Best Son-in-law

Chapter 205 The crowd is excited

"Okay, stop smoking, do you still have the nerve to stay like this?" Liu Cui was so ashamed. She originally wanted to see other people's jokes, but who knew that after looking around, she actually saw her own joke.

"Yes." Huang Shan responded, stood up and walked back with his head lowered.

The two left quietly, not daring to let anyone know they were there.

"Uncle, aunt, we are anxiously waiting for help. Please plead guilty. We all plead guilty. Please save us." Heizi and the others couldn't bear it anymore and hurriedly cried and begged.

When Li Fan came out of home, he brought a bag with him. This bag contained life-saving herbs for these people.

Li Fan had already thought of such a time before, so these things were prepared early in the morning.

He just wanted to teach these people a lesson, not that he really wanted them to die.

"These medicines are used to treat snake venom. Apply them to the wound first to contain the venom, and then drink some boiled herbs from me to completely remove the poison from the body. Everything will be fine, don't worry." Li Fanna The herbs were distributed to everyone, and everyone was asked to help apply medicine to these people.

"But you must do me a favor after applying the medicine." Li Fan suddenly stopped what he was doing and said seriously.

"Help, we will help with anything." At this time, Heizi and the others of course agreed wholeheartedly, fearing that their lives would be in danger if it was too late.

"After curing you, go to the police station to identify Wang Youcai and Gao Duzi, saying that they openly poisoned you. If you tell the truth, we will never let Wang Youcai and Gao Duzi go. We will even prosecute them in the future, so you all think carefully. Think about it." Li Fan said calmly.

The counterattack has already begun. The Gao Duzi and Wang Youcai have done bad things and provoked again and again, which has angered Li Fan. In this case, it is better to completely eradicate the weeds.

"No, if we identify them, then we also..." Heizi also hesitated at this time. After all, this was related to their future and they couldn't agree easily.

"That's different. You surrendered and confessed, and we will not hold you accountable. We can even help you prove that you were coerced." Li Fan said.

"You can follow your own conscience and poison the seedlings. Is it any different from killing people? You will be punished for this." Uncle Liu had an angry look on his face. At this time, these turtle grandsons were still thinking about themselves.

I have already made a mistake, and I am still unwilling to make up for it.

Heizi and others thought about it in their hearts, thinking that this was just an attempted poisoning, and the mastermind was not them, and they had voluntarily surrendered, confessed, and showed regret. In addition, the village had said that they would not report anything to them. Accountability, even if he is really guilty, he should be given a light sentence.

Moreover, these people had offended Gao Duzi and Wang Youcai to death.

Gao DaZi is a person who must retaliate against others. They know this very well in their hearts and will never let them go easily. Instead of waiting for the other party to retaliate, it is better to recruit people. If these bad guys are really caught, it will be considered Get rid of harm for the people.

Thinking of this, Heizi immediately discussed it with the others.

"Our crime is not serious, and the target of the folks in the village is not us. Why bother to block the idiot Wang Youcai? Besides, even if we block it for them, they will not be grateful. Instead, they will retaliate against us. Really Why don't you just admit it, it can be regarded as a good deed and help your ancestors, not to mention that they haven't decided whether to save us or not." Heizi analyzed.

Others also agreed: "Our crime will never be serious. At most, we will be detained for some time and fined. If Gao Duzi and the others don't go in, they will definitely destroy our family. Why should we wait for them to come and take revenge on us?" ?”

These people discussed it, thought about it, and decided.

"Li Fan, we are here to serve as witnesses. Sincerely. Anyway, we have offended that idiot to death. He will not let us go. Instead of waiting for his revenge, we might as well cooperate with you." Heizi expressed his stance.

"Okay, I've said it before. We are not targeting you, but Gao Duzi and Wang Youcai. If you say you won't be held accountable, you will never be held accountable." Li Fan smiled. Things went as smoothly as he imagined. As long as these If someone is willing to testify, he can completely overthrow Wang Youcai and Gao Duzi.

"Uncle, aunt, give them medicine, just apply it on their wounds." Li Fan called to other villagers to give these people medicine.

At this time, several people who went to the fish pond were also pulled over. When these people saw the villagers, they did not run away, but actively followed them.

The two groups of people formed one group, and after discussing with each other, they both agreed to confess Wang Youcai and Gao Duozi.

They must choose what is best for them.

Similarly, after these people confessed, Li Fan didn't care about anything with them and asked everyone to help apply medicine to these people.

"Fan Zi, do you really plan to sue Wang Youcai and the others?" Uncle Liu looked over at Li Fan with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yes." Li Fan had already made up his mind.

"No, I have to advise you. Wang Youcai is a local snake here and a troublemaker. I'm afraid this matter is not that simple, and the lawsuit is very troublesome. What if Wang Youcai hires a powerful lawyer? What if the black ones are white?" Uncle Six asked worriedly.

He usually hates Wang Youcai and the others very much, but there is nothing he can do. They are powerful and rich, and they can be considered as covering the sky with one hand in Beizhuang Town. And there is a backstage that ordinary people like them can't afford to mess with. They are afraid that if things go wrong and they take advantage of the loopholes, it will be troublesome if they take advantage of it.

"It's okay, we are not easy to mess with. He can hire a powerful lawyer, and we can hire one too. I still don't believe that he has enough money to cover the sky with our hands. This is for sure, and it is not possible to suppress evil. Teach Wang Youcai and Gao Youcai a lesson, and they will become more and more unscrupulous. Do you think they will let us go or what? As long as we endure this tone, Wang Youcai will arrange the next time, endlessly, now The situation is already irreconcilable, and there will be absolutely no room for relaxation." Li Fan shook his head and said.

"Uncle Li also understands, but the fees for powerful lawyers are very high, and some of them are not easy to hire. I'm afraid..." Uncle Six sighed.

"It's okay, Uncle Six. I have savings now. What's more, the Qiaoqiao family won't accept me for a while. All the money will be used to fight Wang Youcai's lawsuit. I won't back down." Li Fan said firmly.

"Well, if you have any trouble, just talk to uncle." Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Sixth Uncle said nothing and immediately expressed his intention to use his family wealth to support Li Fan.

He had been doing farm work for most of his life and had saved some savings. Although it was not much, he wanted to use it to support Li Fan.

After hearing this, the villagers who originally felt guilty expressed that they would use their family savings to file a lawsuit with Wang Youcai.

"Fanzi is right. Wang Youcai has repeatedly provoked us and is already at odds with us. Therefore, this lawsuit must be fought. What's more, we are justified in this matter. Why not fight it? But the money for this lawsuit cannot be given to Li. Whenever a person works alone, he builds roads, contracts land, opens restaurants, and does good things for us. We should also contribute some efforts. I know that everyone is not rich."

"But if we integrate a village, we will have more money, enough to file a lawsuit with Wang Youcai." Uncle Zhao suggested.

"No problem. Anyway, if you follow Li Fan, you can make back all the money in the future. He wants to do big things, not to mention the leadership of the new village chief. She is a college student. As long as Wang Youcai is brought down, our life will be better. ." Aunt Lianhua also spoke from behind.

"Okay, every household should contribute a little. This money cannot all fall on Fanzi. It is all for the good of our village and our own people." The villagers discussed and pooled the money.

Li Fan was immediately moved by these villagers, and finally felt that one day there were people standing next to him.

"No, everyone, I understand what everyone is thinking. This lawsuit cannot be solved with money." Li Fan could no longer calm down.

"Money is not everything, but having no money is absolutely impossible. Fanzi can't rely on you alone. The folks in this village all have some savings. Each household can use some of it, and there are thousands of households. , when you add some more money, are we still afraid that the king will become rich?" Suddenly, the crowd was excited.

They figured out that the reason why they had been in poverty all these years was because Wang Youcai's chemical factory was obstructing them.

He deceived the villagers with small profits, made big profits for himself, and destroyed the environment. Laoshantun, which was once very beautiful, is now notorious. Every household can no longer sell vegetables and has to rely on his chemical plant, which has turned into a vicious cycle.

If this continues, Laoshantun will become a polluted factory area, and the villagers in Laoshantun will become the slaves of his wealthy king.

Not only moving the chemical plant out of the village, they also need to completely get rid of the local snake Wang Youcai and improve the village's image outside. Only in this way can other roads be developed and make Laoshantun truly prosperous.

At this time, the villagers in Laoshantun suddenly became excited. Heizi and others were inspired and determined to be this witness.

The noise here naturally affected other villagers, and they all got up and came over to see the situation.

As a result, more and more villagers gathered together, and they all got to know each other, and they all knew what was going on.

As a result, more and more villagers joined in.

Besides, after Gao Duozi climbed over the haystack, he fell down. There were many cats and dogs peeing on the haystack.

The tall idiot was rolling on it, covering his whole body and even his mouth, making him look miserable.

He cursed as he ran, vowing that he would come back for revenge and make Heizi's group and Li Fan pay a heavy price.

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