and the sound of mouse clicks and curse words can be heard from inside.

Two gangsters were smoking at the door. When they saw Li Fan and the others, they quickly stopped them.

"What are you doing? Do you know where this place is?" The two gangsters looked at Li Fan up and down with unkind expressions. When they saw Xia Menglan, their eyes brightened.

"I'm looking for Zhang Ming." Li Fan smiled lightly and said straight to the point without any nonsense.

"Brother Ming's name is something you can call me?" Huang Mao, one of the two gangsters, became rude immediately. When he saw Li Fan and Xia Menglan standing together, he was already hostile.

Hearing Li Fan call his boss by his first name, he got angry and immediately took action.

"Chunzi, don't do anything. What are you doing to Brother Ming?" Hongmao next to him was calmer. He was also afraid that Li Fan was really looking for Zhang Ming.

"He asked me to come." Li Fan said.

After hearing this, Hong Mao looked Li Fan up and down and saw that he was not too thick, so he didn't care at the moment.

What's more, he also brought Zhu Zhu and Xia Menglan, a woman and a child. What could happen, so he didn't stop him and pointed inside.

"Okay, since Brother Ming has something to do with you, go in and have a nice talk later. Brother Ming's temper is not very good." Hong Mao reminded.

Li Fan smiled and walked inside.

Xia Menglan and Zhuzi felt uncomfortable outside, so they quickly followed after seeing this.

"Brother Liu, are you going to let them in like this?" Huang Mao asked in surprise.

"What kind of trouble can a child, a woman, and a country girl make? Maybe Brother Ming is really looking for them, so you can stay out of trouble." Hongmao lit another cigarette and started smoking.

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