Best Son-in-law

Chapter 577 Thriving

The next day, Li Fan's new breed of chickens and ducks underwent amazing changes. Li Fan never expected that chickens and ducks cultivated with fairy liquid would have such changes.

The chickens and ducks he bought were all new breeds. He originally said they would be difficult to raise and would easily get sick and die. However, after raising them for so many days, none of them got sick, and they became stronger and stronger. These chickens and ducks They have gained a lot of weight these days, and their eyes, which used to be devoid of energy, are now full of energy. Li Fan has no doubt that whoever comes to steal these chickens and ducks will be pecked all over in an instant.

Li Fan had no doubt that with the help of the immortal liquid, he could properly cultivate these chickens and ducks. Suddenly, Li Fan's confidence increased greatly, and these chickens and ducks seemed to have undergone some changes like mutation.

For example, the turkey that Li Fan bought originally had a small comb on its head, but now it has grown a comb and turned into a double-combed turkey.

Another example is Jinbao Duck, which originally had gray feathers, but now it actually has some red feathers.

Besides, this Snow Teal, with its cyan feathers, now also has white feathers, and its appearance is more beautiful and energetic than before.

Seeing this scene, Li Fan couldn't help but wonder, could the new breed of chickens and ducks mutate? Become newer?

Of course, Li Fan was not sure whether this was good or bad. He didn't know whether these chickens and ducks had mutated in a good direction or in a bad direction.

This made Li Fan feel very uneasy, so he still had to wait for these chickens and ducks to really grow up before he could make a conclusion.

The experiment has not yet been completed. Li Fan does not dare to introduce large-scale breeding. Li Fan is a cautious person. Besides, this is not a small matter. If you open a breeding factory, there will naturally be no shortage of new breeds of chickens and ducks introduced. What if there are too many chickens and ducks that cannot be sold after being cultivated? Or what should I do if the meat is particularly unpalatable? Wouldn’t this mean losing a lot of money in vain?

Although the immortal liquid brought about all good changes and never bad changes, Li Fan was still unsure of the final situation. He couldn't make a conclusion and didn't dare to try it easily. After all, it was not bad at this time.

After being cultivated by the fairy liquid, the growth cycle of chickens and ducks has been shortened a lot. In a few days, initial results will be seen.

Although the days are tight, Li Fan can still afford to wait for these times.

At the same time, Li Fan found Xia Menglan and told her about the opening of the Nanxiang Town market. The village began large-scale contracting of fish ponds, and officially opened Laoshan Lake to allow villagers to contract fish ponds.

Before, Xia Menglan was also constantly planning. By surveying the villagers, he knew the general economic status of the villagers, and planned contracted fish ponds for them. Some were for breeding water snakes, and some were for eels. They were basically allocated to every household. All were assigned.

Therefore, as soon as the villagers arrive at the village committee, they just fill out a form and pay money, and then they can contract the fish pond.

It's also very convenient.

At the same time, Xia Menglan works fairly and basically contracts everyone according to the distance of the road, so everyone is very satisfied with this arrangement.

In this way, the village will have money, and Xia Menglan wants to spend part of the funds to invest in the management of the ditch in the south of the village. First, the environment in the south of the village will be improved, and then the road will be built in the village to remove the muddy road. They are all built into stone roads, which are easy to walk and live in. They cannot always be dirt roads like this. When tourists from outside come, they will still feel that Laoshantun is too backward.

Xia Menglan's hope for the future of Laoshantun is that it will be a village with the style of a Jiangnan water town, with a primitive side and a modern side. She wants to build Laoshantun into an ancient town style to cater to the development of tourism.

But this road still needs to be repaired. Otherwise, if it rains, the dirt road will become muddy and it will be impossible to pass cars. It will be too inconvenient.

At this time, the work at the waste station in the south of the village was about to end. After that, Xia Menglan wanted to arrange manpower to sell all the chemical waste and contribute the last bit of strength to the village.

Xia Menglan can completely use the knowledge she has learned to make these chemical wastes more valuable. This is what she learned, so it is certainly easy to do.

At this time, Laoshantun was prosperous and fell into its busiest season. Everyone in the village, including the elderly and children, became busy.

A large area of ​​Laoshan Lake was contracted, and everyone was cultivating water snakes or eels according to Xia Menglan's request. At the same time, greenhouses were set up in the fields and off-season vegetables were planted. Pingfan Hotel had already formed a rope for the food competition. Just as I was holding back my energy to show off my skills in the gourmet food competition, a large number of improved dishes were made. At the same time, the color, smell and taste of the dishes were improved to a higher level. The guests who came to the ordinary restaurant obviously felt that the taste of the dishes was better than It turned out to be even better. At this time, the reputation of the Ordinary Hotel spread even more powerfully.

Nowadays, misunderstandings about Laoshantun outside are gradually disappearing. Some people from the county town come here to taste the dishes of ordinary restaurants and help promote Laoshantun after returning home.

Therefore, the guests faced by Ordinary Hotel have also changed, from guests from other urban areas to guests from Yannan, and even guests from Hongdan County.

Even guests from surrounding villages and towns also came to Laoshantun.

This Laoshan Village is famous in the surrounding area.

After Zhou Xiaoman's management of the Ordinary Hotel, the business did not fall back to a certain level. On the contrary, it is now picking up slightly.

In any case, the operation of Ordinary Hotel is already stable.

On the other hand, this health product has also formed a complete production chain and sales chain. Although the sales volume has gradually declined compared with the beginning, this is still within an acceptable range. After a certain period of time, sales will stabilize again sooner or later. down.

After all, it is impossible for people to come to Laoshantun every time to buy this health care product. Although this health care product is very good, with the travel expenses and time, it is not worth it.

What's more important is that you can't buy much at one time, because Li Fan only sells a limited amount here. You can't buy much, why come here just once? That would be even less worthwhile.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the sales volume of health care products will decline.

Of course, Li Fan also found a solution. He felt that he would still open an online store in the future and cooperate with the Express Alliance to sell health products online.

It's just that the road is not smooth, it's too difficult to walk, and only Li Fan and Wang Erxi have cars.

This is equivalent to adding an online sales link to health care products.

Even though it’s just this one link, there are a lot of things added to it.

First of all, there must be staff who specialize in managing the online store and are familiar with computers, and have 24-hour online customer service to answer customers’ questions. At the same time, there must be record-keepers, delivery people, and dedicated delivery people. There may be more than one delivery person in the future. As a member, Li Fan naturally wanted to buy more cars to be responsible for health care products.

Wang Erxi already has enough responsibilities here. He is responsible for the eel sales in several towns and the medicines purchased by the village clinic. If this is added to the list, he will be too busy at all.

And health products require a dedicated delivery person.

Of course, it is easy to find these delivery people in the village. Many of them have driven in the county. Naturally, there is nothing good to say about this delivery person. It is just that it is not easy to find staff who are familiar with computer processes and require special training.

Of course, this doesn’t require much learning, just a little training is enough.

But after all, Li Fan has no experience in opening an online store, and Li Fan has opened an online store and looked at it. Nowadays, online stores are of mixed quality, and there are many fake and fake products selling health care products under the name of Laoshantun. I was selling some snake wine and wild ginseng, but I knew it was fake without even asking. But others didn’t know and thought they were real. The sales kept rising.

It has even become a best-selling brand.

Of course, since the snake wine and wild ginseng sold there are fake, there are a lot of bad reviews. Some people have even begun to suspect that Laoshantun’s health products are fake.

After all, there are still only a few people who have used Laoshantun health care products. Most people only heard about it and wanted to search for it and buy it. However, after using it, it had no effect at all, so the first batch of bad reviews about Laoshantun appeared. .

This negative review is caused by impostors about health care products.

This is also the reason why Laoshantun does not have a registered brand. Others can also use it, but if you want to register a brand, you have to have your own things. Now Laoshantun’s things are not available yet.

Therefore, the online market is very detrimental to Laoshantun.

Li Fan had been busy with his business before and didn't look at the situation online. He was also very upset when the situation suddenly turned into this.

But there is no way.

People used his brand, took the money and left, discrediting Laoshantun's brand, and all they did was make short-term profits. This directly led to Li Fan opening an online store and facing a situation where no one would buy it.

Fake goods tarnish the reputation, and no one buys the genuine goods.

Li Fan still has to work hard to reshape the brand's reputation, and now the black spot of Laoshantun health products has been expanded to the entire Laoshantun on the Internet, turning Laoshantun into a black spot. This has a great impact and affects Li Fan. All the undertakings of Fan and the hard work of all the folks in Laoshantun.

Coupled with some bad media and forces with ulterior motives, Laoshantun is now facing a huge crisis.

But they hadn't moved before, they were waiting for an opportunity.

This opportunity is the opportunity for Laoshan Tun to reach the top again, an opportunity for everyone to see, and then all the black information will be exposed, causing Laoshan Tun to fall into the abyss.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the harder you fall. This is actually the truth.

Now Laoshantun is about to stand at the highest point and will also face an unprecedented crisis.

Once this crisis occurs, it will definitely not be cleared up in a few years.

Then the golden period and bonus period of Laoshantun's development will be dragged to death.

There are always forces in the surrounding area who are jealous of the development of Laoshantun, and there are many of them.

They control Laoshantun's black material and public opinion, and the reason why they did not directly kill Laoshantun is that they want to threaten Laoshantun and let Laoshantun bring them benefits and serve them. , work for them.

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