Best Son-in-law

Chapter 674 Passionate Feelings

This afternoon, Li Fan studied and sorted out the prescriptions at home. Soon, he sorted out the prescriptions. He also had a good idea in his mind. For some medicines, he often wrote them down, so naturally he I am becoming more and more proficient.

Li Fan was also familiar with some medicinal materials and could recite them by heart, so he naturally became interested in them.

Next time Li Fan will know which herbs are commonly used, and he will collect them for next time. If some herbs are suitable for growth, he will also collect them and put them in the medicine garden to grow.

After Li Fan knew it, he saw that it was already getting late. Thinking of Sister-in-law Osmanthus's invitation today, he smiled, stretched, and decided to go to Sister-in-law Osmanthus' house to have a meal of thanks.

Now that Zhu Yongzhong is here, Li Fan is naturally not worried about any misunderstandings. He is now thinking that this time he must be aiming to completely resolve the misunderstanding.

Li Fan never wanted what happened to Gao Duzi to happen again.

Now that the outside of Laoshantun is looking at it with eager eyes, internal harmony is very important. At this juncture, there must not be a situation where the two parties can't get along with each other.

During this meal, Li Fan also wanted to talk things over completely. He believed that since Zhu Yongzhong wanted to have this meal with him, it meant that the relationship between the two could be eased, and maybe they would get back together soon. When people drink some wine, these emotions will come up, so Li Fan was also very happy at this time.

Li Fan also went to the dinner with great joy.

But Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Guihua already had sad faces. They were both preparing things for dinner in the evening. Sister-in-law Guihua was cooking in the kitchen, while Zhu Yongzhong turned on the bellows and put out the fire.

Neither of them said anything, but their moods were very heavy, and they became heavier as the night went on.

Finally, as night fell, each meal was prepared and served on the table.

Zhu Yongzhong's family now has some money, so they don't care as much about food as before. They cook everything from chicken, duck, fish, beef and mutton. Basically, the table is full of meat and vegetables. The styles of these dishes are Everything is very beautiful, and it makes people drool when they look at it.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus really has her own way of cooking.

In the past, if she saw these dishes, Sister-in-law Osmanthus would be very proud. But now when she looks at these dishes, she doesn't have the same sense of pride as before. Instead, she just feels sad and sad. Sister-in-law Osmanthus's heart feels like it's been hit by a huge stone. It was like being blocked, and the whole person seemed very uncomfortable.

Of course, Zhu Yongzhong was also crying. In the end, he was no longer needed to help in the kitchen. He was smoking alone in the yard, looking at the increasingly dark sky, and his heart was full of gloom.

In an instant, Zhu Yongzhong felt that the day was getting darker, and his heart was even more blocked. The huge boulder blocked Zhu Yongzhong's heart, and he could not find any way to clear it.

Smoking one puff after another, Zhu Yongzhong finally looked at the gray sky and sighed. He gave up his inner entanglement. He smiled bitterly and was finally willing to take the initiative to break the tranquility at this time.

"Osmanthus, is the meal ready? Are everything done?" Guihua's sister-in-law can naturally understand what Zhu Yongzhong said.

After hearing this, Sister-in-law Osmanthus immediately felt ashamed. Her heart ached, but seeing Zhu Yongzhong pretending to be strong, she also felt very distressed. In the end, she could only sigh and said: "It's all done. Dinner is almost here. Well, Fanzi is coming soon."

After saying the last sentence, Sister-in-law Osmanthus couldn't help but gently lift her hair. She felt even more uncomfortable.

"Well, come on, come on. Once we come, this matter is over. From now on, we will just pretend that it didn't happen and live our own lives." Zhu Yongzhong can now understand Sister-in-law Osmanthus Osmanthus.

When he misunderstood Sister-in-law Osmanthus, Zhu Yongzhong felt extremely uncomfortable. He felt that Sister-in-law Osmanthus had done something wrong to him, and he felt resentful in his heart, especially towards Li Fan.

However, after the misunderstanding was resolved, and Zhu Yongzhong truly understood who Sister-in-law Osmanthus was, he felt ashamed of Sister-in-law Osmanthus.

After all, Sister-in-law Osmanthus has suffered such unreasonable disasters one after another following him. Sister-in-law Osmanthus is what she is today because of his involvement. Sister-in-law Osmanthus herself should have a better life, but as a result, her life has been miserable in the past few years. , the tail is not his, but he suffered a lot of troubles following him.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus must not say anything at first, and Zhu Yongzhong didn't know how much Sister-in-law Osmanthus has endured over the years, but now that Zhu Yongzhong understands Sister-in-law Osmanthus's difficulties, he feels that he is not a man and has nothing for Osmanthus at all. Sister-in-law wants some.

He lived too much for himself, and what he felt sorry for was this person who didn't talk much but was always kind to him.

After realizing the bastard things he had done over the years, Zhu Yongzhong also regretted it. Now he naturally wants to make up for Sister-in-law Osmanthus. Naturally, he wants to treat Sister-in-law Osmanthus well, so Zhu Yongzhong doesn't want to do anything to apologize to Sister-in-law Osmanthus now. He felt that now he had to shoulder his responsibilities as a man and could not let Sister-in-Law Guihua suffer any longer.

At this moment, Zhu Yongzhong suddenly felt as if he had done the right thing in his life, and his whole back straightened up.

Zhu Yongzhong flicked the ashes of his cigarette and walked to Sister-in-law Osmanthus. He gently hugged Sister-in-law Osmanthus and said affectionately: "Osmanthus, I have suffered so much for you. I can't help you. Think about our future days." , you see our life is getting better and better, just this time, everything has been solved, we will not worry about this matter in the future, we can just live our own good life with peace of mind, this matter It’s over, I won’t think too much about it, and you shouldn’t think too much about it, let’s just pretend it didn’t happen, okay?”

There was sincerity in Zhu Yongzhong's words. He really felt sorry for Sister-in-law Osmanthus, he really wanted to make up for Sister-in-law Osmanthus, and he really wanted to shoulder his responsibilities as a man.

Zhu Yongzhong was in an eager mood, and his thoughts were extremely fervent, but after hearing this, Sister-in-law Osmanthus couldn't control her tears anymore. She looked straight at Zhu Yongzhong and burst into tears. Sister-in-law Osmanthus Tears filled his eyes in an instant, and he threw himself into Zhu Yongzhong's arms and cried.

They talked too much before, but now they can't say anything, because some words are understood without saying them, and some feelings are known without saying them.

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