Best Son-in-law

Chapter 503 Conflict breaks out

"That depends on the rules." Li Fan chuckled. Faced with such an oppressive Zhang Ming, he did not fall into his trap.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ming smiled: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. You are doing business in Beizhuang Town. We have an obligation to protect your business. Of course, you also have an obligation to share some profits with our brothers. This should be regarded as It’s a collaboration between the three of us, what do you think?”

"Cooperation, cooperation is good. If we cooperate with Brother Ming, we won't have to worry about others disturbing us. No one will bother us carelessly." Huang Jing heard this and quickly pushed Li Fan away. Well, he hoped that Li Fan could win Zhang Ming's request.

Li Fan smiled slightly, but did not rush to agree. Instead, he looked at Zhang Ming and asked: "Brother Ming, I don't quite understand how the profits should be divided? Didn't you say four and two yuan?"

"Four two yuan? That's four yuan and two with Lao Huang. He has made so much money, so he should pay us 70%, so this is with Lao Huang, and you have to have an account." Zhang Ming couldn't help but Narrowing his eyes: "The market price of your eel is sixty-six per catty. As far as I know, Lao Huang takes six yuan of it, and you have to take the rest sixty. I think you are taking too much of the sixty." Your hands are hot, why don’t I help you.”

"Generally, others give up 70% of the profit. I think it's quite hard for you to cultivate, and you may also eliminate costs and so on. Let's spread it out and say, let's give up 20% of the profit. Let's divide it 50-50. Are you sincere enough?" Zhang Ming looked at Li Fan and said.

"Brother Ming, isn't it seven or three points? Why can this guy get five points?" At that moment, some people under Zhang Ming were not satisfied, and they wanted to get seven points of profit.

In this way, they can earn nearly fifty for sixty-six kilograms of eels. If they sell more eels, they can make a lot of money in a day, which will make them all feel a lot more relaxed.

Therefore, people like Hongmao don't want to give up these two cents of profit. After all, this is only twelve yuan per catty. If calculated in a day, it would be hundreds.

"Hey, it's not easy for people to develop this thing. It also costs money. We don't know how much the cost is. The profit of five points is already a lot. In this way, we can still get thirty-four yuan for one pound of eels. , how about it, Boss Li? Do you think this business is a good deal? You give up five points of profit, and I guarantee that no one will cause trouble when you do business in the future." Zhang Ming looked at Li Fan and said.

When he said this, he actually didn't give Li Fan any room for maneuver. This was basically a decision, and now Li Fan had no choice but to nod.

"Five points?" Li Fan smiled in surprise after hearing this. He originally estimated that Zhang Ming and the others would be so greedy, but he never expected that these people would be so greedy.

Li Fan's face here is relatively calm, but Huang Jing's face over there is already ugly at this time. He wants to give away seven points of profit. In the future, he will not be able to make much money with these three points of profit. At this time, Huang Jing was about to cry without tears. Selling eels was no longer profitable for him.

Even though there was only a little oil and water, Zhang Ming still followed the principle he had implemented before, neither letting him eat enough nor letting him starve to death.

Huang Jing still gritted his teeth and did this business, but there was no money left to make.

"It's just five points. We are already very sincere. You heard it. Originally, the brothers said it was seven points. I have given you a lot of face." Zhang Ming said with a smile.

At this time, Huang Jing didn't say a word. He was lying on the wicker chair and had no strength. The loss of most of the profits suddenly made him feel like he was in vain. Huang Jing had already fallen into despair.

"Alas, people are miserable and dissatisfied." Li Fan sighed and was not in a hurry to speak.

"I think so. You have already made a lot of money when you came to Beizhuang to do business. Shouldn't you give our brothers some food? Boss Li, since you are a businessman, you must understand that this money must be earned little by little. You have to make money step by step. I can make you earn less than a penny in Beizhuang. If you don’t believe me, you can give it a try. Think about it, if you can’t do business in Beizhuang, you will still make a profit. Isn't it? I'm afraid there is none at all, right? I give you this face out of respect for you. I am too lazy to talk nonsense to others, so I just ask for 70%." Zhang Ming still hopes that Li Fan will agree to this matter.

But Li Fan smiled, pulled Huang Jing and said, "Let's go."

"What do you mean? Boss Li?" Zhang Ming asked with a frown.

"It doesn't mean anything. You are great in Beizhuang. I can't afford to offend you, so why can't I hide from you?" Li Fan said with a smile.

There was no way he would agree to this.

Because Li Fan not only represented his own interests, but also the interests of other villagers in Laoshantun.

When Li Fan went out to do business, he saw that he was making too much money, so he came over to ask for money. If you don't give him the money, he will smash your stall, making it impossible for you to do business, and you won't make a penny. Will you give it or not?

I gave this and will have it next time.

There is no end to it.

These days are no longer the old days. Zhang Ming and his gang still rely on that method to bully people, that is, they bully Beizhuang Town for being poor.

How could Li Fan agree? Not a cent of the money he earns will be given out.

However, the sales in Beizhuang Town may be interrupted for some time.

After returning home, Li Fan had to think of a way to deal with this group of people.

Of course, it is useless for Li Fan to take action now. If he hurts someone, others will arrest him.

After all, they didn't take action.

Fighting is not the only way to solve problems.

"Brother Li, don't you want to discuss it anymore? This is cooperation and can be discussed. Let's sit down and have a good talk. You see, Brother Ming is also a reasonable person. Let's have a few words. We value peace. This business Would you rather not make money or do anything?" At this time, Huang actually winked at Li Fan.

"There's no need to negotiate. I won't give any of my money to anyone else, brother Ming? What is this? Do you deserve to talk like this in front of me?" Li Fan smiled slightly, stopped and looked at Zhang Ming.

This sentence is not shy and refers directly to Zhang Ming.

Li Fan originally wanted to go back first and see how to deal with this matter, but suddenly, his mind changed, why bother? Don't these people just rely on some fists and kicks? He can do it too.

Li Fan could talk to Zhang Ming and the others with his fists and kicks.

At this moment, the whole audience was shocked. Huang Jing almost had his eyes popped out and his body was shaking with fear.

It is no longer good to speak like this.

Even if Zhang Ming could bear such an insult to the top tyrant of Sancha Street, the people under him would not be able to bear it either. Li Fan would definitely have to fight with Zhang Ming and the others.

When Huang Jing saw this, he quickly raised his hands: "Brothers, just treat me like a fart, treat me like a fart, I am older and younger."

At this moment, the people around him reacted from their shocked expressions. After they reacted, they immediately surrounded him.

Some of the grumpy ones were about to get into trouble.

At this moment, Li Fan also took action. He turned around and kicked the man's throat with a side kick, which was half a hand away. If Li Fan's kick got stuck on this man's throat, he would be dead. You have to shed your skin even if you don't die.

At this moment, Li Fan left no room for chance. He used all his fierce moves to defeat Zhang Ming and the others.

When dealing with Zhang Ming and the others, Li Fan was more ruthless than them. They beat them until their teeth were all over the floor. Li Fan could beat these people until they were hospitalized for several months. Then we would see who paid the higher price.

For Gang, if you touch one of my fingers, I will cut off your arm. Only when the beating is severe and painful will these people know that they have offended the wrong person.

Li Fan was already planning to take action. He was going to sell eels in Beizhuang Town without sharing the profits with them.

Li Fan wanted to conquer this group of people.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Ming shouted just as Li Fan's knife was pointed at Huang Mao's throat behind him.

At this moment, Zhang Ming's face was gloomy and scary. He wanted to use his power to oppress Li Fan and force him to submit. Unexpectedly, Li Fan was really a ruthless person who would take action whenever he said it.

It's okay to do it yourself. There are so many of them, and there are also practitioners, but Li Fan's attacks are all deadly. With such a kick stuck in the neck, does that person still have a way to survive? Isn't this life-threatening?

Zhang Ming wanted money, but he also valued loyalty. He didn't want to see the brothers around him being carried into the morgue, and if one brother was carried into the morgue, other brothers might not dare to do anything.

And with Li Fan's skills, if he takes action soon, his people will be killed or injured, and the loss will probably not be small. He will not make any money, but he will lose a lot of medical expenses. This is a loss-making business, Zhang Ming Why can't you calculate clearly?

Hearing Zhang Ming's words, Li Fan's feet stopped. He thought that ordinary people might not be able to bear this kick, and he might just kick someone to death, so Li Fan stopped kicking him. He couldn't kill people, but he could kill someone. It's the same thing if someone is crippled.

After Li Fan stopped his foot, the restrained Huang Mao was covered in sweat, panting heavily, and did not dare to move, because he knew that if the foot got stuck in his throat in the next second, he would be in trouble. There is no way to survive.

No one could have imagined that Li Fan would be so ruthless and directly suppress the group of people led by Zhang Ming.

Although there were some people in this group who were not afraid of death, their eyes widened when they saw Li Fan's kick speed.

Not easy to mess with, definitely a tough guy.

Everyone knows this in their hearts, and of course many people are still unwilling to do so.

At this time, Li Fan did not retract his feet, but turned the knife into a foot and directly kicked Huang Mao to the ground.

"Brother, are you too cruel? Are you trying to kill my brother?" Zhang Ming's eyes were splitting.

Li Fan smiled lightly: "Since you are threatening me, then I will say something unpleasant. Being kind to others means being kind to yourself. The money I earn will not pay any protection fees. Don't even think about it. I want full profits, and I want to sell in Beizhuang. If I find that I make less money than before, and Brother Huang is threatened by you and dares not to do it, then I'm sorry, we will ask you all to report to the hospital. , if you don’t mind, we can have a good time, and I’ll see who suffers.”

At this time, Li Fan spoke very domineeringly. He stared straight-eyed, leaving no room for anything, let alone giving any advantage to this group of people.

Hearing these words, the faces of Zhang Ming and others turned even darker.

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