Best Son-in-law

Chapter 404 Above the Magma

The two of them randomly chose another path and went in. After carefully checking the surrounding situation, the two of them began to figure out and calculate step by step. When they came to the next fork in the road, the two of them had already begun to argue endlessly.

"First, it turned about 45 degrees to the north, and then turned 70 degrees to the west. Generally speaking, it went northwest, but the road is curved, so we need to talk about the arc." Xia Menglan found that she was learning The things are finally useful.

"No, have you considered that we turned from the north, but the origin is the original fork in the road? The direction of these seven detours may have shifted. You just said that the direction we turned is facing west, without considering the original intersection. That point." Li Fan suddenly felt a little dizzy. This maze really tested people's thinking ability and logic. He was already a little confused at this moment.

"It's okay, leave it to me to calculate, I'll do it." Xia Menglan smiled at Li Fan and said, "This algorithm is not difficult, but it is a little troublesome. I have a way to calculate it faster, believe me." Xia Menglan said.

"Well, I'll leave it to you. I'm really not familiar with this." Li Fan scratched his head. He just went to junior high school and he really didn't know some mathematical knowledge.

But now that there is a college student like Xia Menglan, the direction of this road is easier.

Xia Menglan frowned and started her calculations. She used the earth wall next to her as a piece of paper and the short knife in her hand as a pen to start her calculations.

The calculation process is of course complicated, but Xia Menglan often faces such problems. She has done it countless times, and practice makes perfect.

So Xia Menglan figured it out without much effort.

"Let's actually follow the corridor just now and go northwest for about 37.4 meters, but there should be some discrepancies." Xia Menglan said.

"Okay, which way should we go next?" Li Fan now asked Xia Menglan.

"Let's go this way. Now let's go northwest. This road goes west in the front, and maybe it will go north later." Xia Menglan pointed to a road and said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Li Fan nodded. He now trusts his companion very much.

If you want to get out of this underground maze, it is absolutely impossible without Xia Menglan. Li Fan knows this very well.

So the two of them entered the corridor of choice again. They first observed the surrounding situation, and then after careful calculation, the two of them continued to cooperate in calculations.

Soon, they came to a fork in the road again.

"I didn't expect this road to go southwest. It went southwest for about 58.7 meters, so we seemed to be going back." Xia Menglan looked at the numbers on the wall and was immediately worried.

"No, let's keep going west. Next time we choose the road, we will choose the west, no matter whether it is southwest or northwest." Li Fan comforted.

"Yeah, but we can use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the distance to the west." Xia Menglan thought.

"That's not necessary. We just need to keep walking in one direction. Even if there is a deviation, it is a matter of walking less and walking more. We are afraid of standing still. In this underground maze, as long as we don't stand still, it will be fine. ." Li Fan said.

"That's the truth." Xia Menglan nodded.

"Thank you for your hard work. There is no need for such a large amount of calculations." Li Fan wiped the sweat from Xia Menglan's forehead with his hand.

But at this moment, he accidentally discovered blood stains in a corner.

His eyes suddenly lit up: "The Three-tailed Ice Fox King has been here."

"Ah? Where is it?" Xia Menglan's eyes also lit up. The purpose of their trip was to catch this three-tailed ice fox king. Of course, it would be best if they could catch it. After all, could they catch this three-tailed ice fox king? It is related to the future of the two families, or the future of Laoshantun as a whole.

Li Fan pointed to Xia Menglan where the blood was.

This was a sudden surprise. The two of them could follow the blood trail and catch the three-tailed ice fox king.

In this way, the two of them don't have to travel in vain.

"As expected." Xia Menglan also looked surprised.

"Come on, let's follow the blood stains and catch the three-tailed ice fox king." Li Fan said excitedly.

"Okay, but we have to recalculate." Xia Menglan nodded and wanted to recalculate.

"It's not too late, don't forget it." Li Fan waved his hand and said.

"No need to calculate? No, we have no direction then, how can we get out?" Xia Menglan looked at Li Fan with some confusion: "Don't catch it in a hurry, it is seriously injured and needs a place to recuperate. He will give it to us." As for the time, we have to calculate it carefully so that it will be easier to find a way out in the future."

"No, have you forgotten what species the Three-tailed Ice Fox King is? It can help us find a way out, but it saves us a lot of trouble. As long as we can catch it, we basically have a way out. This fox has many noses. Oh my God, it's hard for us to live in such an underground maze, how can it be hard to live in it?" Li Fan said with a smile.

"Yeah, I almost didn't expect it. Look at my brain. It must be heading for a way out. When we find it by following the blood stains, it's equivalent to finding a way out. Look at my brain." Xia Menglan patted it. forehead said.

This time, they have once again turned the corner. If they continue to calculate like this, it will probably be difficult for them to find a way out. Even if they find a way out, it will take a long time. The future is unknown. Time is their life, and they cannot allow for a moment. hold up.

Coming to such a place, where there is no food, no drink, and no way to sleep easily, is a great harm to the human body, so they cannot stay for a long time. The two of them have to get out as soon as possible.

"Let's go, this three-tailed ice fox king is going east, let's follow him," Li Fan said.

"Well, it's running all the way east." Xia Menglan happily followed Li Fan.

In this way, the chances of them going out are infinitely increased. Xia Menglan originally had prepared for the worst, but now there is a sudden change. It is a lot more convenient for both of them, and they are also a lot more excited.

However, they will not relax, after all, there may be any dangers along the way.

After the two entered the corridor, they carefully looked around, following the blood stains of the three-tailed ice fox king, and moved forward step by step.

The two of them didn't know how far they had walked, so they just kept walking and walking, and they came to a fork again, but this time there were only two cave entrances.

"We came out?" Xia Menglan still couldn't believe it.

"Anyway, just follow the three-tailed ice fox king. It won't go to a dead end." Li Fan frowned.

The two of them followed the blood trail and entered the corridor where the three-tailed ice fox king went. The atmosphere here was obviously different, and a heat wave suddenly hit them.

Li Fan and Xia Menglan both felt that something was not good, but they still forced themselves to move forward.

Danger may be coming again.

"We are close to the three-tailed ice fox king." Li Fan said.

"Yes." Xia Menglan nodded repeatedly.

They both got hotter and hotter as they walked, and both of them had a bad feeling.

As if there is lava in front, there are constant heat waves.

At this time, the temperature of the corridor increased greatly, rising by more than 20 degrees from the original normal temperature.

At this moment, Li Fan and Xia Menglan were already sweating profusely.

But at this time, the two of them also reached the exit of the corridor.

The outcome was about to come, and the two of them had already figured it out.

There is probably a large magma in front of this.

The original temperature was only about ten or twenty degrees, but now the temperature has reached more than thirty or forty degrees.

Both of them were so hot that they couldn't walk.

In addition, the two of them had already walked a lot, and now they just wanted to rest for a while.

But reality doesn't allow them to rest.

Because the crisis is always there and never resolved.

Li Fan was in front, looking down at the exit of the corridor, and was stunned.

He had a dull look on his face.

It was completely unexpected that there would be such a place in the back mountain of Laoshantun. Li Fan could not even dream of it.

When Xia Menglan saw Li Fan's appearance, her heart suddenly tightened, and she leaned over and stretched out her head to take a look.

Her eyes widened at this moment.

As expected at the exit of the tunnel, magma was rolling below. Although it was a bit far away, it could still be seen clearly.

Hot bubbles bubble up from time to time in this magma, and it looks ferocious, as if it wants to swallow people completely.

No ashes left.

It was exactly what they thought.

There was a volcano before Laoshantun. The soil quality in Laoshantun was affected by this volcano, so it was so poor that nothing could be planted.

All the causes have been found.

Facing such a volcano, Li Fan frowned. He didn't know where the future of Laoshan Tun would be. He worked so hard, what if the volcano in the back mountain of Laoshan Tun erupted halfway?

"This is an extinct volcano, don't worry, there won't be an eruption here, it's just magma." Xia Menglan glanced down, thought for a while, guessed Li Fan's thoughts at this time, and quickly comforted him.

"Yes." Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. The magma really shocked Li Fan greatly, leaving him in a state of confusion.

If nothing else, such a magma scene is absolutely shocking in terms of its spectacularness.

Neither Li Fan nor Xia Menglan had ever seen such a scene, so they were fascinated for a moment while looking at the magma underground.

"How should we go? There is no road here." Xia Menglan asked doubtfully, there is no road around here, how can we get there? Could it be that this is a dead end? They followed the three-tailed ice fox king and finally reached a dead end.

After hearing this, Li Fan immediately looked forward. He looked down and saw an iron chain, leading from the bottom of the corridor to the other side. They had no other way to go, and they could only go through this iron chain.

Seeing this scene, Li Fan couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. Such critical disasters were never absent.

But at this time, Li Fan also vaguely saw a small group of black figures in the distance groping forward on the iron chain. Its speed was not fast, it could be said to be very slow.

Li Fan already had a guess in his mind that this small group of black figures was the three-tailed ice fox king who had done them a lot of harm!

"It's there." Li Fan pointed to the distance and turned back to Xia Menglan.

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