Best Son-in-law

Chapter 498 Being Bullied to the Head

Therefore, the tourism bonus period of Laoshantun can be long or short. If it is operated properly, the villagers of Laoshantun and even Li Fan can benefit for a long time.

If it is not operated properly, it will be like falling from the edge of a cliff, and there may be no bones left.

Therefore, it is impossible for Li Fan to say that there is no pressure. Now that Laoshantun is famous far and wide, it has brought great benefits, but it has also brought countless cold eyes, who are looking closely at Laoshantun. Fat meat.

Li Fan not only wanted to dance with wolves, but also wanted to prevent these wolves from eating him up.

In fact, after all is said and done, Li Fan is just too weak, and he doesn't have the strength to compete with others.

Therefore, Li Fan must seize all the time and do whatever he thinks of, so as to increase his strength so that he can be qualified to speak on behalf of Laoshantun.

In this world, weakness itself is a sin.

And the sin is unforgivable.

It's like an ant working hard to carry food. It seems hard work and there seems to be hope, but if it encounters a person, there are a thousand ways for that person to play tricks on the ant.

With its tentacles, the ant naturally cannot see the scenes that humans can see. It will be beaten to death by humans' knowledge, and humans don't even have to release too much power.

In the face of absolute power, everything is in vain, no matter how hard you work or how smart you are. Being in front of others becomes a point for them to take advantage of, and a point for them to play with you. They will use your efforts to kill you, your intelligence to kill you, and the things you are proud of to kill you.

Everything you strive for and everything you do is just a joke to others, just a game.

Everyone watching understands it, but you don’t understand it because of your vision problems.

Just like a hard-working ant, as long as one draws a white line in front of it, it will think that the road is blocked.

If a person puts down a little bit of steamed bun crumbs in front of it, the ant will be grateful and think that this person is a saint.

In the face of absolute power, everything seems too sad.

The world is cruel and merciless.

Weak and powerful people will be slaughtered and subjected to all kinds of malicious criticism, accountability, and insults.

But if you are strong, you will face people who respect you.

Only when you are strong can you be qualified to face the kindness of this world.

A one-millimeter ant, people dare to play with and applaud. If it is a one-meter big ant, people will smile and dare not provoke it easily. If it is a ten-meter big ant, people will only tremble. His face was trembling.

In fact, the counterattack is very simple, as long as you are stronger than him.

Li Fan had already seen through this when he was working alone. So now Li Fan definitely not only relies on the water god's inheritance, but also relies on his own brain.

Otherwise, he is just a mediocre person who can only use force to solve problems.

Therefore, Li Fan knew that time did not wait for us, and opportunities passed by in an instant. If he could not seize it, it might have a chain reaction, and he might even regret it for the rest of his life.

That's why he acts vigorously and resolutely.

Looking at the prosperous Laoshan Village, Li Fan couldn't help but feel depressed.

He knew that the real battle was about to be reached.

In the past, Laoshantun was unprofitable, so they were able to settle down in a corner.

Now that Laoshantun has enough profits, it is impossible to settle in a corner.

Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief, he wanted to start the feed matter immediately.

In fact, the processing of feed is also very simple. He goes outside to batch some finished feed, then adds fairy liquid to mix it, and the feed becomes top-grade feed.

Li Fan has already done experiments, but he wants to do another experiment, which is to make some pirated fairy liquid. It is not necessary to use all the materials, as long as it is made into high-quality feed that is better than ordinary feed.

In this matter, Li Fan must hide his secrets, otherwise he will lose his own characteristics.

If you make the same feed as yours and sell it to others, and they feed eels and water snakes with your feed, aren't you looking for someone to compete with you for the market?

You have good quality eels and water snakes, and others have them too. By then, you will not only seize the eel market, but also the snake wine market.

Li Fan's biggest reliance now is his unique eels and water snakes, which are not available to others. He can monopolize the market.

If the market cannot be monopolized due to feed issues, Li Fan will definitely suffer a lot of losses.

It's not worth the money just to sell a feed, and others will use the feed to study it. If someone can find a way to do it, it will be a huge disaster for Li Fan.

So Li Fan thought that he still had to hide his secrets, make a simplified version of the fairy liquid, buy feed to cultivate it, and then sell it at a high price, and Li Fan would earn the processing fee.

But even the feed made from the simplified version of the fairy liquid is much better than the ordinary feed.

In this way, when others buy the feed made from this simplified version of the fairy liquid, Li Fan can make money without affecting his other business operations, getting the best of both worlds.

In this way, he will operate the upper market, and leave the lower market to others. Now he has no way to develop it, so he can only earn processing fees.

Li Fan also made some estimates. This simplified version of the feed made of fairy liquid will not have the amazing effect of the feed made of fairy liquid, but it will also have an insignificant effect. This effect will last for a long time. Can breed some good quality fish and so on.

And even if someone else feeds eels with this, they won't be as good as his own eels, and Li Fan can still make a fortune from him, so why not?

Li Fan has found a feed management strategy. The next step is to implement the experiment and contact some merchants who have purchasing power and want to buy it to make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Li Fan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and he began to admire himself.

He actually came up with such a good idea.

And this idea is not immoral. If someone sells it, someone will buy it. How can it be said to be immoral if it is something you and I agree on?

It's just that Li Fan has mastered the technology and has the ability to break it down and play like this.

And the feed made from the simplified version of the immortal liquid is not afraid of those people's research.

Because there is no way to study any flowers at all.

The simplified version of the immortal liquid is so weak that it is difficult and impossible for you to study it.

Li Fan smiled and wanted to make a simplified version of the fairy liquid first, but at this moment, his cell phone rang.

I saw it was Huang Jing calling.

Li Fan curled his lips. The batch of eels given to him last time was sold out again? Is the market in town so good now?

He couldn't help but start to wonder whether he should let a few more villagers engage in eel farming. After all, many people in the village were concerned about this matter, but Li Fan didn't agree before he figured out how to distribute it.

But if the market response is particularly good, it is completely possible to expand breeding.

Li Fan touched his chin and thought for a while, then smiled and answered the call from Huang Jing.

"Hey, hey, Brother Li, something's wrong, something happened." Huang Jing gasped.

"What? What happened?" Li Fan couldn't help but frown. The sales in this town were just on the right track, and something happened now?

"Do you still remember Brother Ming from Sancha Street? It's Zhang Ming. He came here to cause trouble and wouldn't let me sell the eel. He said that I had to cooperate with him. If I didn't cooperate, I wouldn't be able to sell it in Beizhuang Town. He I also smashed my stall and took away all the eels I bought from you. What evil do you think I have done? Why am I so unlucky?" Huang Jing cried directly to Li Fan on the other end of the phone.

Li Fan frowned after hearing this: "Don't worry, I'll go right away, and we'll try our best to negotiate a solution. Don't worry, you won't suffer any loss if you cooperate with me."

"Okay, come on, their people are also wanting to see you." Huang Jing spoke weakly, his nose and face were already bruised and swollen from the beating.

This Huang Jing is an out-and-out businessman. He knows how to calculate and only talks about profits. He never talks about anything else to you.

He's always done this.

Since Huang Jing became Li Fan's sales point in the town, he has made a lot of profits and made a lot of money.

The eel business he sold was particularly good, which naturally aroused the jealousy of some stall owners.

These stall owners couldn't see Huang Jing making so much money, so they wanted to cause some damage.

Some people also negotiated with Huang Jing and asked him to share the profits with everyone, otherwise they would expose the matter and threaten him.

Huang Jing was not a fool. He didn't earn much money. How could he share it with other people? He would definitely disagree. In this way, he was attacked by everyone.

This matter was reported directly to Zhang Ming, the first tyrant of Sancha Street.

So Zhang Ming brought people over to negotiate.

Gangsters like Zhang Ming make a living by collecting protection fees from the surrounding areas. When they see that there is money to be made, of course they will come over and want a piece of the pie.

So Zhang Ming came first to be courteous and then to attack. Those who showed affection and reason wanted to share 70% of the profits.

The lion opened his mouth directly.

How could Huang Jing be willing? After all, this was all his hard-earned money. If he took 70% of the profits, he wouldn't have to live.

As a result, because Huang Jing resisted Zhang Ming, his stall was smashed, people were beaten, and the eels he sold were taken away.

A group of people around him were watching his joke, but no one sympathized with him.

This group of people wanted Huang Jing to be beaten, and they felt uncomfortable seeing Huang Jing making money.

Why does an old guy make so much money? Don’t give us points? You deserve to be robbed and beaten.

Huang Jing had no choice at this time. If Zhang Ming's matter was not resolved, he would not be able to sell the eels.

So Huang Jing called Li Fan, hoping that Li Fan could come over and solve the problem.

However, Huang Jing didn't hold out much hope. After all, Li Fan was alone. How could he deal with Huang Jing's group of people by himself?

In the end, the matter still has to be resolved. Huang Jing's perspective is definitely not willing to give in, and Li Fan will not give in either.

Then, the conflict between Li Fan and Zhang Ming, the tyrant of Sancha Street, is indispensable.

After all, Zhang Ming was working in Beizhuang Town, and his subordinates were quite powerful, so they were not easy to deal with.

But now that something was happening, Li Fan had no reason to back down, so he drove his minivan to Beizhuang Town. No matter what, he would seek justice.

Being bullied to the point of being bullied and yet not daring to say a word is definitely not what Li Fan did.

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