Best Son-in-law

Chapter 236 Employment

"I found out that this was done by someone from the village where the chemical plant was originally located. This person's name is Li Fan." The young man was still very respectful.

"Li Fan, Li Fan." The middle-aged man muttered Li Fan's name twice and fell into deep thought.

"You dare to destroy my business and take advantage of my people. You are so tired of living." As he said this, the middle-aged man's eyes showed a hint of cruelty.

"By the way, there is also Mr. Gao, he wants to see you." The young man suddenly remembered this matter and said quickly.

"President Gao? Okay, when I'm done with my work for a while, I'll go and see for myself what Li Fan looks like." The middle-aged man had a far-reaching gaze, smiled slightly, and turned around to leave.

The young man quickly followed, his forehead already covered with sweat.

He knew this Mr. Gu, but he was a very ruthless character, and he was afraid of offending him in the slightest.

The young man had seen Mr. Gu's methods before.

However, Li Fan didn't know these things. He sorted the collected python's internal organs into bottles for later use that night, and then went to bed.

He was very busy running around these past few days, and he was very tired. He didn't even get a good sleep. He really needed a good rest this time.

And there is not much time left before the golden holiday. There are many things that need to be busy for him right now.

However, since Wang Youcai and Gao Daizi entered, Li Fan felt as if the burden on his body had been lifted, and he felt relaxed, and he slept until nine o'clock the next morning.

He hadn't slept for such a long time in a long time.

"It's really comfortable to sleep here." Li Fan rubbed his sleepy eyes, got up, washed up, made some breakfast, and then went to Xia Menglan to discuss the vacant house in the village.

He would need a large number of manpower to clean and tidy up these vacant houses.

Arriving at Xia Menglan's residence, Li Fan stood in front of the door and knocked on the door.

Xia Menglan has also been busy. She has made several trips to the town in the past few days, hoping to find a development fund from the mayor to renovate several water canals in Laoshantun that were polluted by chemical plants. Unexpectedly, she was rejected.

The town is also very short of funds, and the village chiefs of several jurisdictions were there when I went there.

The mayor was also very helpless. There was not a single rich village in the town, but all poor villages. They all asked him for money, so how could he give it to them?

In the end, they had no choice but to settle for these village chiefs, saying they would go to the county to apply for funds.

Xia Menglan also saw that the town really had no money and had no choice but to return to the village.

She got up early this morning and wanted to go to the county magistrate with the town magistrate.

As a result, before I even left the house, I met Li Fan coming over.

When Xia Menglan saw Li Fan, she looked a little unnatural: "Why are you here? Are you not busy today?"

She felt something was wrong when she said this. As she said it, she seemed like a harried woman who stayed alone in an empty room, complaining about the man who hadn't come home for a long time.

"Busy, we have work to do now." The day is approaching. In such a tight time, Li Fan can be exhausted just by himself.

So Xia Menglan needs help.

"What kind of job?" Xia Menglan was a little confused and looked confused.

"Several reporters from Global Magazine came yesterday. I took them up the back mountain for a spin and treated them to a meal." Li Fan explained.

"What? Why didn't you call me when they came? I'm the village chief and I have to take a look." Xia Menglan said quickly.

"Didn't you go to town yesterday? Besides, there's not much difference between taking the lead with one person, right?" Li Fan spread his hands. She wasn't familiar with the mountain behind, so there was no benefit in following him.

"Have you agreed to write an article for me?" Xia Menglan was still more concerned about the results than the process.

"Yes, it will most likely be published. Our village is not bad, so why not publish it for us, right?" Li Fan said with a smile.

"That's good. It can rectify the name of the village, and everything will be easier in the future." Xia Menglan nodded repeatedly, with an excited look on his face.

"There are some problems now. You also know the influence of Global Scenery Magazine. When tourists come, don't we have to find a way to win their reputation?"

"So we have to find a place to live first. If there are people who want to stay, but there is no place for them to live in the village, wouldn't it be embarrassing? And by providing them with a place to live, we can also make some money, as you know , the hotels outside cost a lot of money for one night." Li Fan expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, Xia Menglan thought it made sense. The tourists were really attracted. We couldn't just let them play for a day and then take the bus back. We had to make room for some vacancies.

"You mean to clear out all the empty yards in the village and keep people there?" Xia Menglan also guessed what Li Fan was thinking.

Nowadays, there are many vacant yards in Laoshantun. These yards can be used as hotels and rented to tourists.

"Yes, that's what it means." Li Fan said excitedly.

"Hiss, of course this yard can be taken out, but it's too dilapidated to live in." Xia Menglan said helplessly.

The unused yards in the village are overgrown with weeds, and the houses have accumulated a lot of dust and spider webs everywhere. It is estimated that no one would want to live in such conditions.

"Can't we hire some people to clean it so we can live in it? If we make money by then, 30% will be given to the village." Li Fan said proudly.

"Do you want the villagers to help clean up? Then they have to pay for it." Xia Menglan looked at Li Fan with beautiful eyes.

"I'll pay for it." Li Fan patted his chest and agreed.

"You're here to pay? This is not a small amount." Xia Menglan wanted Li Fan to think more about it.

If the Global Scenery Magazine attracts a lot of tourists to promote it, of course there is no problem, but if not many tourists come, wouldn’t all your preparations be in vain?

There is risk in this matter, and the risk is not small.

So Xia Menglan wanted Li Fan to think more about it.

"I've made an investment. It's no problem. Meng Lan, please help me with the loudspeaker. I'm going to the city to buy some ceramic tiles this afternoon. I can tolerate the other ugliness from the outside, but I have to call someone inside. It's comfortable to live in. Look at the toilets in those houses. It makes people feel uncomfortable just looking at them. How can they live there?" Li Fan thought about buying more toilets and the like for the family. Although the conditions are worse, at least they are It can make people live in it.

If I make money in the future, I can renovate and repaint a few houses, build an extra bathroom, buy a water heater and install it, and then the rental price can be increased.

Xia Menglan was stunned for a while when she heard Li Fan address her, but she didn't say anything and picked up the speaker to help shout.

"Hey, hey, hey, cough, cough, the reporter from Global Scenery Magazine has decided to report for us in Laoshantun. Now I need to discuss something with everyone. Come to the village committee when you are free." Xia Menglan also He was responsible for shouting and calling everyone over. Li Fan had to say the specific things himself.

Hearing the loudspeaker shouting, some villagers who were fine came to the door of the village committee one after another.

The villagers working in the fields also put down their hoes.

"What are you calling?"

"I heard that someone from a magazine is willing to write a report for our village. Maybe it can change the bad reputation of our village. Now the village chief has summoned us. Maybe there is something going on. Let's take a look."

Just like that, the folks in the village gathered in front of the village committee.

Li Fan and Xia Menglan also arrived later.

"Fanzi, what's wrong?" The villagers came over and asked.

"I have something to ask everyone for help." Li Fan walked to the front and said with a loudspeaker.

"What's the matter? You're so polite." The villagers all laughed.

"Aren't there a lot of empty houses in our village that no one lives in? I want to use some people to help clean them up," Li Fan said.

"It's all in disrepair, what are you doing with that thing?" After so many things, some villagers' hearts went to Li Fan, but they just didn't understand why they were cleaning those empty houses that no one was living in.

"Of course it's for people to live in. This magazine is going to report it to us. When tourists come, we can't leave people without a place to live, right? So I want to find some people to clean the room. I will go in soon." I want to buy ceramic tiles in the city, but I still need help from people to put them on.”

"Of course, I don't ask for help for nothing. I pay for the work. Ten people are required to clean the house, and they are paid 60 yuan a day. Twenty people are required to lay the tiles, and they are paid 100 yuan a day. If you do a good job, you will be paid. ." Li Fan said, and he calculated in his mind that ten people would be enough to clean the house and tidy up the room. In the past few days, about twenty yards could be created.

The tiles are not laid everywhere in the house, but mainly in the toilet to make it cleaner, so twenty people are enough.

Moreover, tiling is a tricky and energetic job, so you need to pay more.

When Li Fan employed people in the village, he would not say that he deliberately lowered prices and exploited them. He just wanted to make the villagers rich. When he was doing things himself, he could also hire villagers so that the villagers could make some money.

Therefore, the wages he offered were much higher than those offered by the bosses in the county.

Generally, cleaning workers in the county can be paid up to thirty yuan a day, but Li Fan directly gave him sixty yuan. The tile workers in the county can only earn up to fifty yuan a day, but he just gives him one hundred yuan.

Anyway, the investment money plus his own money now amounts to more than one million, which is very rich, so Li Fan doesn't want to treat the villagers badly.

The wages he paid were absolutely unambiguous.

After this calculation, the daily salary was more than 2,600 yuan. Li Fan couldn't help but smack his lips. This day's expenses were really quite a lot.

That is to say, let the villagers work for a short time. If it is a long time, he will not be able to live.

But there is nothing we can do. This early investment is necessary, and we have to buy ceramic tiles in the afternoon, which is another huge expense.

"What? Did you hear that right? Sixty yuan a day for cleaning? Fanzi, you didn't lie to the aunts, did you?" The people in the village looked at each other. This was too much money, and they all didn't believe it.

I earn more than working in the county.

"Can I still lie to you? This time I want ten people." Li Fan said.

Hearing that Li Fan was not lying, the folks in the village were all excited. They all clamored to do the job. They all raised their hands for fear that they would not be able to grab it.

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