Best Son-in-law

Chapter 501 Threat

Huang Jing originally thought that as long as they gave up the profit of four yuan and twenty cents, the matter between them and Zhang Ming would be settled. However, to Huang Jing's surprise, Zhang Ming was not satisfied with the four yuan and twenty cents. As a profit person, Huang Jing completely underestimated Zhang Ming's greed.

Originally, Huang Jing wanted to settle the matter peacefully. From now on, he could sell the eels as he wished, Li Fan could cultivate them as he wished, and Zhang Ming could collect protection fees as he wished.

The three wells do not interfere with each other. They cooperate with each other, communicate with each other, and make money together. It is best if they can live in harmony.

But Huang Jing never imagined that Zhang Ming was not someone he could spend his four and twenty cents on.

People want a lot.

These four yuan and twenty cents may be a big profit in your hands, but in the eyes of others, it is just a business to beg for food.

Since Zhang Ming was the eldest brother, he could never sit back and watch such a large amount of money being made by Li Fan and Huang Jing. He watched from the sidelines.

After all, Zhang Ming is also the tyrant of Sancha Street. How can he be willing to just sit back and watch others take advantage of it and collect such huge profits?

So no matter what, Zhang Ming will definitely reach in, and he will definitely reach in.

"Old Huang, you have been selling things in the vegetable market for so many years. I think your family is pitiful and they don't collect much protection money. Now that you are rich, you are no longer righteous. You have a full stomach and watch your brothers suffer. Hungry, how can you bear it?" Zhang Ming looked at Huang Jing with a half-smile but not a smile. He did not answer Huang Jing's question directly, but recounted what happened in earlier years.

There is another reason why Zhang Ming is able to gain a foothold in the Sancha Street area. He is well aware of the principle of long-lasting water. When he collects protection money, he will not beat you to death with a stick, but beat you unconscious with a stick first, and then let you go. You will not die of hunger, but you will not have enough to eat. It will make you hopeful, but it will not allow you to realize your hope.

He also collects protection fees on a per-person and proportional basis.

This inscription won't tell you how much the asking price is. If you can't hand it over, he will beat you to death.

People are not like this. He first sends his brothers to calculate how much money you can earn, and then pays for daily food, clothing, and family members. Then he asks for a large portion of your remaining money as protection money.

In this way, you have to pay the protection fee, and you are not allowed to default on it. After all, people know where you are, otherwise they would not ask you for the protection fee.

And although these protection fees are painful for these people, they are not unbearable. He just wants you to be able to endure it and pay them protection fees for a long time. This is called a steady flow.

And if you resist, they will immediately use force to subdue you.

If you get beaten up, you have to pay protection money, and your life will be difficult in the future.

This is also called killing one to serve as a warning to hundreds.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for a brat like Zhang Ming from the Palace of Hell to endure.

With him here, you don't have to think about saving much money, but as long as you do it, you won't be hungry. If you really have no money, they won't come to collect protection money.

Because of this, many people hate and fear Zhang Ming. They hate him for stealing their hard-earned money and are afraid of his coercive tactics.

In any case, Zhang Ming is now considered a famous brand in Sancha Street. Many people feel like avoiding snakes and scorpions after hearing Zhang Ming's name. This kind of people are difficult to deal with. How can ordinary people be their opponents?

There are many people in the family, and Beizhuang Town is extremely poor. Everyone has a hard time, and who can think of resisting?

Moreover, people like Huang Jing have a Achilles heel. They are comfortable when they can, and they won't do anything if they can't.

If someone comes to collect protection money, just give it to them. They don’t ask for much anyway, and they won’t deprive you of food. They want most of the money you have left after you eat, drink, and wear clothes.

Even Zhang Ming and his gang know the economic status of each household better than they do.

If you don't give it, you'll be beaten and you'll have to give the money, and your life in the future won't be easy. You're taking care of your family, and it won't be worth it no matter how you calculate it.

So many people accepted their fate. Whenever Zhang Ming came, they would prepare money without saying a word.

There’s not much to say.

Zhang Ming is a thief who is able to hang out on the ground of Sancha Street, and from a certain point of view, Zhang Ming is still a grand thief. The richer you are, the more he robs. This is what people like Zhang Ming know. The reason for following Zhang Ming all the time.

They also have confidence, and they feel that they are doing the right thing.

This is very scary. These people think that they are living a happy life and living an extremely carefree life.

And they can be regarded as robbing the rich and giving to the poor, right?

He's a hero, right? The difference between them and heroes is that their skills may not be as good as those of heroes. At the same time, they only rob the rich and do not help the poor. When helping the poor, they do not collect protection fees from poor households.

Zhang Ming even raised a banner himself: The great patient in the world is not worried about scarcity but inequality. The poor can endure poverty, but they cannot bear poverty. You live a comfortable life. Can people feel balanced in this way? ?

In this way, Zhang Ming's group of people have the meaning of existence. They want the world to be unified, and the poor will be poor together. No one can want to be rich. If no one is rich, no one will worry about gains and losses. They have done it. A very good thing.

Of course, these are all things Zhang Ming and his gang think they are doing.

They still enjoy doing these things and regard them as work.

This is also the sad thing about these people.

Beizhuang Town is poorer now. If Beizhuang Town were richer and people from the county came down to rectify the public order, Zhang Ming and his gang would probably be unemployed.

Zhang Ming is also a far-sighted person. He also wants to find a way out for his brothers. The way to find a way out is to save the protection money that will come up and use it later.

But how much money can they plunder from the poor? There are no rich people in Beizhuang Town.

Zhang Ming was still worried about this matter, when Li Fan came to his door.

"Brother Ming, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. My daughter is still in school. The whole family is counting on me." Huang Jing immediately looked at Zhang Ming pitifully, hoping that he could get something like this Zhang Ming’s compassion.

"Oh, tsk tsk tsk, Lao Huang, I also know that you are eager to protect your little one. Do I, Zhang Ming, do things the same as others? If your family really has no money, I can even waive the protection fee for you, but your family has money Isn’t it wrong to hide something private? So many of us brothers are busy and exhausted just for the sake of the security of Beizhuang Town. If anything happens, we will all have to take responsibility for it. If you go out, do you want us to go hungry and shield you from the wind? Isn't that too heartless?" In a few words, Zhang Ming had already gained the initiative in the negotiation. At this time, he was the only one speaking, and Huang Jing could only nod his head. .

"Yes, Brother Ming, you are right, but..." Huang Jing sighed and lowered his head.

"I also know that you want to save money. Your daughter goes to a boarding middle school in the county, right? I know, it's not easy. Who do you think has it easier? But, isn't this the reason for you to hide your secrets? Are you there? Now that I have said it clearly, I may weigh it in my mind. I said that Lao Huang’s daughter has to go to middle school and go to college. She needs to save more money, so she should charge less protection fee. You say it, but you won’t say it. Disrespect means that you don't treat me, Zhang Ming, as a human being. Do you think I should hit you?" Zhang Ming turned his back on the guest and stunned Huang Jing for a moment.

"That's right." Huang Jing gritted his teeth. Now that he was a fish and a man, it could easily kill him. Huang Jing would never dare to make a mistake easily.

Therefore, Huang Jing did not dare to disobey anything Zhang Ming said at this time.

Li Fan was different. He was the only one at home and had no burden. He squinted his eyes and stared at Zhang Ming.

Even if you threaten Huang Jing, you still behave differently in front of me.

Why should I give you the money I earn from my business?

As for the idea of ​​protection fees, it simply doesn't exist here in Li Fan.

"Okay, don't say this anymore. You asked me to make the brothers very sad. The brothers are full of passion. For us big guys, it's just throwing their lives and blood. If we are in danger, it's all They rushed up desperately just to protect you group of people. What are they trying to achieve? They can’t achieve anything. Even if they are bodyguards, they have to be paid, right?"

"Yes, do you think you were wronged for paying the protection fee?" Zhang Ming never talked to Li Fan. He only talked to Huang Jing because Li Fan's problem was a big one and Zhang Ming wanted a way not to offend Li Fan. , keep talking to Li Fan.

If he gets involved with Li Fan, I'm afraid he won't have an easy time either.

"No, no, no, it's not unfair. I don't mean it. Brother Ming, now that we've talked about it, you're going to dig out your heart and soul, and I'm going to dig out my heart and lungs too. I'm not hiding my secrets because of myself, I'm hiding it because of my daughter. , Alas, you don’t know the current tuition fees, accommodation fees, canteen food fees, etc., which all cost a lot of money, as well as the money for tutoring books. You think I, Lao Huang, will have to suffer for the rest of my life. I’m fine, but I don’t want my daughter to suffer. I want her to go to school well, so I have to pay for the tutoring books and food. I also want my daughter to eat well. I just think about my daughter. I don’t have it. I mean something else, Brother Ming, please don’t misunderstand me." Huang Jing quickly waved his hand and explained.

He hoped that his explanation would gain Zhang Ming's understanding.

After all, Huang Jing didn't want to conflict with Zhang Ming.

Li Fan was not afraid. His family was all in Beizhuang Town, and they were all stretched out their necks under someone's knife. If the person didn't like it, the knife would come down.

If he doesn't think about himself, he has to think about his wife and children, right?

Therefore, Huang Jing's attitude at this time was very obvious. He would rather not help Li Fan sell the eel than offend Zhang Ming.

Is life or money more important?

The results speak for themselves for Huang Jing.

He just wants to live a decent life, and he will be greedy like other people, but Huang Jing is smart because he will not be swayed by this greed and ruin his future life.

After hearing this, Zhang Ming laughed twice. Zhang Ming's laughter was not pleasant.

Especially to Huang Jing's ears, it sounded like a cat demon barking, and his laughter made his hair stand on end.

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