Best Son-in-law

Chapter 523 Abandoned

After hearing this, Li Fan smiled bitterly. Now he finally understood why Di Qingfei was so hostile to him before. It seemed that some things he experienced when he was young made him go to extremes.

On this extreme road, Di Qingfei went further and further and could no longer look back.

Li Fan didn't speak, he was silent. He wanted to hear a story about Di Qingfei's family. Before this painful story was told, Li Fan had no qualifications to give any advice.

Zhuzi's eyes widened at this moment. Facing Di Qingfei's pain, he somewhat felt the same.

After all, Zhuzi's biological father died because of some powerful people.

Thus trapping him into eternal doom.

Everyone around him was silent. Di Qingfei bit her lip, looked at Li Fan with red eyes, and slowly told the story of her childhood.

"My family originally lived a very happy life. My mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, and grandparents all loved me. The whole family was very happy every day. My family also had a dog named Dahuang. Dahuang is an ordinary dog. There’s nothing unusual about this local dog, but every time I go home, it’s always very close to me.”

"But later, a man deceived our family with the so-called jadeite. He said that he was eager to sell the jadeite and wanted to use the money to save people. We all believed it and bought the jadeite. I spent all my family’s savings. I had someone appraise it before, but the person who helped me appraise it was a group of liars. Just like that, all my family’s savings were gone.”

"There is no reward for good people. We only wanted to do good deeds, and we just wanted to help save people. However, he took advantage of our kindness and defrauded my family of all their savings. Later, we saw the liar again and found out after asking about it. He was a second-rate dealer in the antique market, specializing in these deceptive businesses. My father was so angry that he beat him in public, and then he was arrested and detained."

"We all said he was a liar and defrauded us of a lot of money, but because there was no evidence, such a bad guy was allowed to go free. He even gathered a crowd to beat my dad. We complained in many ways to no avail, just because we had no money, no power, and no understanding of the law. , there was no evidence, so I was bullied to death by him."

"Later, this liar made a deal with our money and got rich? He became famous immediately, and even came to express his gratitude to us. In fact, it was a humiliation. My grandfather became ill because of this, and it was all because of this person. "

"My grandpa was seriously ill, and the family's savings were all gone, so there was no way to treat him. Later, when I had no choice, I had to discuss selling everything I could at home to treat my grandpa. Thanks to the understanding of the neighbors. , my family built today's residence next to the house, and then sold the original place. In the end, there was still not enough money. Several families raised funds, but it still was not enough. There was no money in the first place, so how could there be money for grandpa? Cure?"

"You can't just watch my grandpa die, right? At this time, a man who had chased my mother before appeared. He took my mother away, completely. From now on, I don't have a mother."

"That day, it was raining. Dahuang and I went to chase my mother together. We chased for several streets, and our voices were hoarse. My mother turned around and just said, "Poor and lowly couples, everything is sad."

"She was very heartless. She didn't look back or look at me. In the end, I couldn't chase or run anymore, so Dahuang chased me. On the street, I saw my mother being taken into another car. In the car, Dahuang bit my mother's pants desperately, trying to pull her back. The man kicked Dahuang, but Dahuang wouldn't let go, no matter what. Finally, the man picked up the stick and aimed it at Dahuang's head. .”

When Di Qingfei said this, she closed her eyes.

"I will never forget that day, I will always remember that day. Rich people are not good people. Their enjoyment is all based on our pain. They have no feelings. They will only bully others and take advantage of our kindness. Over and over again.”

When Di Qingfei said this, she clenched her little hands tightly, not hiding the hatred in her heart.

She gritted her teeth and could never forget that black and unforgettable memory.

This was a lifetime of pain, deeply engraved in her mind.

"Even my mother has changed. Just because of money, she became a bad person. She watched Dahuang, who had been with us for so many years, being beaten to death. What did Dahuang do wrong? It just wanted to Its owner went home, why, why did he beat it to death?" Di Qingfei lowered her head in pain, unable to hold back her tears.

It flows continuously, like a small river.

Li Fan looked at her and breathed a long sigh of relief. He didn't know what to say. The harm that such a dark memory brought to such an old girl can be imagined, and it will leave a lifelong shadow on her.

Di Qingfei now looks at the world in front of her as if it were in black and white, not in color anymore.

Di Qingfei is naturally hostile to everything in this world, even to herself.

That’s why I repeat a sentence over and over again: “You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others.”

This sentence reminds others, but also pricks my heart.

If she wasn't in a desperate situation, she wouldn't take the road of deceiving people, right?

Their family has no choice. The place is about to be demolished. Without some savings and money, they are destined to live on the street, let alone raise a group of stray dogs.

As for Di Qingfei's mother, Li Fan had nothing to say. Everyone's choices were inevitable.

Her despair can be seen from the last sentence: "Poor and lowly couples suffer everything."

It’s not that I lost to anyone, I just lost to life.

"Big Huang, Xiao Huang, Xiao Qing, it turns out that these stray dogs have the shadow of the original one." At this time, Li Fan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Rhubarb is dead, but Qing Fei always remembers it and has its shadow in her heart, so she took in many stray dogs and gave them similar names." The gray-haired old man nodded and said.

"Little Huang and Xiaoqing are all disabled and will not be liked by others. They are destined not to be liked by others throughout their lives. They have not done anything wrong. When they first faced everyone, they tried their best to face everyone. They tried their best to wag their tails desperately, but they are destined not to be liked by anyone, or even hated by others, and their fate is about to be doomed, dog meat soup in the wet market." Di Qingfei shook her head and said with a bitter smile.

"They are the forgotten ones, the abandoned ones. They will be forgotten and abandoned by people all their lives. They will not be liked by anyone in their lives. They will be hated by people all their lives. They are born like this. Although they do better than other dogs, they are not There may be other dogs with the same fate as me."

"What a sad saying for poor and humble couples. It was the same for me when I was born. I was abandoned and forgotten all my life. What did I do wrong? I work harder than girls of the same age. Why can't I get the happiness that girls of the same age should have?"

"The incomplete family is just like me being incomplete, it is always incomplete. Xiao Huang and I are the same, there is no difference. We are all being together. We are born like this. Others hate us, and we also hate this. In the end, I am confused. Maybe only death can prove my worth and let others see it. It is really a long and boring life." Di Qingfei said with gray eyes.

This is just the reason why she takes in so many disabled stray puppies. It’s because they are burdened with the same fate and face the darkness and prejudice of the whole world. No matter how hard they try, they can’t get rid of it in their lifetime. It’s like The shackles deeply locked her and the stray puppy. It was an invisible bondage.

Lock them tightly.

Therefore, at midnight, you can often hear the whine of stray puppies and the heart-rending cry of Di Qingfei on the street corner.

The daytime always belongs to the able-bodied, and the night belongs to these abandoned people.

Even a hint of kindness might light up their whole world, but no, they have never received any kindness.

Those who are not well-intentioned will experience criticism, ridicule, and blame from the world for why they hide in darkness.

Laugh at them for living in the shadows.

They don't want to express or talk about it, because even if they take the trouble to express their pain, it doesn't matter if they can't empathize with it.

Even just a laugh, how could this little difficulty cause you so much pain?

The pain on this side is heartbreaking and makes me want to live, but on the other side I just say it’s okay, be strong, right?

Let me ask, how can people who have never experienced kindness be strong?

How can someone be strong if he even hates himself?

How can a person be strong when he is born with an inherent destiny, and how can he be strong even when his death is destined to happen?

Only death has the slightest value of being forgotten...

Whether it's a stray dog ​​or Di Qingfei...

How can you persuade someone if you don’t understand the suffering in the world?

There are too many accusations and abuses.

Di Qingfei can empathize with the pain of being abandoned, so she takes in these stray dogs and gives them a trace of kindness besides prejudice, abuse, and accusations.

They share a common destiny and cannot abandon each other.

They are also abandoned. If Di Qingfei abandons this group of stray dogs, it means that these stray dogs have abandoned Di Qingfei.

No one wants to suffer the pain of abandonment for a second time.

Because of this, Di Qingfei treats these stray dogs kindly, and the stray dogs also treat Di Qingfei kindly.

So when Li Fan arrived to catch Di Qingfei, a group of stray dogs were barking desperately, and some even had their bodies clearly mutilated and even jumped out of the fence to rescue their owners.

Never hesitate to sacrifice your life.

There are always tear stains around their eyes, so they don't want to leave this second tear stain, no one can bear it.

Without Di Qingfei, the fate of stray dogs would be soup in the vegetable market.

If Di Qingfei didn't have these stray dogs, next to the trash can on the street, in the shadow where no one would look, would be her final destination.

As those who bear the same fate, they can hold each other together for warmth, give each other comfort and body heat, and welcome the next day's sun together again and again.

If humans and dogs are not around, there will be no warmth.

Although Di Qingfei looked small at this time, her small body had a world of its own.

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