Best Son-in-law

Chapter 639 Shameless

"Okay, okay, it's all our fault, right? It's like this now, you can't ignore it, otherwise this life will be really unbearable. Can you really watch your child starve to death on the street?" Shi Father quickly pulled Shi Mu and said, now he is also mentally and physically exhausted. As soon as these things come to his head, he is completely confused and doesn't know what to do.

Father Shi knew that Mother Shi was not joking now. She really wanted to leave. If she left, their life would definitely be difficult.

The two rented a small house. Every day Shi's father went out to work, and Shi Qinghong would watch TV at home, eating and drinking all day long. As soon as she got rich, she would be called for debts. She would definitely not be able to keep the money in her hands, let alone take on another contract. Even if the land is really contracted, Father Shi can't do it alone.

Without Shi Mu, this family would be doomed.

"She must know how high the sky is and what it feels like to be hungry." Shi Mu pointed at Shi Qinghong and said angrily.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, or you'll get angry again." Father Shi comforted him.

"I don't know if Liu Yangkun will pursue the case now. If she does, she will have to go to jail, so just let it go." Mother Shi was very upset now, gritted her teeth and squatted down again.

"Hey, it's Liu Yangkun's fault. Where has this kid gone? We can find him. After all, he is also Qinghong's husband. He can just ignore it if he can. Besides, he can still be a husband and wife for a hundred days. Are you going to sue Qinghong for this trivial matter? He must have taken the money with him when he left. We have to find this kid back. It’s irresponsible." Father Shi said.

"He didn't take any money with him. Of course I told him to get out, so he took his clothes and left. He didn't have much money, at most it was only a few dozen dollars. It was the money I gave him for cigarettes, alcohol and groceries, and the rest. They're all here with me." Shi Qinghong said helplessly.

When she mentioned Liu Yangkun, she felt even more tired.

After experiencing the illusory relationship with Ma Tong, Shi Qinghong always disliked Liu Yangkun. She now has a higher vision and looks down on Liu Yangkun even more.

"How can I give him more money? His parents don't have any money, just a few hundred yuan at most. I guess he will owe money when he goes to the hospital this time. There is no point in asking him. He is also a pauper. Maybe in No matter how hungry he is, he is just a loser." Shi Qinghong now seemed to have found someone to vent her hatred on, and she blamed Liu Yangkun for all her faults, thinking that she had been harmed by Liu Yangkun for a few days.

If Liu Yangkun hadn't left, how could Ma Tong take advantage of it? Maybe she could pull it off when Liu Yangkun was around, and she wouldn't end up in this situation.

So Shi Qinghong attributed her hatred to Liu Yangkun again, and she is still cursing Liu Yangkun now.

"He's a loser. If it weren't for him, none of us would be in this situation. It would be best if he starved to death, along with his parents, two old immortals." Shi Qinghong gritted her teeth in hatred.

"What are you talking nonsense about?" After hearing this, Mother Shi felt that it was enough. She didn't do anything bad, but you still cursed her like this. Could this be something done by a human being?

Shi's mother now feels more and more that Shi Qinghong is living like a beast. This is completely pampered. If things don't go his way, he will heap all the faults on others.

This was also Shi's father's contribution back then. When Shi Qinghong and Liu Yangkun got married, she was fine.

But when Father Shi married his daughter, he began to warn Liu Yangkun that if his daughter was wronged, he would never let him go. No matter what happened to his daughter, right or wrong, it was all Liu Yangkun's fault.

Later, Liu Yangkun felt deeply for his kindness and really treated Shi Qinghong as a treasure.

He was nice to her, but Shi Qinghong thought she was great, and looked down on Liu Yangkun less and less. She looked down upon Liu Yangkun more and more, and thought he was a waste. He beat and scolded Liu Yangkun, but Liu Yangkun was kind-hearted and didn't fight back. As a result, Shi Qinghong completely regarded Liu Yangkun as his slave. What could this slave do wrong? Could Shi Qinghong not be angry? This has resulted in today's situation.

Everything happens for a reason.

But now Father Shi knows that they have to count on Liu Yangkun. With the addition of Liu Yangkun, there is one more worker. Liu Yangkun is still so good at work. Plus Liu Yangkun's parents, the family has three more workers. In addition to the old couple, there are five people working in the family. They can earn three to four hundred yuan a day by working outside. They can earn four to five hundred, or even five or six hundred yuan by doing heavy work. This month, it is 15,000 yuan. Excluding food and drink, and renting a house, you can save a lot of money this month. If you contract land, orchards, etc., and work hard for a few years, maybe your relatives will be able to pay back their money. After that, So that they can all have a happy life.

Therefore, Father Shi attaches great importance to Liu Yangkun at this time. They currently lack people like Liu Yangkun. With Liu Yangkun here, a lot of things can be solved.

Now that Shi Qinghong had beaten Liu Yangkun's father, Shi's father just thought that by apologizing to Liu Yangkun and saying a few nice words, he would be able to come back and help with the work.

After all, no matter what, Liu Yangkun and Shi Qinghong are husband and wife.

If you talk about it carefully, Liu Yangkun is unlikely to leave them alone.

The Lao Shi family also needs Liu Yangkun back.

"Qinghong, when the time comes, you should put in a good word for Liu Yangkun. After all, you kicked your father-in-law and almost killed him. Just apologize. It's nothing. You let him come back to help with the work. Now they It’s hard for our family, so it’s better to work together and live a good life. This life can still be lived. The three of them can work, and Liu Yangkun can do heavy work. With their family, we can pay back the money. Come on, Qinghong, just say a few words that can soften my ears. I don’t believe that Liu Yangkun can be so hard-hearted and ignore everything." Father Shi said.

After hearing this, Shi Qinghong felt that there was some truth. Although she looked down on Liu Yangkun, she now realized that the situation was difficult and she really needed someone to help with work. In this way, Liu Yangkun's role came, and he was not the only one in their family. And his parents can help pay back the money when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Shi Qinghong agreed to apologize to Liu Yangkun first, pay the debt first, and talk about other things later.

"You said he can come back if you let him come back? Qinghong has done such an outrageous thing to his family, and he can come back casually?" Mother Shi felt that if Liu Yangkun was willing to come back, this life would be unbearable. , after all, there are six people in the family, and if the six people work together, they can indeed pay back the money quickly, and the orchard and land can also be contracted again.

Even if life cannot be completely restored to its previous state, it can still be lived in the end, and there is hope.

As long as Liu Yangkun comes back and Shi Qinghong can learn her lesson and live peacefully, she can live this life.

Later, when Shi Qinghong had another child, she would have new hope.

Life is back on track.

It's just that Shi's mother is now afraid that Liu Yangkun will not look back. She thought everything Shi Qinghong did before was excessive. How could Liu Yangkun be indifferent?

Therefore, Mother Shi was also a little uneasy. Now her family was counting on Liu Yangkun, as long as Liu Yangkun came back.

"It's not a big deal if a couple fights at the bedside or at the end of the bed. Qinghong can be more willful and just admit her mistake when the time comes. She will live a good life in the future. Can we still not forgive her?" Father Shi said.

Mother Shi nodded after hearing this, and said anxiously: "If Liu Yangkun is willing to come back, we can still survive this day."

After hearing this, Shi Qinghong herself breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her parents had discussed the countermeasures. However, she glanced at her belly and finally gritted her teeth and told her parents the last secret. Otherwise, what if Liu Yangkun When asked, she found it difficult to explain.

I need to ask my parents for help on how to talk about this.

"Dad, Mom, I'm pregnant." Shi Qinghong said, touching her belly.

"Pregnant?" After hearing this, Father Shi and Mother Shi were stunned. The two looked at each other with doubts in each other's eyes.

"Whose?" Mother Shi asked subconsciously, thinking that it would be great if it belonged to Liu Yangkun. Liu Yangkun could not ignore his own flesh and blood, and he had to come back and live a good life in the end.

Then all the problems will be solved.

"Who else could it be? Look at what you said." When Father Shi saw that there was a turn of events, his heart moved and he said this quickly.

But Shi Qinghong's next words made father and mother Shi's eyes widen.

"It's not Liu Yangkun's, it's the one who lied to me." Shi Qinghong said.

"It's not his? What did you do? It's not his, how can you hold him responsible?" Shi's mother was shocked and frightened. Shi Qinghong's words destroyed all the thoughts in her heart.

"The person who cheated me not only cheated my money, but also cheated my feelings. I thought he could give me happiness, and that was it." When Shi Qinghong said this, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Then what else are you talking about? We can't have this child, we have to abort it." Mother Shi said quickly, and she suddenly felt very embarrassed.

After all, Shi Qinghong and Liu Yangkun haven't divorced yet, and yet she did something like this again. What do others think?

It was so embarrassing and she felt sick.

Being able to do this is the only one in the Lao Shi family.

All the disgusting things happened, which have never been shown in TV dramas.

It happened to her daughter like this, and Mother Shi couldn't bear it.

"Look, you are used to it. What are you doing? You and Liu Yangkun haven't divorced yet? If this were in ancient times, you would have to be dipped in a pig cage. Okay, stop talking, I'm disgusted. Abort this child quickly, his money has been defrauded, he has been defrauded of everything, this child is just like a stupid child." Mother Shi couldn't help but spat.

"What I thought at the time was that it was only a matter of time before I divorced Liu Yangkun. Why was it so disgusting?" Shi Qinghong frowned.

"You don't know etiquette, justice and shame. If you do such a thing, you have to get divorced first. If you don't get divorced and do such a thing, it is disgusting? You are not ashamed or ashamed. Look what you have become? Are you still alive? ?" Mother Shi pointed at Shi Qinghong's nose and cursed.

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