Best Son-in-law

Chapter 521 The fish is dead and the net is broken

Li Fan's strong force made the pretty girl's face turn red, but she still looked unconvinced. From time to time, she cast vicious eyes at Li Fan and Zhu Zhu, and from time to time she closed her beautiful big eyes. He held Li Fan's arm with one hand and tried to struggle hard.

"Please, be merciful and show your respect. We will pay you 100,000 yuan. This girl is pitiful." The gray-haired old man knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Li Fan. His old voice sounded like he was begging. .

"It's wrong for you to lie. What else is there to say? The three of you can't run away together, so why are you begging for mercy? Just wait for the people from the police station to arrive and arrest you all." Li Fan narrowed his eyes as he spoke. Eyes rolled: "I have pity on you, how can you deceive innocent people because of your pity? This 100,000 yuan was also earned by other people's hard work."

"Then please be noble and let the child go. She is ignorant and it is all our fault. There is nothing we can do. The two of us plead guilty and you can arrest us when the time comes. We will never resist, but she is still young and she is only ten years old. 8. She cannot go to the prison, otherwise her life will be over. Please show mercy. You will be repaid for your kindness." The gray-haired old man kowtowed sincerely and begged.

"Grandpa, don't beg him. People like him are not innocent at all. I would rather go to jail than have you beg him." At this time, tears fell in the eyes of the beautiful little girl, but not because of Li Fan. I was pinched, but I thought of some very heartbreaking things.

"Xiao Fei, stop talking. You don't know the consequences of this matter at all. For our crime, we will be sentenced to at least ten years. In ten years, you are almost thirty. You cannot leave the best of your youth to others. Prison." The gray-haired old man said heartbrokenly. After saying this, he looked at Li Fan again, with a pleading look on his face: "Please show mercy to her because she is still young. This is what you are doing. It’s a matter of patronizing, but it’s Xiao Fei’s whole life. You are an adult, so don’t argue with a child.”

"You are eighteen, and you should be responsible for what you do. If we are all like you, saying that it is not easy for you and begging for mercy, why do you need the law? If you do something wrong, you should be punished. This has been the ancient tradition Truth be told, I forgive you, who else can defend the innocent?" Li Fan spoke without mercy and had no intention of letting this little girl go.

"Fart." The pretty girl struggled desperately, her eyes red: "You are talking nonsense. We were innocent people back then and no one defended us. Now we have done something wrong and you have to defend others. How can there be fairness? ?What kind of justice is there? Anyway, now that I’m in your hands, I won’t try to escape the blame. I don’t regret what I did. I’ll bear it myself. Kill or behead, it’s up to you. If I If you frown, you won't be called Di Qingfei."

The pretty girl said stubbornly. She was unwilling to bow to Li Fan and struggled with gritted teeth.

"You are a liar. You talk as if we are wrong. What are we wrong? You are bad people when you lie to others. Bad people should be sanctioned and punished." Zhuzi said.

"Shut up, I'm not a bad person, and I'm not a liar." Tears flowed from Di Qingfei's big eyes.

"Please, please show me your noble hand. The child's life is really hard. If we had even the slightest idea, we would not take this path. We are willing to compensate you for your losses, okay?" The slightly fat middle-aged man also knelt down. Come here and sincerely beg Li Fan.

"Compensation? That's what you should say." When Li Fan heard the word compensation, the smile on his face suddenly brightened, and he slowly let go of Di Qingfei.

These were the two words he was waiting for, otherwise why bother with them in vain.

"Yes, as long as your compensation is in place, I can consider letting her go, or even let all of you go, and no one will have trouble with money." Li Fan squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Dad, how can our family have the money to compensate him? If we compensate him, what will Xiao Huang Xiaoqing and the others do?" Di Qingfei looked at her father in confusion.

"How can we care about anything else? If you go in, they will be ruined." The slightly fat middle-aged man said with a struggling expression.

After hearing this, Di Qingfei's face was filled with despair.

If nothing else, she would not be afraid of being sent to jail alone, but she was still in charge of these groups of stray puppies. If she went in, these stray puppies would definitely die. Stray dogs basically have some disabilities, are not lovable, and will not be used as pets, so after losing Di Qingfei, their fate is already doomed.

That's a dead end.

Di Qingfei did not want the stray puppies she raised to die, so even if she endured the humiliation, she could not be captured.

"How much do you have to pay?" When the fat middle-aged man heard that there was still a chance for peace, he stood up from the ground. His eyes were bloodshot. Since the other party wanted money, there was room for settlement.

"I have also suffered some mental damage, and in order to give you a warning and advice so that you can remember it, so I will give you 20,000 yuan per person, and 60,000 yuan for the three of you. No matter how much you lose, it won't work." Li Fan said slightly. smiled.

This time he opened his mouth as a lion.

After hearing this, Di Qingfei and the other three were all stunned.

One person is 20,000, and the three of them are 60,000?

If they had 60,000 yuan, why would they do such a dirty thing?

"Brother, I, we don't have that much money. Really, if we had so much money, why would we cheat you out of 100,000 yuan? Don't you think so?" the slightly fat middle-aged man said with a trembling voice.

"Yes, young man, we can only afford five thousand yuan at most at home now. If we sell the things at home, we will only have more than eight thousand yuan at most. We will give it all to you, so you can be generous and let us go. It's a big favor." Great Virtue, I will definitely keep it in my heart." The gray-haired old man sincerely requested.

"Then I don't care. No matter how you borrow it, you can't lose a penny of the 20,000 yuan per person. If you lose a penny, you will be sent to prison." Li Fan looked lazy. Squint your eyes and smile slightly.

Zhuzi was standing next to him, and he was stunned. He felt that what Li Fan did was not good, but he didn't dare to say anything. Now that things have happened, he has also discovered that there must be a reason for Li Fan's actions. Zhuzi can't do anything about it. Intervention can't be done.

So he simply stood aside and said nothing or did nothing. It all depends on how Li Fan handles the matter.

At this time, Zhu Zhu firmly believed that everything his godfather did was right.

There must be a reason for him to do so.

"Poor people must be hateful. If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place? My godfather will not let you go. Please pay 60,000 yuan to compensate." At this time, Zhu Zhu also felt that these scammers were a little pitiful. .

Although it's hateful that they lied to people, the three of them live in such an abandoned old building. Everyone around them has moved away, but they are still unwilling to move out, and they also have a group of stray dogs.

If not for anything else, just for these stray dogs.

All of them have disabilities, but all of them are clean.

Zhu Zhu felt that these three people were not bad people.

So the anger in Zhuzi's heart had been eliminated by now, and he didn't want to see the three of them go to prison.

Especially this Di Qingfei, she is eight years older than him and should still be in school. If she goes to prison for ten years, everything will be over when she comes out.

"We really can't come up with 60,000 yuan. We can't get it together even if we sell everything. We have no relatives to borrow from. Even 20,000 yuan is not enough. Please be kind and don't push people into despair. ." The gray-haired old man pleaded.

"Godfather." Zhu Zhu also glanced at Li Fan: "If not, these people are so pitiful."

"We are not pitiful and we don't need your pity." Di Qingfei gritted her teeth. She hated Li Fan as always. She looked at Li Fan as if he were an enemy. Those who didn't know thought that Li Fan had treated Di Qing before. What had Fei done to make her hold such a grudge?

Even Li Fan was a little confused at this time. He thought that he had never done anything sorry for this girl, right? Why are you looking at yourself like this? Li Fan couldn't understand.

"He has a human face and an animal heart, and he is dressed like an animal." Di Qingfei glared at Li Fan and cursed. At this time, her hands were holding the skirt tightly, so tightly that she almost tore the skirt.

This is definitely not ordinary hatred, and Li Fan is sure that he has not offended Di Qingfei.

"Forget it, we can't spare them. Animals will pretend to be dead before they die, and these liars will pretend to be pitiful before they are caught. If you are deceived, how can you be fair to others in the future? They are innocent, Zhuzi, you have to remember , the matter itself is what it is, they did something wrong and deserve to be punished, the law is greater than love." Li Fan said indifferently without raising his eyelids.

This sentence seemed to have sentenced the three of them to death. Their faces turned pale instantly. They all knew that they could not escape the guilt, so they looked at each other.

They all gritted their teeth.

Almost instantly, Di Qingfei rushed forward with determination on her face, hugged Li Fan, and bit Li Fan's arm.

"Dad, Grandpa, take Xiaoqing, Xiaohuang and the others away quickly. Leave me alone. I'll pester him and take them away." Di Qingfei hated Li Fan to the point of hysteria, so there was no room left for this bite. Keep.

Even Li Fan couldn't bear such a powerful bite. He curled his lips in pain and immediately put his hand on Di Qingfei's head: "Are you a dog? If you bite like this, let me go."

"I'll bite you to death. I'm fighting you for my life. You've harmed my family. I won't let you go. I won't live anymore. I want your life." At this time, Di Qingfei was also hysterical with hatred. This kind of hatred is not formed in a day or two, or even in a year or two, it will not form such a big hatred.

Seeing this scene, Li Fan suddenly fell silent. He let go of his hand and let Di Qingfei bite him wantonly. He gave up the struggle and looked at Di Qingfei coldly with indifferent eyes.

The fat middle-aged man and the gray-haired old man saw this scene and did not leave. They were indeed forced into a dead end and there was no way out.

If Li Fan doesn't let them go, they will only die.

But they all saw the next scene and were stunned.

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