Best Son-in-law

Chapter 685 Thank you very much

"Yongzhong, Fanzi is in the house. Can we talk about anything we want to say after sending him away?" Sister-in-law Guihua was deeply in love, but she still looked at Zhu Yongzhong with a look on her face and said these words.

Zhu Yongzhong also nodded. He sighed and looked up at the sky. His mood was extremely complicated. At this moment, Zhu Yongzhong himself did not know where the future direction was, let alone whether what he did was right or wrong. Wrong, Zhu Yongzhong is also very confused now, and he has been at a loss several times in his heart.

Soon, Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Osmanthus walked into the house. At this time, Li Fan had already put on his clothes. Although he was a little dizzy, he still smiled at them when he saw Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Osmanthus coming over. Twice.

Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Osmanthus also smiled at him, and they just sat on the edge of the Kang, looking straight at Li Fan.

"That Fanzi, are you still feeling uncomfortable now?" Sister-in-law Guihua also felt guilty about the drug, so she looked at Li Fan and asked.

Li Fan also smiled: "It's okay, Sister-in-Law Guihua, I have calmed down now. You guys are drinking too hard. You can't drink like this in the future. No one can bear this."

"Well, I won't drink like this anymore." Sister-in-law Guihua and Zhu Yongzhong looked at each other and nodded.

They also planned in their hearts that this matter would come to an end, and they would not do this again.

"By the way, there was something I forgot to tell you just now. I was thinking about drinking and forgot about it. Now that you are all here, I will tell you about it." Li Fan took a deep breath and said.

When he saw that Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Guihua were a little uneasy, Li Fan smiled slightly and added: "It's not bad news, it's good news."

When they heard Li Fan said it was good news, Sister-in-law Guihua and Zhu Yongzhong breathed a sigh of relief.

However, their eyes were still focused on Li Fan.

"It's like this. I didn't know how to cure Brother Yongzhong's disease, but now I have found a way to cure it. However, the medicinal materials required are still quite rare. Some medicinal materials are not available here. I have to go elsewhere to look. Look." Li Fan smiled and said what was in his heart.

When they heard this, Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Guihua were a little confused. They didn't know what Li Fan meant by this.

Zhu Yongzhong's disease, what disease does he have? Is it that disease?

A thought flashed through Sister-in-law Osmanthus's mind, but as soon as the thought flashed through her mind, she was killed because Sister-in-law Osmanthus felt that this was an unrealistic thing. They had all been desperate before and went to the city. The hospital also talked about this incident, but the doctor at the big hospital told them that there was no cure for the disease.

The two of them had been examined at that time. After the examination, both of them were desperate and wanted to find a Chinese medicine doctor. However, many Chinese medicine doctors these days are liars and have no real knowledge at all. Only Li Fan's medical skills are superior. At that time, Li Fan also said that he could cure the disease, but the medicinal materials needed were too rare and could not be collected.

Therefore, Sister-in-law Guihua and Zhu Yongzhong were both desperate. In despair, they were forced to do nothing by life, so they chose such a last resort, which was really a helpless move.

At this time, although Sister-in-law Guihua and Zhu Yongzhong no longer want to use this last resort, they still can't believe that the disease can be cured. They really don't dare to have too much hope. If they are disappointed again, for these two people , the impact is obvious.

But one thing neither Zhu Yongzhong nor Sister-in-law Guihua could figure out was what kind of disease Li Fan mentioned.

They didn't dare to imagine that Li Fan could save them from dire straits, but Li Fan's mention made them have to think about it again.

"What disease?" Sister-in-law Osmanthus frowned and looked at Li Fan. It wasn't that she didn't know what the disease Li Fan mentioned might be, but she couldn't believe that Li Fan could really find a prescription and save their family from disaster.

Seeing Sister-in-law Osmanthus glaring at him like this, Li Fan also smiled slightly: "It's what we were talking about before. Didn't you say that Brother Yongzhong's health is not good? You asked me for a prescription. I said at the time that I had a prescription. But the medicine you need is too difficult to get, so there is no cure for this disease. You may have gone to the city hospital to check, and there is really no good way. But now, I have a way, another prescription, another kind of this Of course, the medicine is relatively rare, but there is hope of finding it, and the price is not unacceptable, and the side effects are small, but it will take some time. When I go out, I can help Brother Yongzhong look for this medicine."

When Li Fan said this, Sister-in-law Osmanthus couldn't help it. She ran to Li Fan, grabbed his clothes with both hands, and looked at Li Fan: "Fanzi, what you just said Is that true?"

"Really, of course it's true. Why did I lie to you? Do I need to lie to you?" Li Fan still had a smile on his face.

At this time, no matter Guihua Sister-in-law, even Zhu Yongzhong beside him could not keep calm. He also opened his eyes wide. Although he did not act as surprised as Guihua Sister-in-law, his expression was still extremely scary.

Zhu Yongzhong's eyes widened and he looked at Li Fan, fearing that he was just dreaming.

"Is there really a way to cure my disease?" Zhu Yongzhong looked at Li Fan in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Believe me, I really have a way to help you solve this problem. Of course, it will take some time and some effort." Li Fan saw the expressions of Sister-in-law Guihua and Zhu Yongzhong. In fact, in his heart He was also extremely proud and happy. In any case, he helped the two of them solve a big trouble, and Li Fan himself felt happy.

"It's okay. As long as it can be cured, we are willing to wait as long as it takes." Sister-in-law Osmanthus smiled when she saw Li Fan saying this with such certainty. She wiped away tears and said excitedly.

This is like providing help in times of need, like finding a life-saving straw for a drowning person.

Originally, Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Osmanthus were already in despair. They didn't know what to do. They had no choice but to make this decision. They really had no other choice. With the failure of this matter, they still felt very sad. They were desperate, but they didn't want to use this trick again, but they still couldn't find any solution. In other words, Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Guihua were still very desperate at this time.

But Li Fan's words were like rain after a long drought, giving Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Osmanthus infinite vitality.

So not only Sister-in-law Guihua was excited, Zhu Yongzhong was also extremely excited at this time and could not hide his inner excitement at all.

"Of course, it may cost a lot. I hope you are mentally prepared. When I buy medicine, I will show you the medicine list. You just need to pay me according to the medicine list. If you can trust me, If so, of course, I will help you put it on beforehand." Li Fan looked at Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Osmanthus and explained.

After hearing this, Zhu Yongzhong immediately said: "No matter how much money we spend, as long as we can afford it, there will be no problem. Brother Li Fan, this matter is of great importance, and it is related to the happiness of the two of us for the rest of our lives. Please, please, If you help cure my illness, this great kindness will be unforgettable."

At this time, Zhu Yongzhong, who had always been tight-lipped, was no longer stingy. He had now made up his mind. As long as he could afford it, he was willing to sell the house, even if it was too expensive.

After all, this is a matter related to the fate of himself and Sister-in-law Guihua, and it cannot be measured by money at all.

If Li Fan said this in the past, Zhu Yongzhong would definitely think that Li Fan wanted to rush for money and had some malicious intent, but now Zhu Yongzhong doesn't think so. He himself feels that in the past, he was just a villain who judged a gentleman's heart. Now that Li Fan's career is doing so well, the daily turnover of the restaurant he opens is as much as what he earns in a year, or even more. As for arguing with himself over some money?

What's more, now Zhu Yongzhong has clearly seen Li Fan's character and believes in Li Fan. In addition, this matter is so important and related to their fate, so at this time, Zhu Yongzhong is like facing a life-saving straw. Looking at Li Fan the same way, he accepted whatever Li Fan said anyway. He was a real thief with no regrets.

Because once Zhu Yongzhong's condition is cured, their family's crisis will be resolved, and their family can live a good life.

As for money, they can make it in the future. With the current situation in Laoshantun, it is not difficult for them to make money.

Moreover, they already earn more money these days than they did in the past year. The income gap is truly huge.

So no matter how high the drug price is, even if Li Fan really wants to cheat them, Zhu Yongzhong is willing to be cheated.

At this time, Zhu Yongzhong still didn't believe that Li Fan would do this.

When they think of the two of them being able to live a normal life in the future, without being complained by neighbors or being urged by relatives at home, both Zhu Yongzhong and Sister-in-law Osmanthus feel that their shoulders are much lighter, and at the same time they feel that life is It's getting more and more promising.

At this moment, Zhu Yongzhong held Li Fan's hand tightly, tears welling up in his eyes: "Fan Zi, you are really helpful. Please, please."

"Don't worry, trust me, just leave it to me." Li Fan assured Zhu Yongzhong and Guihua Sister-in-law with a smile.

"I just told you this, just wait. Leave the rest to me, and you don't need to think about anything else. What I mean by saying this is that I want you to relax and don't have to think about anything else. I also want to I’ll help you solve your worries.”

"Well, Fanzi, we really don't know how to thank you." At this time, Sister-in-law Osmanthus Osmanthus and Zhu Yongzhong looked at Li Fan in this way. There was excitement and guilt in their eyes, but the most important thing was gratitude.

By this time, the two couples were grateful, but they still couldn't say it, and they didn't know how to say it.

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