Best Son-in-law

Chapter 408 Dark Patterns in the Tomb

"Be careful. When we get to the tomb, we may be in danger. This place must have prepared many mechanisms to prevent tomb robberies. It would be unlucky for us to run into it." Xia Menglan actually felt very scared when she entered the tomb. After all, there might be some magic in this place. Evil things like ghosts.

Although Xia Menglan went to college, she was still afraid of these things. After all, there are many things in real life that cannot be explained by science. These things may have to be defined by gods and ghosts.

Moreover, Xia Menglan has also watched a lot of ghost movies, zombie movies, and the like. She is not very courageous, and the darkness of this place makes it easy for her to have some strange associations.

"Li Fan, don't stay too far away from me. There should be a thousand-year-old corpse here, right?" Cold sweat broke out on Xia Menglan's forehead, her face turned pale with fear, and her whole body was trembling with fear.

"Ah? Thousand-year-old corpse? The body of a thousand-year-old corpse is incorruptible?" Li Fan looked surprised after hearing this. He was already very courageous. He often dared to come to the back mountain alone in the middle of the night to play. Naturally, he was not afraid of any rumors about gods and ghosts. When he came to this tomb, he never thought about whether there would be any ghosts, gods, zombies or the like. What he considered was very practical, that is, whether there were any fatal mechanisms in front of him. If there were these fatal mechanisms, what should he do? How to deal with it.

After all, he and Xia Menglan were not professional tomb robbers. They had no choice but to come to this tomb. They just wanted to borrow some money. However, the agencies in this tomb did not recognize anyone. They were probably inexperienced. He died in this tomb, so Li Fan is constantly recalling the tomb robbing stories told by the older generation, and wants to know what to pay attention to in the tomb.

But after thinking about it, those were just stories, and the tombs were different from each other. The structure of this tomb was indeed something Li Fan had never seen before.

"I'm a little afraid of this place. Do you think there might be a ghost here?" Xia Menglan said softly, her legs shaking involuntarily.

"Ah? Where is the ghost? No, don't be afraid of this. Our lives are all picked up. Why are we afraid of this? As long as there is a way out ahead, we will go up." Li Fan said helplessly.

"I have watched a lot of ghost movies before, and this place reminds me of something." Xia Menglan said fearfully.

"What are you doing watching that stuff? Don't you girls like to watch romantic dramas?" Li Fan said speechlessly.

"Looking for excitement. Going to class at 3:00 and 1st line every day is so boring. On the surface, we college girls are the same, but in our hearts we still yearn for an adventure. As a result, there is no adventure, so we can only seek some exciting stories. , so I like to watch some horror movies. We were all in the dormitory and liked to watch horror movies. Although I was scared, I just liked watching them. When I came here, it was like I was at the filming location of a horror movie. I was very scared. "Xia Menglan trembled.

Li Fan curled his lips: "There may not be any ghosts in this place. It's okay if there are ghosts, but this place can still kill people."

"Don't stay too far away from me, I'm a little scared." Xia Menglan said softly.

"Yes." Li Fan nodded, holding a short knife in one hand and a torch in the other, while pulling the body of the three-tailed ice fox king forward.

He took every step very carefully, for fear of touching some mechanism.

The tomb passage is not spacious, and Li Fan stoops slightly when walking in it, but the tomb passage can accommodate two people walking side by side.

So Xia Menglan walked beside Li Fan.

"This shouldn't be the main tomb, just an auxiliary tomb." Xia Menglan held a torch in one hand and a short knife in the other as she slowly moved forward.

This tomb passage is surrounded by bricks and stones, with almost no gaps and extremely fine workmanship.

Seeing this scene, Xia Menglan had some thoughts and guesses in her mind: "This place should be the tomb of an ancient royal family, so it can be made so finely. Judging from the arrow just now, it should be a dynasty or tribe lost in history."

"Judging from the size of this tomb, the identity of the tomb owner is definitely not simple." Li Fan said with a slight smile.

"Yes, in fact, there are many small countries and tribes that have not been recorded in history. This is very normal." Xia Menglan said softly.

The tomb passage was not long, only about twenty meters. They quickly came to the end, but there was no way out at the end, which made the two of them a little dumbfounded.

"No way out? Impossible." Xia Menglan patted the stone wall, trying to find some mechanism.

"Don't shoot, this mechanism is not necessarily the one that opens the door." Li Fan quickly dissuaded him.

They may only have one chance, so they can't try anything easily, let alone be reckless.

Xia Menglan was startled and quickly stopped: "I forgot."

"I don't blame you. It's too dangerous here. If we fall into a trap, we will die, so we can't try it easily. We can't afford the risk." Li Fan said helplessly.

"Yeah." Xia Menglan stuck out her tongue gently. She now realized the seriousness of the matter.

At the same time, she felt that Li Fan beside her was so reliable. Although he had never been to the tomb, he had a good personality.

Too cautious yet courageous, appearing very calm.

In comparison, Xia Menglan seemed a bit reckless.

It is precisely because of Li Fan's character that they have saved themselves from danger time and time again and survived desperate situations again and again.

"Let's observe first to see if there are any obviously different stones." Li Fan said.

Li Fan decided to take a look at the color of the masonry in the tomb passage to see if there were any discrepancies.

At this time, Xia Menglan noticed something suspicious: "There are patterns on the stones in this tomb passage."

"Pattern? What pattern, what is the painting?" Li Fan hurriedly walked over to take a look.

Xia Menglan pointed to a piece of brick.

The patterns carved on the bricks are a little blurry, after all, it took a long time, but you can vaguely see seven flowers, seven flowers with different styles.

There is a flower that Li Fan is very familiar with. It is the lava flower he saw just now.

Only this thing was engraved on the masonry, and the rest was gone. Li Fan and Xia Menglan looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see any reason.

"What's going on?" Xia Menglan and Li Fan looked at each other.

"Let's look for other patterns." Li Fan sighed and said.

So the two began to search separately again. After searching, Li Fan found a piece of brick that seemed to have a lava bird carved on it. The carving method was very unique.

It seems that the situation of the volcano outside the door is recorded here. There are lava flowers, lava birds, and lava.

"There are some here too." Li Fan looked at Xia Menglan.

Xia Menglan quickly came over to take a look.

"There's nothing strange about this." Li Fan and Xia Menglan were both two-foot-old monks. They were a little confused and confused.

"Seven flowers with different styles. We saw one just now. Are there six more flowers?" Li Fan touched his chin and thought carefully.

"No, no." Xia Menglan also started to think, and gradually came up with an idea.

"Lava birds, magma, and lava flowers mean fire. The fire is the sun. The sun rises in the east. The east is the way to survive. Our tomb is going east, where we just came in." Xia Menglan had an idea and said half-guessing.

After hearing this, Li Fan thought it made sense, so he followed Xia Menglan.

"Besides the stone gate, there are seven or forty-nine free bricks here. Seven of them should be selected from these forty-nine bricks, but I don't know which seven they are. The patterns of the flowers we just saw , how are they distributed?" Xia Menglan continued her speculation.

"It shouldn't be seven. When the sun rises in the east, the flame is the brightest brick." Li Fan's eyes were brighter when he saw a brick, which was different from other places, and he slapped it directly. .

When he exerted force, the brick and stone moved.

Just hearing a roar, the innermost stone wall moved and made a half circle around the middle axis.

"Let's go." Li Fan said to Xia Menglan.

"How could there be a hint here? A hint for tomb robbers?" Xia Menglan was a little confused: "The person with this door should not be the main tomb chamber, but a Jedi."

"No, if it leads to a Jedi, why would you even hint that it would be enough to just build a closed tomb and seal these tomb robbers? We will all die here. Is it so troublesome? So the tomb is still there in the end. Want to give us a way out." Li Fan analyzed.

However, he was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he and Xia Menglan checked the situation of the tomb passage to ensure that there were no other hints or other mechanisms before entering through the door.

After entering, there is another tomb passage. This tomb passage is darker, but much wider. Li Fan stands in it. Not only can he stand upright, but there is still some space on his head.

The two men were holding torches and looking around, but the door to the tomb passage was closed.

This made both of them feel panicked. This place might not be a good place.

Li Fan and Xia Menglan looked around, not missing the bricks and stones under their feet, for fear of triggering some mechanism.

But fortunately there are no mechanisms in this place.

When they reached the end of the tomb passage, they saw that it was not a dead end. There were three tomb doors around it, leading to three different directions.

Standing in front of these tombs, Li Fan and Xia Menglan were unable to make a choice for a moment.

Xia Menglan first took a photo at the tomb door on the far left, wanting to see what was going on inside.

But it was pitch dark inside and nothing could be seen. This was also the case in other tombs.

"Where should we go?" Xia Menglan didn't know what to choose.

"It's all the same, just take the one on the right. If you don't walk, come back." Li Fan said helplessly. They didn't know how many times they had experienced such a choice with an unknown future.

"Okay." It's not that Xia Menglan has no opinion, it's just that this place is too crowded and she doesn't dare to make decisions easily, so Li Fan makes the decision every time.

Although Xia Menglan also knew that every absolute behind Li Fan did not mean absolute safety, she felt very at ease in her heart.

After entering the tomb on the right, the tomb door behind them closed with a bang.

This tomb gives people an obvious feeling that it is not dry at first glance.

Xia Menglan glanced at Li Fan and felt a little flustered.

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