Best Son-in-law

Chapter 664 Memory

At this time, Li Fan's five senses were enhanced and his strength was infinitely improved.

The opening of the seal this time really brought huge benefits to Li Fan.

Of course, the memory of this seal was naturally introduced into Li Fan's mind.

It's just that some memories are too fragmented and cannot be connected in Li Fan's mind. After all, apart from this memory, Li Fan still has a large amount of memories inherited from the Water God that he has not yet solved.

These inherited memories are naturally about worldly legends, natural principles, and some rather profound insights and principles.

Of course, there are also some legendary stories about ancient times. It was these legendary stories that made Li Fan understand that the Black Dragon God was just a person back then.

In the newly acquired memory, the Black Dragon God Lord is a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded. He has superb medical skills and extraordinary methods. He has the method of bringing the dead back to life and can solve difficult and complicated diseases in the world.

At that time, he was also revered as a miracle doctor and enjoyed the highest honor and trust in the world.

However, the good times did not last long. The Black Dragon God Lord was jealous of some people with ulterior motives because of the respect he received. They couldn't stand the Black Dragon God Lord, so they excluded him in every possible way and created many misunderstandings.

In the end, from these misunderstandings, the world no longer believed in the Black Dragon God Lord, and felt that he was a hypocrite who deceived the world and stole his reputation. What he did before was just to show off and fool the world, just to gain fame and fortune.

At this time, no matter how much the Black Dragon God Lord argued, no one would believe him.

When he walked on the street, all he received were cabbage leaves and scorn from others.

No one can come to his rescue.

Even those people who had been saved by the Black Dragon God Lord in the past also spurned him and regarded him as their enemy.

Seeing this situation, the Black Dragon God was very sad, but there was nothing he could do about it. His face was full of helplessness, but he didn't know how to solve these problems.

It was like overnight, no one in the city believed in him. They all thought he was a deceiver, a hypocrite and a real villain.

The Black Dragon God was extremely hesitant. He looked at the group of people who had thanked him so much and regarded him as his savior. His face was full of sadness and sadness. This time, he was really heartbroken by the world.

So the Black Dragon God decided to leave this place that made him sad and go to a place where no one knew him. He continued to treat people's illnesses, and at the same time enjoyed the scene of people's gratitude to him after they recovered from their illnesses.

What the Black Dragon God enjoys is nothing more than the sense of accomplishment of changing other people's lives.

He hadn't thought about the rest.

After learning the news that the Black Dragon God Lord was leaving, the people who were jealous of him in the past suddenly became very satisfied and even held a party to celebrate.

Although the Black Dragon God Lord had been treating the people in the city, he received very little money, so when he left the city, he was very depressed, and basically didn't take much money with him.

In the end, the Black Dragon God Lord slept in the open, spent all the money he had, and arrived at a ruined temple. He was so hungry that he passed out. While he was half asleep, he heard two little ghosts talking.

"This time we can at least take in 100,000 orphan souls. We will make a lot of money."

"Well, Pang Zhongcheng is doomed, and you and I have done a great job this time."

"I just don't know if the flood at night will be released on time in three days."

"You promised us something, but have you ever broken your promise? This flood will definitely come down, and there will be no less than one hundred thousand lonely souls."

The two brats discussed this matter together, and were overheard by the Black Dragon God Lord.

Although the Black Dragon God Lord was sleeping at this time, he was extremely awake at that time.

After hearing this, he didn't dare to disturb the two brats easily, so he just waited and waited and fell asleep again.

When he woke up the next day and recalled this incident, the more he thought about it, the more real it became, and the more he thought about it, the less he felt it was false.

It is possible that Pang Zhongcheng will really be flooded at night in three days.

And this Pang Zhongcheng is the hometown of the Black Dragon God Lord, and it is also the place where he was forced to leave.

Regarding the people in this city, the Black Dragon God Lord had very complicated feelings.

He was sincere to the people of Pang Zhongcheng, but his sincerity was also broken.

Moreover, the people of Pang Zhongcheng may not trust anything he says anymore.

But at the same time, after all, Pang Zhongcheng is the hometown of the Black Dragon God Lord. After all, it is the place where he was born and raised. After all, he gave him countless things. If he does not go back, Pang Zhongcheng will be flooded and hundreds of thousands of people will die. The Black Dragon God Lord will also die. It must be impossible to see such a scene.

So the Black Dragon God Lord is troubled here.

Should he go back and tell everyone the news, and how.

If he didn't tell, the lives of hundreds of thousands of people would be lost, and his hometown would be lost. Although this would not mean anything to the Black Dragon God Lord. He had already left Pang Zhongcheng after all, but the Black Dragon God Lord himself would find it difficult to get over this hurdle. After all, It contains all his previous memories.

Although he was reviled by everyone, he could not forget how grateful those people were to him when he saved the people.

All of this, the Black Dragon Divine Lord cannot forget, these are all too unforgettable for him.

And among the hundreds of thousands of people, only some are prejudiced against him, not all of them, many of them are innocent.

After all, the Black Dragon God is a doctor, and he is a kind-hearted doctor. Even if he sees a stranger lying on the ground on the street, he will not fail to save him, let alone so many innocent people.

But after all, he had received a lot of unfair treatment. No matter how broad-minded the Black Dragon God Lord was, he could not be completely indifferent. He was heartbroken.

This is just one of them. There is another more important factor. No one believes what he says now. Even if the Black Dragon God Lord goes back and tells the people about this matter in Pang Zhongcheng regardless of the past, they may not trust him or listen to his words. move out.

Therefore, the Black Dragon God Lord's efforts were largely in vain, and there were so many people in Pang Zhongcheng who could not deal with him. If he went back rashly, he would definitely be attacked by these people.

These people will definitely make a big fuss out of this, and the Black Dragon God Lord may lose his life because of it. After all, there are so many people who want the Black Dragon God Lord's life, staring at him eagerly.

They don't care whether what the Black Dragon God Lord said is true, they don't care about the lives of one hundred thousand people in Pang Zhongcheng, they only care about their own interests and their own emotions, they just want to get rid of the Black Dragon God Lord, that's all.

Therefore, the Black Dragon God Lord is risking his life this time to save the people who persecuted him before, but he may not succeed.

Such a matter is difficult for the Black Dragon God to make a choice. In fact, if he thinks about himself, he will not care about it at all. He can just pretend that he has never heard anything, leave Pang Zhongcheng and go to other places.

Moreover, this time it is a dream in itself, and it is difficult to tell whether it is true or false.

Although the Black Dragon God Lord is extremely sure of its authenticity, there is still a possibility that this is a dream.

I don’t know if this is true or not.

So this matter is also a gamble for the Black Dragon God.

Winning the bet would not do him much good. At most, it would save a group of people's lives and restore his own reputation, nothing more.

If the bet fails, his life may be lost.

This is a choice that most people would easily make, but for the Black Dragon God Lord, it has become quite a problem.

He was puzzled and couldn't figure out the reason.

This is an emotional entanglement, and it is this emotional entanglement that makes it difficult for the Black Dragon God to make a choice.

In the end, the Black Dragon God made a choice that ordinary people would not make.

He resolutely returned to Pang Zhongcheng without hesitation, told everyone what he encountered in the dream, and asked everyone to take their things and escape from Pang Zhongcheng to avoid this disaster.

After all, this is a major matter that concerns one hundred thousand people. The Black Dragon God Lord will not ruin the lives of one hundred thousand people in Pang Zhongcheng because of his own selfishness.

There are many people here who are targeting him and treating him badly, but most of them are innocent people, and Pang Zhongcheng is also the land where he was born and raised. He has gained many memories in this land and has been influenced by this land. He did not want to see this land destroyed like this, and he did not want to see innocent people lose their lives because of it, so the Black Dragon God made a choice that was unimaginable to ordinary people.

He just wants to go back.

Even if others treat him badly, even if others may not believe him, even if it may not be true, he still has to go back.

Because I am not afraid of ten thousand, I am afraid of the eventuality. If this thing is true, the consequences will be really unbearable.

So no matter what, the Black Dragon God Lord must shoulder the price and responsibility and go back to save the lives of the common people. No matter what, he must try.

As he set foot on the road, he thought of the insights he had gained in the temple.

How others treat him is his cause and effect, and how he treats others is his practice.

Since the cause and effect cannot be changed, the Black Dragon God Lord must persist in his own practice, take the people of the world as his own responsibility, maintain his benevolence, and use his own power to save the people of Pang Zhongcheng.

He has always been a doctor, and only a doctor. He has never forgotten his original intention.

But although the Black Dragon God Lord held his greatest enthusiasm this time, he also put aside his past resentments and showed his greatest sincerity.

But in the eyes of the people in Pang Zhongcheng, he was like a clown who said some teasing words in an attempt to regain his lost face.

The people have already labeled the Black Dragon God as a hypocrite in their hearts, so they will not trust the Black Dragon God. They all look at the Black Dragon God as if they are laughing.

And those who were jealous of the Black Dragon God Lord before and did not deal with the Black Dragon God Lord seemed to have seized the opportunity to take action against the Black Dragon God Lord's appearance.

They wanted the Black Dragon God Lord to be completely disgraced and hanged on the gallows.

Therefore, they also advocated the evil deeds of the Black Dragon God Lord and added fuel to the flames.

The people were already very dissatisfied with the Black Dragon God Lord, and now the crowd was so excited that they had to let the Black Dragon God Lord die.

The people in Pang Zhongcheng felt that the Black Dragon God was fooling them. Everyone was furious and wanted him dead.

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