Best Son-in-law

Chapter 198 Adding fuel to the fire

After leaving his mobile phone number, Li Fan set up a stall nearby to sell crabs.

Because the crabs sold were all fresh and the prices were relatively cheap, and Zhuzi was shouting from the side, they were all sold out quickly. A net of crabs cost more than 300 yuan.

Looking at the thick stack of banknotes, Zhuzi's eyes immediately became moist. This was the first time he had seen so much money, and it was money earned by himself.

"Silly boy, why are you crying?" Li Fan touched Zhu Zhu's little head and smiled.

"This is the money I earn. I can earn more money in the future. I can buy delicious food for my mother and I can go to school." Zhuzi choked with sobs and burst into tears. He was so excited in his heart that he was like a People in the deep darkness see hope.

"Of course you can, and in the future a school will be built in the village and Teacher Xia will teach you." Li Fan looked at Zhuzi like this and felt something in his heart. Wasn't it the same when he was forced to drop out of junior high school?

Being alone in the county town without any friends, there is basically no hope.

As long as there is some hope of making money, he will be very satisfied.

"Okay, Teacher Xia will teach us. I will definitely study hard and become a teacher in our Laoshan Village in the future." Zhuzi expressed his great hope. After speaking, he laughed and quickly scratched his head.

"It's definitely possible." Xia Menglan said seriously while looking at Zhu Zhu.

"You're all hungry, let's go eat. I'll treat you." Li Fan looked at the time. It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when all the crabs were sold out. Several people hadn't eaten anything yet and their stomachs were empty.

"I'll treat you to dinner." Zhu Zhu showed the money in the plastic bag in his hand and said. He felt that it was Li Fan and Xia Menglan who helped him earn so much money, so he wanted to use his own money to repay them.

"Forget it, you should save the money for future school use and buy some delicious food for your mother." Li Fan touched Zhu Zhu's head and smiled.

Zhuzi is innocent and cute, has no selfish ideas, and knows how to be grateful. This is better than many people. This is why Li Fan likes Zhuzi.

"I'll ask Uncle Fanzi to invite you. He's the boss now. If you don't kill him, who will he kill?" Xia Menglan also joined in beside him.

Only then did Zhuzi take back his money.

The three of them found a small restaurant in the town, ordered a few signature dishes and ate.

Zhu Zhu didn't eat anything good at home, and it was common for him to go without meat for a long time. As soon as the food in the restaurant was put on the table, he ate it without caring about the image.

"Come on, eat slowly." Xia Menglan picked up a piece of meat and placed it in Zhuzi's bowl.

Although the food in this restaurant is not as good as the restaurants in the county, it is still very delicious in the town.

But Li Fan's food was a little unpalatable.

It turns out that after eating too much of the vegetables grown at home, I felt that the vegetables outside were not fresh, and it also felt like my throat was a bit heavy.

After taking a few hasty bites, Li Fan was no longer interested in eating any more. The same happened to Xia Menglan. She usually ate food from Li Fan's family and felt it was more delicious than anything she had ever eaten before.

As soon as the taste changed, she couldn't eat it anymore, and she always felt that something was wrong.

Gently lifting her hair, Xia Menglan also took a few bites of vegetables to eat.

Only Zhuzi thought this dish was particularly fragrant.

Seeing this situation, Li Fan was filled with great confidence. Once he ate too many good-tasting dishes, he would definitely not be able to get used to the bad-tasting dishes.

As long as you attract the first batch of guests, you feel that you can attract more guests.

After eating, Li Fan took Zhuzi to the supermarket next door to buy some fresh pork, and then drove back to the village.

At this time, gossip about Li Fan and Xia Menglan was spreading in the village. Originally, the two had nothing to do, and they only got closer because of the development of the village.

However, as neighbors and villagers spread the news, it became more and more outrageous. It also reached the ears of a few key people, making the matter become more subtle.

Hu Shulan was still worried about how to tell her daughter about this. When she heard the gossip about Li Fan and the new village chief spread among the neighbors, she immediately beamed with joy.

He was the one who got in the way and was not afraid that his daughter would not fall out with Li Fan.

Hu Shulan spent most of the day wandering around the village and collected several pieces of gossip. As soon as she got home, she went inside to call her daughter and tell her about it.

"What kind of expression are you looking at, and what are you thinking about?" Seeing Hu Shulan's complacent look, Han Changgui, who was working in the yard, immediately put down the hoe in his hand and asked with a frown.

"It has nothing to do with you, just do your job." Hu Shulan was still angry and rolled her eyes immediately.

"Don't embarrass me." Han Changgui had been feeling uncomfortable with Hu Shulan's response in the past few days, so he immediately walked in front of her and blocked her.

"Are you doing good for our daughter? So that you can give our daughter a lovable carrot?" Hu Shulan said deliberately.

"What do you mean? Speak clearly." Han Changgui said impatiently.

"Then Li Fan has been dating for a long time. There is Widow Yang in the village, there is a restaurant owner in the county, and now there is another female village chief from the village!" Hu Shulan sneered. She thought she could definitely seize this handle. Successfully separated Li Fan and his daughter.

"What are you talking nonsense about? Fanzi is not that kind of person, he is a very honest kid." Han Changgui's expression changed, and of course he refused to believe it.

"Yes, he is a very honest child. I used to think so too, but later on, people changed. Do you really think I married Qiaoqiao just for money? She is my daughter." Hu Shulan rolled her eyes. Gulu changed his mind and simply made up a clever story to seduce Han Changgui.

However, Han Changgui was not blinded. His face was full of suspicion and he stared at Hu Shulan: "Aren't you just interested in money now?"

"I'll tell you the truth, last time I saw Li Fan coming out of Yang Meilu's house, what do you think could happen to a man and a woman in the same room?" Hu Shulan said with a sneer.

"Yang Meilu is good to Fanzi, and it's normal to have a meal together. What are you thinking about, you old woman?" Han Changgui spat.

"Okay, we don't care about this matter. Why does the female boss of the county restaurant only accept vegetables from Li Fan's family? They are all grown in the same field. Why don't they accept vegetables from other families and not ours? Or? Isn't it clear that he specializes in collecting vegetables grown by Li Fan at high prices? Li Fan might have encountered something when he went to the county town. Do you really think he has the ability? He is just a pretty boy." Hu Shulan despised road.

After hearing these words, Han Changgui couldn't answer it, but he didn't believe everything Hu Shulan said in his heart.

"This one is a coincidence, the other two are coincidences, is the new village chief still a coincidence? You can see it right under your eyes, how close they are, the village has spread gossip, people say more than I say It's ugly. If we accidentally marry someone like Li Fan, there's no telling what will happen. You don't want to think about it anymore. You just want to push your daughter into the fire pit. Why are you so serious?" Hu Shulan changed. A way to persuade Han Changgui, but Li Fan was immediately ruined.

Han Changgui usually saw Li Fan and Xia Menglan walking together, and often went around the village with a group of children. He didn't take it to heart at first, but when he heard Hu Shulan's words, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Although he still didn't believe it, he didn't insist on marrying Qiaoqiao to Li Fan like before. He was really afraid of pushing his daughter into a pit of fire.

"Okay, let's not say that these are all gone. Then we can't marry our daughter to that Xu Jiaming. Who are they? We don't know, but they only have two money?" Han Changgui said.

"So, Qiaoqiao's matter needs to be considered in the long run. I was impatient before, and I felt that Li Fan was not a good person, so I wanted to break up the two of them quickly, and didn't want Qiaoqiao to fall into it." Hu Shulan now understood that she had to find another way. Made it.

She didn't want to marry Han Qiaoqiao to Li Fan, so she had to ruin Li Fan's reputation first so that her daughter would agree to marry Xu Jiaming, and at the same time, Han Changgui wouldn't make a fuss.

Moreover, this matter is just a talk, which can directly calm the emotions of the villagers.

It's because he, Li Fan, is bad and a playboy, it's not that she, Hu Shulan, is greedy for money.

"Why are you talking about the Master now?" Seeing that Hu Shulan was so easy to talk to, Han Changgui felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Don't give you a good face. Go to heaven. Go outside today and see who is gossiping. I won't let our daughter suffer anyway. I have to talk to her about this." Hu Shulan finished saying this. After saying that, he ran to the house to call Han Qiaoqiao who was at school to tell him about it.

Han Changgui was suspicious in his heart. He was afraid that there was something going on that he didn't know about, so he put down his hoe and went out to inquire about it.

After just a few beeps, Hu Shulan answered Han Qiaoqiao's phone at home.

"Hey, Qiaoqiao, are you doing well in school? Do you have enough money?" Hu Shulan first asked about the situation at school.

"Well, I have enough money. Don't worry about me. How is your family?" Han Qiaoqiao asked.

"It's pretty good. I'm studying hard in school and getting along well with my classmates." Hu Shulan deliberately pretended to be speechless and sighed: "Alas..."

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Mom, you have to tell me." Han Qiaoqiao asked quickly.

"It's nothing. It's just about Li Fan. I have to talk to you." Hu Shulan wanted to interfere with it. She had to tell the story even if it was okay.

"What's wrong with him?" Han Qiaoqiao felt a little uncomfortable when she heard Li Fan's name. She always had Li Fan in her heart, but because of Hu Shulan's relationship, she didn't even dare to mention his name at home. Otherwise, there will definitely be trouble.

"Daughter, you and your father have misjudged the wrong person. That Li Fan is not a good person." Hu Shulan pretended to be angry.

"What? Mom, what did you say?" Han Qiaoqiao was stunned.

"You don't know, Li Fan is in love with a new female college student village chief in the village. The two of them walk around the village hand in hand every day. This is not nonsense of mine. Everyone in the village has spread the word. "Yes, I asked if I couldn't, what do you think they said?" Hu Shulan deliberately added fuel to the fire.

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