Best Son-in-law

Chapter 505 So heroic

Now that a dispute has been made and there is no room for maneuver, there is nothing to say. Since Li Fan has done such a thing, he will not regret it and will not leave any room for himself.

Of course, Li Fan still hopes to become famous in one battle and directly convince Zhang Ming and others so that they will not have any other bad intentions.

But obviously, Zhang Ming and his group refused to accept death.

"If you still want to play, then I will accompany you to the end. Brother Huang, you continue to help me sell eels. If they lift a finger from you, I will break both arms of all of them. I will do what I say, don't believe it. You can try it." Li Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, Zhang Ming smiled: "Do you still expect to defeat us? Unless we die!"

"Then you just die." Li Fan's expression was indifferent, like the god of death, he directly raised his foot and kicked Zhang Ming in the face.

This step seemed to open a dyeing shop, and the ground was dyed red with blood.

How could Zhang Ming bear Li Fan's kick?

He was kicked so hard that four or five of his upper front teeth fell out.

Li Fan was so awesome at what he did, he didn't leave any room for anything.

"Brother Ming."

"Brother Ming."

When the people under Zhang Ming saw Zhang Ming being beaten like this, a raging fire suddenly ignited in their hearts. They all wanted to tear Li Fan alive, but they had no choice but to have their arms or legs broken by Li Fan. They could only He watched helplessly, but was unable to step forward to help.

"I'm going to kill you." The red-haired man next to him was itching his teeth with hatred.

Li Fan kicked him up with an expressionless expression. With this kick, Hongmao fell silent and several more teeth fell out.

"Are you still dissatisfied? You can try it at any time. Aren't you afraid of death? Then let you face real death and give it a try. A group of cowards who say they are not afraid of death, but will wet their pants in fear when they go to the execution ground. What qualifications do you have to clamor? Those who are not convinced can say nothing, and those who are not afraid of death can do it. I will let you see real death." Li Fan said coldly.

This time, he wanted to fight violence with violence, so that these people would submit to his cruelty and not dare to cause trouble again.

Li Fan, who has experienced life and death in Wudu Peak, understands a truth. Everyone is afraid of death. No one is not afraid of death. Everyone will regret before they die. Those who say they are not afraid of death are those who have never really faced death. Damn it. Point out the fearless ability of the ignorant. If they are really exposed to death, they will really wet their pants.

And I will definitely regret it the moment I die.

After Li Fan said this, no one said anything.

As Li Fan expected, none of these people are not afraid of death. After seeing the miserable end of Zhang Ming and Hong Mao, they didn't want to be like this. Only fools wanted to be like this.

His front teeth were kicked out, his orifices were bleeding, his nose was choked with blood, his tears were filled with blood, and he couldn't say a word. It was not a pleasant feeling.

Li Fan's kick was aimed at an honest person, and there was no one left to challenge Li Fan.

The remaining people no longer had the same vigor as before and were afraid of being beaten.

I was scared of being beaten all my life.

Although they hated it, gnashed their teeth with hatred, and although they were unwilling to give in, they all chose to close their mouths at this time and no longer said anything.

Because they know what the consequences will be if they open their mouths and say something.

Zhang Ming and Hongmao are a lesson learned from the past.

Seeing the miserable condition of Zhang Ming and Hongmao, they didn't want to follow in their footsteps again.

This group of people was really frightened by Li Fan. At this moment, no one dared to say a word.

Some whined directly, and even the whine was not loud.

Zhang Ming was lying on the ground, his face covered with blood, and he was dying. He felt like he was really going to die. He began to regret in his heart, regretting that he had provoked Li Fan, otherwise he would not have such a miserable end.

Until this moment, Zhang Ming didn't know the value of life.

Only then did he know how to cherish.

On the edge of life and death, Zhang Ming kept wandering and struggling, and so did Hong Mao.

"Aren't they not afraid of death? Aren't they all courageous? It turns out they are all a bunch of cowards, not men anymore? Wasn't it good that you didn't say anything just now? Are there any men who are silent? No more?" Li Fan kept asking Provocation, but no one dared to say anything at this time.

I was scared, I was completely scared, and I was completely convinced.

"Alas." Li Fan sighed, his goal was achieved.

"Let's go, Brother Huang." Li Fan greeted Huang Jing.

Huang Jing was still dazed. Hearing Li Fan call him, he immediately got up. His legs were trembling.

Just now, he had seen Li Fan beat this group of people alone, beating them until they cried for their fathers and mothers, howling miserably.

He couldn't help but feel something in his heart. If Li Fan had used such a method to deal with him, he would definitely be dead by now.

Especially this kick from Li Fanti to Zhang Ming. Huang Jing, with his half-aged bones, would definitely not be able to bear this kick.

He will definitely be kicked to death here.

So even though Huang Jing knew that Li Fan wouldn't do anything to him, he still swallowed for no reason.

This is really scary.

I originally thought that Zhang Ming and his gang were cruel enough. They were like little chickens in front of Li Fan. They were hung up and beaten casually. After the beating, they all surrendered?

These are things that Huang Jing never dared to think about.

Now it has come true.

But at this time, Huang Jing couldn't help but start to think about whether he should continue to stand by Li Fan's side or change his position. He had to hesitate.

In the end, Huang Jing chose to change his stance, because Li Fan would not attack him, but he was likely to suffer revenge from Zhang Ming and others.

He was old and young but he couldn't stand this, so Huang Jing followed Li Fan with a trembling mouth and said: "Brother Li, I won't sell eel anymore. You can find someone else to sell it. I can't sell it. This is fatal." ."

Huang Jing was timid. He didn't dare to sell eels, and he didn't dare to make money anymore. He was afraid that his house would be ransacked by the group of people who had offended Nianxiang.

"It's okay, Brother Huang. If they touch you, I will pay you money and you will be beaten. I will pay you 100,000 and you will help me sell it. No matter how they touch you, as long as they touch you, I will pay you You give me 100,000, and then I will break both their arms. So don’t be afraid, Brother Huang. Don’t you think about yourself and your daughter? If it’s a normal business, she can go to school and have good food. ?Can you have good tutorial books and tutoring classes? Don’t be afraid, I’ll see who dares to touch you.”

"If I touch you, I will not only seek justice for you, but I will also compensate you. Just think about it." Li Fan said proudly.

Huang Jing heard this sentence and it was in his heart. Just as Li Fan said, Huang Jing was worried about his daughter at this time. He was willing to do anything for his daughter. When he heard what Li Fan just said, as long as Zhang Ming's people touched him , gave him one hundred thousand, Huang Jing gritted his teeth and made the deal.

People die for money, and birds die for food. For money, he is willing to do this.

A beating and a hundred thousand dollars, that's worth it.

When Zhang Ming's group of people heard this, their eyes suddenly widened.

They have seen Li Fan's cruelty, and they are also afraid of this. If Li Fan really beats Huang Jing as Li Fan said, they will break both arms. Who dares to beat him?

So these people couldn't help but start to weigh it up.

Their eyes were wide open, but also a little sad.

My fists are not as hard as others, so what else can I say?

All they deserve is to be beaten.

Li Fan shook his head. He knew that the group of people had been frightened, so he patted Huang Jing on the shoulder: "Okay, the matter is settled. Take the eel and let's go."

So Li Fan and Huang Jing left carrying the eels that Zhang Ming and others were planning to sell.

Zhang Ming and the others could only watch them go back and forth several times to take away the eels without even daring to say a word.

It wasn't until Li Fan and Huang Jing took away all the eels and left completely that these people slowly stood up leisurely.

Basically, most of them had serious injuries. Li Fan even broke his leg after being kicked by Li Fan.

There were also people who were afraid, and fell to the ground directly after seeing Li Fan kicking him. After all, not everyone is particularly courageous, and not everyone can stand up to Li Fan.

Even if I say it in my mouth, I am afraid in my heart. Even if I am not afraid in my heart, my legs are weak subconsciously.

In the end, some people lay down on the ground before Li Fan came over. This group of people was safe and sound now. These people stood up without much injury and helped Zhang Ming and Hong Mao up first.

At this time, Zhang Ming and Hong Mao couldn't say a word. Hong Mao's tears kept flowing, but in their eyes there was no longer the fierceness and surliness before, replaced by sadness and pain.

After witnessing real death, these two people were really scared.

The others were also helped to their feet.

"Brother Ming, what should we do?" Laoguai stepped forward and asked. He was kicked to the ground by Li Fan, so he was not seriously injured.

Zhang Ming waved his hand, he couldn't speak.

"Besides going to the hospital, what else can we do now? Find someone to take revenge?" Someone in the crowd said helplessly at this time.

The rest of them sighed.

"What are you talking about? Can we be so submissive? If you say he can't do it in Beizhuang Town, just let him do it in Beizhuang Town. We big men are spitting and nailing. Isn't Li Fan ruthless? We If you can't beat him, then go beat that old man and let him follow that boy and become a bitch, and we will beat him into a bitch. Believe it or not, as long as we beat that old boy one more time, he will never dare to do it again." At this time, said a strong young man.

"Lao Chong, do you think this is useful? People will come over and cripple our arms. Why don't you go fight them?" Lao Guai said helplessly.

"That's right, when he asked just now, why didn't you say anything? Don't you have the guts? Why are you standing here so well? You haven't broken your arm, so don't say anything. Hey." Someone said from behind.

The two men were so angry that the man named Lao Chong was speechless.

"Okay, everyone who is not injured, help those who are injured, go to the hospital first, and we will wait until they are cured." Laoguai commanded on behalf of Zhang Ming.

Because Zhang Ming was speechless at this time.

"Then how will we collect protection fees in the future? If there is a leader, it will be difficult to collect protection fees in the future." Lao Chong glared.

"That's nothing you should worry about anymore. How can someone else come out and beat us like this? He's an evil leader. If you touch that evil leader, aren't you looking for a slap in the face?" Laoguai said angrily. .

"This kid is so talented and powerful. I don't know when he was killed." said a yellow haired man.

"I'm afraid I can't stand it. This kind of person is a cruel person." Someone else said from behind.

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