Best Son-in-law

Chapter 230 Deep in the Back Mountain

"Okay." Zhou Xiaoman, Li Zhen and Zhu Zitong were not polite. They had been walking for most of the day and had sweated a lot. They were really thirsty now, so they took the water and drank it.

Similarly, Li Fan also handed a bottle of water to Guan Kai.

"Brother Guan, thank you for your hard work. Please drink some water."

"I'm not thirsty." Guan Kai glanced at Li Fan disdainfully and refused directly.

He felt very comfortable doing this, but at the same time, he didn't want to drink the water Li Fan brought because it felt unclean.

Li Fan just smiled and didn't say anything. He simply unscrewed the bottle cap and drank most of the bottle of water in one gulp.

After drinking the water, Li Fan put the bottle back into his bag, wiped his sweat, and looked satisfied.

"There is a stone tablet in front with some words written on it, but I don't recognize these words. If you read a lot, you can take a look. The old man in the village said this is a stone tablet passed down from ancient times." Li Fan pointed to the road ahead and said.

This stone monument is also a boundary monument in the mountain.

The place ahead of this stone monument can be walked with caution. The mountain behind the stone monument cannot be easily passed because there are too many uncertain factors.

Moreover, there are more and more various wild animals, including some poisonous weeds and wild flowers.

"It's okay. You haven't read many books, so it's normal that you don't know how to read." Guan Kai snorted and mocked contemptuously.

"Senior Brother Guan Kai, why do you speak so harshly?" Li Zhen said on Li Fan's behalf.

"He's right, I didn't read many books, and I didn't graduate from junior high school." Li Fan smiled, not angry at all.

Not only did he not recognize the words on this stone tablet, but many people found it difficult to recognize them.

"You still have some self-awareness. That stone tablet is in front, right? I'll show you how to read it." Guan Kai mocked unscrupulously.

After saying this, Guan Kai seemed to suddenly have motivation and strode forward. This was a good thing that killed two birds with one stone. He could not only express himself but also humiliate Li Fan. He was very happy to do such a thing.

After a while, Guan Kai was walking and found a stone tablet. The stone tablet was dilapidated and stained with a lot of mud and dust.

"It's just a piece of rotten stone, what words can be engraved on it?" Guan Kai thought to himself, and kicked the stone monument. The result was that his toes were painful.

"Hey, there's something wrong with this stone." Guan Kai didn't kick it hard just now, so it wouldn't hurt like this.

At this time, he noticed the writing on it, but after looking around, he didn't know what it was.

What is engraved on it is not a normal modern font, but a special font from ancient times. Although it looks like some characters, I don't know what it means.

After looking around, Guan Kai found that he didn't recognize a single word, which made his head spin.

Just now, he vowed to teach Li Fan how to read, but he didn't expect that he didn't recognize the words written on the stone tablet.

"Senior Brother Guan Kai, what is written on it? Tell me." At this time, Li Zhen and Li Fan had already followed.

Guan Kai looked at these words with astonishment. He didn't recognize any of them, so he was dumbfounded.

But at this time, he was embarrassed to say that he didn't know these words, so he just made them up. It was estimated that no one would know these words.

"Hmph, I just wrote one sentence. People from Lingzhu Mountain are really rude to visit here." Guan Kai pretended to know the words on it and said disdainfully.

"Wow, Senior Brother Guan Kai is so awesome. I don't recognize any of these characters. They are not modern fonts at all." Li Zhen looked straight at it.

No wonder Li Fan didn't recognize the words on the stone tablet. In the end, she didn't recognize a single word either.

"That's right, this is the ancient Sanskrit style. You have to learn it." Guan Kai said with great pride. He crossed his arms and deliberately cast a provocative look at Li Fan, and then looked at Zhou Xiaoman.

"That's not right." Zhou Xiaoman came up at this time. She looked at it twice and said it was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Guan Kai felt a little nervous. He was afraid of being exposed. How embarrassing it would be.

"This is the ancient Datianyue Huati. I only know one word on it, sacrifice." Zhou Xiaoman said a little uneasily. She had attended several ancient Chinese classes in college and knew about this Datianyue Huati.

At that time, the professor said that this font was used by the most mysterious tribe in ancient times and could not be seen at all. Unexpectedly, I saw Datianyue Huati here.

"Da Tian Yue Hua Ti? Senior Brother Guan Kai, it's not the Sanskrit style you mentioned, and what you said doesn't seem to have the word "sacrifice"." Li Zhen covered his mouth and smiled.

At this time, Guan Kai was dumbfounded. He never expected that Zhou Xiaoman would recognize the words above. He felt extremely embarrassed. Now he could only touch his face: "Did I remember it wrong?"

"Perhaps you remember it wrong? I don't know much about Datianyue Huati. If I hadn't taken ancient literature class, I wouldn't know this font. How come there is such a strange font here?" Zhou Xiaoman looked at the stone tablet carefully. .

"What exactly is Datianyue Huati?" Li Zhen squatted down and asked curiously, and even took out his own small notebook for recording.

"This is a font used by a legendary tribe in ancient times. It is quite mysterious and not many people know about it. According to legend, this tribe believes in the Great Sky Moon God. Every night, people will specially worship the Great Sky Moon God. The font used is The tributes are often some rare jade, so this word "sacrifice" is very reasonable. Isn't this the place where this tribe pays homage to the Moon God?" Zhou Xiaoman said as he thought, his eyes widening as he spoke.

"If that were the case, would those rare jade stones..." After hearing this, Zhu Zitong also became interested.

"Yes, it is very possible that those jade stones are legendary jade stones. The teacher did not elaborate on it at the time, but many of them are just speculations. After all, the records of this tribe in ancient books are only a few words. Apart from these few words, other They are all legends and speculations." Zhou Xiaoman squatted down and gently wiped the dust on the stone tablet.

This stone tablet is very old, and the words on it don't look like they were intentionally carved by others. What's more, there aren't many people who know the great sky and moon body.

Everything shows that the existence of this stone tablet itself has research value.

"I had this stone tablet when I was a child, and I heard my grandfather say that he also had it when he was a child." Li Fan saw Zhou Xiaoman's thoughts and added.

"I believe this. This stone tablet is definitely real." Zhou Xiaoman gently touched the stone tablet and nodded.

"Wow, the tourism value of that village has been greatly improved. It has high mountains and beautiful water, as well as delicious food and ancient ruins. This place is great." For a moment, Li Zhen became extremely excited.

Originally, part of the reason why she came here again was because she cared about Li Fan's face, thinking that he had saved her life, and was embarrassed to refuse this help.

But after arriving, Li Zhen discovered that he had come to the right place.

Laoshantun is of great interview value, and she now has the confidence to write a different interview article.

There is so much to write about.

Li Fan stood nearby and smiled, pointing to a mountain road next to him and saying, "This mountain road is the way back. We can see different scenery along this mountain road."

"Aren't you going to keep going?" Li Zhen was curious about what was deep in the mountain and wanted to keep going.

Li Fan shook his head at this time: "You can't go in. The old people in the mountains have said that this stone monument is the dividing line. The way forward from the stone monument is safe, but the way behind the stone monument is not certain." , I rarely go inside, not to mention there’s nothing inside.”

Hearing this, Li Zhen was slightly disappointed, but thought of going back for the time being.

The expressions of Zhou Xiaoman and Zhu Zitong are also in this state.

But Guan Kai refused. He had just lost face, and now he wanted to regain his position. He waved his hand directly: "Don't be afraid, it's all rumors. Do you believe this? It's better to believe that there are ghosts on the earth. I will take you there." If you are afraid, go back by yourself."

Guan Kai looked at Li Fan with an arrogant look and said.

"I'm not going to lie to you. I can't guarantee your safety on the way in. I've seen that there are many wild animals, as well as poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds. All in all, it's very dangerous." Li Fan said kindly.

Who knows that Guan Kai didn't listen at all, but thought that Li Fan was deliberately provoking him, and immediately said: "If you are timid, just go back by yourself, little junior sister, let's go in and see what's here today!"

"Forget it, senior brother, since Li Fan said so, let's go back this way." Although Li Zhen wanted to go inside, he still resisted after taking into account Li Fan's words.

Since others have said so, it is better to be disappointed than to go to an unsafe place.

"You're not going, right? Then I'll go by myself." Guan Kai felt shameless, so he followed the road into the forest: "The photos taken then are all mine."

Before leaving, Guan Kai said this deliberately.

"Li Fan, look at this." Li Zhen looked at Li Fan and asked.

"Forget it, he's gone in, let's follow him in, but we have to be careful after going in. It's really dangerous here, and someone might die if we don't do it." Li Fan said seriously.

Li Zhen nodded repeatedly.

"Follow me closely and pay attention to the soles of your feet. If you encounter a venomous snake, don't be afraid and don't move. They generally don't bite, but if you move, it won't necessarily happen." Li Fan reminded.

The number of venomous snakes in this deep mountain is much greater than the number of venomous snakes in the outer mountains. Of course he has to remind him of this.

"Yes." After Li Fan said this, the expressions of Li Zhen and others also became solemn, and they followed him step by step.

After passing the stone monument, we came to a very dense forest from the path. There were many bushes under our feet, growing many insects and weeds.

Li Fan and the others walked extremely carefully.

Guan Kai in front didn't have any scruples at all, he strode forward, turning back to laugh as he walked, looking at Li Fan like a demonstration.

"Hey, are you following? If you are timid, just say so. I won't laugh at you. Why are you walking so carefully? If you don't know, you would think there is something in the mountains." Guan Kai mocked.

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