Best Son-in-law

Chapter 458 Shouting

the next day.

Uncle Chen and a group of people were digging a ditch in front of the farm.

Captain Zhao led the engineering team into the village and officially started the construction of the hotel.

After winning the contract, Captain Zhao was very motivated. This was the first big project he had taken on in Laoshantun, and he was determined to do it well.

Soon, Captain Zhao led the engineering team to start work, and some large machines also came in.

The roads outside the village have also made great progress. The business of ordinary restaurants is naturally very prosperous, and the tea stalls are still a stable source of income.

Even after the long holiday, many people still choose to come to Laoshantun to have a look. There are still many villagers who can work as tour guides in Houshan and earn a lot of money in a day.

The work at the waste station in the south of the village continues, but the process is rapid. Most of the chemical waste has been sorted. Once the sorting is completed, it can be sold, which can bring in a lot of money.

Xia Menglan was busy in the village committee, constantly taking people to see the land and contracting the land. Naturally, the fish pond matter was put aside for the first time.

She just waited for the chemical waste at the village south disposal station to be sorted, and then she could find someone to clean up the polluted environment in the south of the village. After the environment in the south of the village was cleaned up.

Xia Menglan thought about repairing the roads in the village, turning the dirt roads into stone roads, Jiangnan style stone roads.

Of course, she also wants to transform Laoshantun into an ancient town to better bring some atmosphere of slow life to tourists.

Besides, the dirt roads in the village really need to be tidied up.

After the villagers' pockets were bulging, they also planned to save a sum of money for emergency needs, and then thought about buying some furniture, electrical appliances, etc. at home. Finally, after saving up the money, they planned to give their own houses to them. Renovate it and build a two-story small Western-style building.

The Laoshan Village was organized very quickly.

At this time, Li Fan set up a stall at the entrance of Pingfan Hotel. He was sitting attentively in front of the stall. On the stall were snake wine and wild ginseng sealed in packaging boxes.

The Ordinary Hotel has a lot of customers coming and going, and some tourists came to Li Fan's stall, looking at the snake wine, wild ginseng and other specialties and wanting to buy some back.

But when asked about the price, everyone was dumbfounded.

"How much does a box of this snake wine cost? How is it?" Some tourists want to buy it back as a holiday gift.

"No counter-offer, three hundred per box." Li Fan closed his eyes and rested. He had been very busy these days.

"What? Three hundred? You are a shady businessman, what kind of snake wine can sell for three hundred?" Several tourists were stunned after hearing this.

"Of course good snake wine cannot be compared to ordinary products." Li Fan said leisurely.

"How much does a box of wild ginseng cost?" Tourists naturally thought it was expensive, so they wanted to ask how much wild ginseng cost.

"Five hundred per box, no bargaining." Li Fan sat up straight and said.

"What? You want 500 for just a few rotten tree roots? Did you make a mistake? Why don't you go grab it somewhere?" Some tourists with hot tempers were immediately dissatisfied.

"If I can rob it, what else should I sell?" Li Fan said with a smile as before, with a relaxed look on his face.

After hearing this, some tourists became very angry, shook their heads, turned around and left. They regarded Li Fan as a profiteer and didn't like to talk to him at all.

Of course, Li Fan is not in a hurry to sell. These are all good things, so why is he in a hurry to sell them?

So people kept asking about the price, and people kept being scared away by the price Li Fan said. Before leaving, they even cursed Li Fan.

Li Fan ignored him and continued to sit in front of the stall and guard.

At this time, he just has to guard and let some people buy it. After going back and trying the effect, this group of people will become Li Fan's voluntary promoters, and then bring another group of voluntary promoters, more and more, The reputation spread.

So as long as someone is willing to buy it, Li Fan will not be in vain today.

A group of free voluntary propagandists, where can we find such a good thing?

He was waiting. Jiang Taigong was fishing, and those who were willing would take the bait. As long as one person was willing to buy, that person would be his first volunteer propagandist. Li Fan's calculation was very accurate.

However, he scolded them too much. They really wanted to buy some specialties to take back, but he made things difficult for them at a fixed price. No one wanted to be fooled by him, so they started scolding them.

When Li Fan is crazy.

Li Fan had no choice but to scold him, as long as he could sell these snake wine and wild ginseng.

"Young man, are you a businessman? Or are you looking for scolding? Haven't you seen so many people scolding you? If you are sincere in doing business, tell a more honest price. Don't say anything that is not true. I bought it elsewhere. The most expensive snake wine is only sixty, but you sell it for three hundred? Do you want people to buy it?" At this time, an old man finally couldn't help but say Li Fan.

"That's it, are you stupid, or do you think everyone else is a fool? You are not a businessman. If you sell like this, no one will buy it."

"Let's give a more honest price. There are many people who sincerely want to buy, but they are pissed off by your price. The young man has a business sense, but he is too arrogant." The old man shook his head and said.

"I wonder if you have heard that when Jiang Taigong fished, the only thing that mattered was that the willing one took the bait. The same goes for me selling snake wine and wild ginseng. Those who are willing to buy it, and those who are unwilling to don't buy, the price is set here. Why are you scolding me, right?" The smile on Li Fan's face made the people around him curse secretly and dispersed.

"Okay, you said your thing is worth this price, why is it worth this price? In the past, Jiang Taigong used himself as bait to catch a big fish like King Wen of Zhou, but he himself is worth that price, how can this thing of yours be worth it? Isn't it? I didn't see it. Isn't this just ordinary wild ginseng and ordinary snake wine?" The old man had an upright temper, and he was really consumed by Li Fan.

Here Li Fan closed one eye and opened one, with a smile on his face.

It was time for him to sell. It was useless to take the initiative to sell. No one would believe it. Of course, proactive things would be rejected, but Li Fan couldn't bear to sell. When others came up and asked, he slowly The benefits were told.

"You can try this snake wine yourself and see what effect it has. As for this wild ginseng, I can also cut a piece and you can try it. I said it's useless. It's useless even if I say it. I believe it. You If you don’t believe it, it’s useless. Why don’t you experience it for yourself and you’ll know everything. Whether it’s worth the price or not, I won’t tell you.” Li Fan took out some samples and poured a glass of snake for the old man. liquor.

Seeing the black snake wine, the old man was stunned for a moment.

He originally thought that Li Fan would keep bragging to him and exaggerating the benefits. He was about to shake his head, but he didn't say anything at all and just let you try it.

Just try it and you will know.

Seeing this scene, many people stopped curiously and wanted to see what the secret was.

As a result, more and more people stayed, and the stalls were surrounded.

"Let me give it a try. Do you have anything else to say?" the old man asked after being stunned for a while.

"No, you'll know if it's worth it after you drink it. If I tell you it's useless, you won't believe it. It's better than anything else after trying it." Li Fan waved his hand and said.

"Isn't this poisonous?" The old man didn't dare to drink it easily and asked again.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Do I deserve to be poisoned? What will happen to me if something happens to you? We have no grudges in the past and no enmity in recent times. I am not retaliating against society. I will sell things as soon as I can. Just sell it. If you can't sell it, forget it. It means we are destined to be different. If you don't like drinking, forget it." Li Fan said and wanted to take the wine glass from the old man's hand.

"No, no, no, I'll drink, I'll drink." The old man waved his hand quickly. He was curious in his heart, what kind of snake wine could sell for three hundred, and what this young man said was so mysterious.

He wanted to taste it even more.

In fact, it wasn't what Li Fan said was mysterious. Li Fan didn't say anything, but he acted very mysterious.

This snake wine immediately had a sense of mystery, and all the tourists wanted to see what kind of snake wine sold for such a price.

The old man picked up the wine glass and glanced at Li Fan.

Li Fan smiled slightly and extended his hand to him.

In the end, the old man couldn't help but be curious. He touched the snake wine lightly with his lips, then raised his head and drank it all.

"Ah." The old man was so stung by the snake wine that his eyes squeezed together.

"Why is this wine so strong? It's so spicy." The old man said after finishing the drink.

"Finished? Is this a strong drink?" the tourists around asked quickly. They all wanted to know some of the so-called effects of this snake wine.

"It tastes good, clear and catchy, and my eyes seem to be able to see more clearly. Oh, it's true. I am presbyopic and can see close things clearly. This wine tastes really good." The uncle seemed to have discovered a new world. He was still spinning around like a child at such an old age. It was very strange. He looked left and right, and the taste lingered in his throat.

"It's worth it. This snake wine is worth it. It's definitely worth three hundred yuan." The old man said.

"One, two, three." Li Fan closed his eyes and counted three leisurely.

Sweat immediately broke out on the old man's forehead: "Little brother, where is the latrine? I want to go to the latrine."

Li Fan smiled and pointed in a direction, and the old man went there immediately.

At this time, other tourists gathered around. Seeing the old man like this, they became more curious about snake wine. No one scolded Li Fan anymore. They wanted to know why the old man was in such a state after drinking snake wine. .

Curiosity, the curiosity of the surrounding onlookers was aroused.

But no one tried it at this time, and no one dared to buy it easily.

"Isn't the old man just asking for help?" A middle-aged man couldn't help but said at this time.

Li Fan smiled slightly, not angry, but poured a glass of snake wine and gave it to the middle-aged man.

"Brother, take a sip and you'll know everything. I won't say anything else. Just take a sip and you'll know whether you're trusting me or not. Maybe someone will tell you who you are." Li Fan said with a smile.

The middle-aged man looked around. He was really curious, so he simply picked up the wine glass, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

"How's it going? People around me asked."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up after drinking the snake wine.

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