Best Son-in-law

Chapter 626 Emotional Game

So this time, Qiu Hongguo's purpose was to act more gentle and charming, and capture Wang Erxi's heart, so that he would be able to deal with it later.

Qiu Hongguo was very good at playing with other people's feelings before. She was indifferent by nature and didn't care about feelings, but only about interests, so she could play around with some unexperienced men with just a few words.

So the two are passionately in love, and Qiu Hongguo is like an outsider, watching the show from the outside, toying with the actors who are in the state.

Because she has never given any love, she just uses her love partner as a tool.

Sometimes men's feelings seem very childish and ridiculous in her eyes. Others who give their true feelings wholeheartedly look like a joke to her.

She doesn't need feelings, she only needs material needs and spiritual comfort.

This spiritual consolation is her own vanity. She wants to live a life that is envied by everyone, and everyone can look up to her. She wants to stand out from the girls her age.

So when she saw girls of the same age enjoying the beauty of love, looking sweet and looking forward to it, she just sneered.

"Your boyfriend is not willing to spend money on you at all."

Then he took out a bunch of gifts he had received and became the focus of these women's attention.

She eats and drinks, buys brand-name bags, jewelry, cosmetics, and clothes every day, never considering the price. She goes wherever she wants to go, and always finds someone to take beautiful photos of her, and then in these photos Next time, she would say a lot of things to make things interesting.

"A person's landscape."

She looks very beautiful in the photo, and she herself thinks that she has lived out her value, lived out her self, and lived out her difference.

So some good girls around her envied her, were confused by her performance, and wanted to get something for nothing.

From then on, she influenced the good girls around her, making these good girls no longer satisfied with the gifts their boyfriends gave them, and no longer cherished the thoughts their boyfriends gave them.

Because of various Valentine's Days and various festivals, you were paid 520 yuan, and they were paid 5,200 yuan. You gave up one month's salary and were paid 5,200 yuan, and they directly paid you 5,200 yuan. After being paid fifty-two thousand yuan, you will never be able to compare with others.

Then what they will face is Qiu Hongguo's ruthless ridicule and cold killing.

Of course, Qiu Hongguo would not say anything directly to her face, she would just say lightly: "My husband gave me 5,000 yuan during the holidays, bought me a brand-name bag, and said he would take me on a trip. Alas, It’s hard not to think about it. I tried to persuade him not to spend money on me. It’s not worth spending so much money. But my husband just said that the money he earns is spent on me. There’s really nothing I can do. Sometimes I can’t believe it even if I don’t believe it. , the script of this life has already been chosen, men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man."

Even Qiu Hongguo's gentle voice had a huge destructive effect on the girl next to her.

So when these good girls looked at the gifts they received, they suddenly felt extremely shabby. When they saw the figure of five hundred and twenty yuan given to them by their boyfriends during the holidays, it seemed very dazzling.

They gave you ten times what you paid, and you only gave me five hundred and twenty yuan. How can you say you love me?

These girls couldn't help but feel aggrieved, and felt a trace of resentment in their hearts. They complained about their boyfriends. They didn't even believe that their boyfriends loved them. They only got 520 on this holiday. How could they love themselves? These gifts Measured in terms of money, it's not worth it at all.

But they forgot that although the money was not much, it was the hard-earned money earned by their boyfriend who had just entered the society and was doing internship. Although these gifts were not expensive, they were carefully selected by their boyfriend. This set After that, their boyfriends ate instant noodles almost every day.

I just wanted to see my girlfriend's smile, but when I gave this gift, not only did I not see any smile, I also received ruthless complaints and blows, and finally the two couldn't help but quarreled.

The girl cried over the phone and yelled at her boyfriend: "Everyone gives me brand-name bags, brand-name cosmetics, brand-name clothes, brand-name jewelry, and every holiday they give me 5,200 yuan. Where are you? Do you think the gifts you gave me are shabby? The sum of the money for these gifts is not enough for one-twentieth of what I gave you. Do you really care about me? Oh, by the way, you are just a pauper. You have no ability. , your monthly salary is not even 5,200 yuan, how can you give me happiness? Others just gave you a few months’ salary casually, where are you? You want to humiliate me with such a small amount of money. I don't need it, I will return it to you, I don't need these gifts from you, let's... break up."

In this way, these girls finally couldn't bear their inner inferiority and chose to break up with their sweet boyfriends. After the breakup, the girls even cried loudly.

The other girls gathered around to persuade him.

Qiu Hongguo was just smiling next to her. She was playing with the shining ring on her finger, feeling happy.

Is this your feeling? It turns out to be so fragile.

Is this your love? What a joke.

A few days ago, we sweetly said that we would be together for life and death, but now we break up?

Love will eventually lose to reality.

Love is simply vulnerable in the face of reality.

Qiu Hongguo didn't need to do anything. She only needed to break the shiny ring on her hand and tell her female friends that this ring was given by her boyfriend on Valentine's Day. They would almost all share it with their boyfriends. Quarrel, or breakup.

Because Qiu Hongguo understands these girls, they are not confident people at all, and their mental state is so empty that they can only be filled with material things.

Qiu Hongguo has certainly become the king in the eyes of these girls.

The boyfriends around me changed one after another. One here hadn't broken up yet, and the other had shown good intentions. This one had just kissed her goodbye, and the other started talking to other men all night long, and their words were extremely dirty.

Every holiday, she always receives countless gifts, and she never refuses them. Why should she refuse them? It's not like she wanted them from others. These gifts can be used more or less, no matter how much they cost. Sell the ones you don't need and buy some luxury accessories.

She doesn't need to pay any price to enjoy queen-level treatment. She only has a few years of youth, so why not?

Isn't it ridiculous to insist on your innocence?

Why does Qiu Hongguo value her youth so much? Because her youth is her life as a queen.

Once her youth begins, she succeeds to the throne, but once her youth passes, she will end sadly.

Of course she is indifferent to emotions and understands everything deeply, which is why her youth is so wanton.

The purpose is to live out yourself.

She gets gifts on holidays, and is often invited to dinner. She doesn't go to roadside stalls at all, and ordinary restaurants don't catch her eye.

She only needs to post a photo of the food on her WeChat Moments, and someone will take her to eat it the next day.

In this youth, she lived out herself, lived out herself, and lived a life of dissipation and extravagance.

She doesn't need to buy ordinary cosmetics herself, someone else pays for them, so the efforts of these men are like a ladder, allowing her to step up step by step, getting closer to the throne of the queen.

With a job to wear and holding the salary that her boyfriend worked so hard for, she waved her hands generously just to enter a higher-level social circle and meet better men.

At the same time, she also maintains ambiguity with other men around her. She obtains unlimited resources from these men and obtains resources to nourish herself.

A peanut is as delicate as a flower, but it still needs constant nourishment from fertilizers. Then it will bloom more and more prosperously, and more high-quality feed will be continuously provided and nourished.

So when Qiu Hongguo was in Dongjiang, he was stepping on the backs of countless men to get the upper hand.

She plays with other people's feelings and moves forward step by step based on other people's feelings. If she goes up, a good man will fall.

She is naturally indifferent to emotions. In her eyes, these men are nothing more than tools. Who would have true feelings for a tool?

I have never heard of a carpenter being sentimental about an axe. If it is an old axe, that's it. The key is to replace it with a new axe every few months.

Throw it away, throw it away, what's the pity, at least the ax has achieved its value and made her money.

And her circle changes again and again.

Some people also questioned her, but in the end they were defeated by her. You said she was vain, but she lived a more interesting life than you. You said she played with feelings, but there were countless men around her who let her play with feelings and sent them to her door. Come on, one is better than the other.

In the end, these girls who questioned her broke up with their boyfriends and ended up losing all their personal wealth, but she was happy.

Emotions are too fragile. If you believe in them, what have you gained? It's just a breakup.

I don’t believe in feelings, so what’s wrong with me playing with feelings? What's wrong with all these infamy? In the end, didn’t I still do better than you? Which of you can live a better life than me?

The boyfriend around me changed for tens of millions, and in the end I gained money, a pleasant experience, the experience of being looked down upon by others, and I also entered a better circle of people and became a successful person.

Where are you? You are just clinging to a pauper, won't you end up breaking up in the end?

Looking at it this way, is there any difference?

In the end, it was she, Qiu Hongguo, who lived the most clearly, as if she had seen through everything.

In any case, she enjoyed life and true love, just because she was beautiful.

Being beautiful is her qualification for excellence.

You are happy, happy, shed tears, and sad for the relationship. In the end, the relationship did not come true, but it was not as cool as her.

So those who questioned her stopped questioning her in the end. Instead, they learned from her, thinking that she was the most understanding person in life, and that she was the one who lived her life.

She has become a successful person in the eyes of thousands of women, a successful person who can completely separate feelings and life, and a person who can control her own feelings and emotions.

Facts speak louder than words. There is no harm without comparison. What is right in the eyes of others has now become wrong.

Things that I believed before are now nonsense and seem very ridiculous.

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