Best Son-in-law

Chapter 660 A different world

After Li Fan drank the last bowl of brewed medicinal soup, he sat cross-legged on the kang, mobilizing the breath in his body, keeping calm, and feeling the changes in his body, the sublimation of his soul, and the surge in strength.

Of course, this stage was a bit painful for Li Fan. The medicine entered his limbs and bones, bringing baptism to Li Fan's limbs and bones. It also brought a burning pain.

Even the meridians all over his body brought huge soreness, but Li Fan gritted his teeth and endured these one by one. When Li Fan endured the pain, cold sweat covered his forehead.

"Ah." Li Fan couldn't help but show a look of pain on his face. He clenched his hands into fists, and all the muscles and veins in his body were pulsating. He couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar.

The pain became more and more intense. This time it was no different than before. Li Fan felt as if the meridians all over his body were being continuously pulled by a powerful force. The meridians also seemed to be burned, and the pain was continuous. And it has no intention of dissipating at all.

Li Fan, who was in severe pain, couldn't help but wonder why the pain was so strong this time, and why it had lasted for so long without any signs of deterioration.

In the past, the pain would be gone for a while, but it was different today. The pain was endless and getting more and more painful.

Li Fan realized that his body was going to undergo huge changes today.

The pain continued, and eventually, the pain in Li Fan's four tendons and eight meridians gradually became numb, and Li Fan gradually became accustomed to the pain.

But soon, it was as if there was a ball of flame passing quickly across the four tendons and eight meridians. This flame flew directly from Li Fan's tendons to Li Fan's forehead.

In just a moment, Li Fan felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His whole body was trembling and he froze right there. At the same time, his body and limbs were constantly trembling.

Li Fan's inheritance gradually opened up at this moment.

Today, it was also because of Li Fan's mistake during conditioning that he directly opened the door to the inheritance treasure house of the Black Dragon God.

Li Fan originally didn't want to do this. He wanted to try to impact the inheritance of the Black Dragon God after taking the medicinal soup today, but he didn't expect that he accidentally started the inheritance while enduring the pain.

Li Fan was in great danger at this time because he had not made any preparations to start the inheritance.

But now the arrow is on the string and it has reached the point where it has to be fired.

Li Fan has no way out. No matter what, he must grit his teeth and open up the Water God inheritance. If he retreats halfway, Li Fan will directly end up in a state of despair.

The Water God inheritance has brought huge benefits to Li Fan, but at the same time, Li Fan has also taken huge risks.

The risk is that once Li Fan cannot withstand the power of the Water God's inheritance, or cannot find a good balance point, he will be killed by the power of the Water God's inheritance, and his whole body will be completely shattered.

After all, the power of God is very dangerous in itself when placed on a mortal.

The air in the room could not help but be filled with a layer of blood mist. Li Fan was in pain to the point of numbness, but he did not flinch at this moment, and he had no room for retreat.

Li Fan couldn't help but feel a sense of determination in his eyes. Since it had reached this point, he might as well take advantage of the situation and start inheriting the Water God.

There are still many things he wants to know, and he also longs for stronger power.

But for a moment, Li Fan's body was shocked again. At this moment, Li Fan had a splitting headache and was completely confused.

His body felt as if electricity was flowing through him, as if electric current was constantly reverberating through his body.

And it was a back and forth agitation, the pain came over and over again.

Suddenly, Li Fan felt that his body was no longer under his control. His whole body seemed limp and had no strength at all, as if his soul had been knocked out by a powerful force.

Li Fan became confused. His brain seemed to be occupied by a mass of chaos, unable to control himself. He was like a duckweed wandering around, moving with the wind, not knowing where he was, and even more so. Don't know where I'm going.

At this moment, Li Fan felt a great sense of emptiness. It was as if he had lost something important in his life and wanted to look for it desperately. But in the end, he didn't know what he was looking for.

He has forgotten himself.

Li Fan gradually sank under this impact and gradually lost himself.

Li Fan seemed to have spent thousands of years in nothingness. He felt that this period of time was very long, as if it would never end.

During this period, Li Fan had no five senses, no seven orifices, and was unable to sense his surroundings.

There was no pain, no emotion, it seemed like there was nothing.

Being confused, wandering, without a destination, and without any space to settle down, Li Fan felt very lonely and distressed.

An inexplicable feeling of emptiness has been affecting his entire soul.

During the long and lonely time, Li Fan himself didn't know how he got there.

But finally, this long and lonely strange dream finally woke up.

Li Fan slowly opened his eyes and saw another world.

He was in a strange space, which was quiet and peaceful, as if he was the only one there.

Looking up, you can clearly see the clear, blue sky. The sky is so blue that it seems a little unreal.

A few white clouds in the sky are like fixed decorations.

Li Fan took a deep breath and suddenly felt that the air was very fresh.

He arrived here from a long period of chaos, and seemed to have forgotten how to drive his body.

Just like that, Li Fan looked straight at the sky, saying nothing or doing anything, as if an old monk had fallen into trance.

But soon, he could slowly hear the sound of dripping water in the distance, and Li Fan slowly began to move his body.

First he moved his fingers, then he clenched his fist, and finally his whole arm could move.

It's just that Li Fan is still a little confused now. He never understands where he is going.

Li Fan gradually sat up, stroked his head with one hand, sighed, looked around, and found that the place where he was sitting was not on the ground, but on the water.

The water is so blue and clear that you can see the bottom at a glance, giving people an extremely unreal feeling. The blue water looks like it appears in a painting.

There is such water all around, and there is nothing but this water.

Li Fan was the only one on the water.

In such an environment, Li Fan looked confused. He didn't know why he was in such a strange place.

Li Fan lowered his head and glanced at his hand, was silent for a while, and then grabbed the water he had been sitting on, and when he pushed it down, he really and truly felt the soft and magical water.

It feels like water for sure.

"Water?" Li Fan frowned even more tightly. If he was sitting on nothing but water, he would sink according to common sense, but Li Fan didn't. His body skillfully built a circle on the water. Balance point, it is with the help of this balance point that he can stay safely above the water.

This balance is clever and strange, giving Li Fan a different feeling.

Li Fan slowly stood up while holding the water with one hand.

The water surface was like the earth, giving Li Fan a fulcrum to support himself.

Slowly, Li Fan stood upright leaning on the water and moved forward step by step. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't want to stay here. He wanted to find a way out.

The front was hazy and unclear, as if it was covered by a heavy layer of fog.

Although Li Fan kept moving forward, he lost his way like a zombie.

But he was feeling the wonderful touch coming from the soles of his feet, the touch of water.

As soon as he stepped down, the water surface rippled, and at the same time, a warm and moist feeling was given back to Li Fan's soles.

Step after step, Li Fan felt that walking was so comfortable for the first time.

Moreover, the environment Li Fan was in was truly a fairyland on earth. It was all blue, the sky was blue, and the water under his feet was also blue.

Moreover, the water under your feet can also reflect the blue sky and the white clouds floating in the sky.

In the distance, in the hazy mist, water and sky meet together.

Water and sky seem to be indistinguishable from each other, perfectly connected together.

The water was like a long curtain of cloth that day, perfectly sewn together.

And it was like this all around. In such a space, Li Fan's mood was also extremely complicated.

But for a moment, he felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his whole body suddenly froze, and he stopped moving forward, because under the influence of the surrounding environment, he suddenly had a glimmer of understanding.

Looking at the world again, an idea becomes stronger and stronger.

What is the difference between water and sky?

Perhaps this water is the sky, and the sky is the water. There is a world outside the water, and another world in the water.

Water and sky are connected by the same energy and cannot be separated from each other.

Li Fan looked at the sky and the white clouds rushing by, and his understanding became deeper and deeper.

"The Black Dragon God is the god in the water, and he is also the god in the sky. If the water and the sky are connected with the same energy, the water is the sky. If the sky is the water, he is not the water god, but the god of heaven." Li Fan frowned. This world gave him more and more insights, which became stronger and stronger.

But Li Fan still had something he couldn't figure out.

He has uncovered some of the memories passed down by the Water God, but he only got a glimpse of it, but did not see the larger world.

This resulted in a glimmer of enlightenment that seemed both like real enlightenment and a moment of inspiration.

"The water is ethereal, and the sky is also ethereal. When the water is clear, it appears blue, and when the sky is clear, it appears blue. There are occasional white clouds in the sky, and there are fish, shrimps, and seaweeds in the water. The water cannot be grasped, but its shape can be seen. The sky cannot be grasped, but it is difficult to see. Look at its shape.”

"Maybe the sky is water, just water from the sky. Maybe only gods can see the root of the sky. The water feels cool when you hold it, but ordinary people can't feel anything when they hold the sky."

"This sky is not the sky, it is still water. It is just this water that mortals cannot see. Maybe the end of the sky and water is a wonderful world." Li Fan seemed to have realized something, but where he realized it But it's not very clear.

Li Fan said a lot of things that he had realized, which were also inspired by the scene, but the realization was not profound, and there were many unknown things.

As a result, Li Fan fell into deeper thought...

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