Best Son-in-law

Chapter 689 Gears

"Yanan, you know that our family has some gray industries, right?" Ding Hongsheng sighed and looked at Ding Yanan and said.

"Gray industry? Dad, are you serious? You are confused, why do you want to do these industries? Aren't our other industries doing quite well? All industries are very good, especially Yannan Hotel, which is now in Our Yannan has been famous for a long time. As long as it remains stable in the future, it will definitely be enough for us to eat and drink for a lifetime. Why do you want to touch those industries? What kind of gray industry are you doing? Dad, you are confused."

"Is it just because of this incident? It's okay. It won't be a big deal. At worst, these industries won't be built. At worst, you turn yourself in. Maybe you can be dealt with lightly. Don't you have much exposure to these gray industries? Let's Is there still a chance?" Ding Yanan looked at Ding Hongsheng and asked, she felt her whole heart trembling. She had a lot of uncertainties, but in this matter, Ding Yanan still felt that there was a chance to make her own The father received a lighter punishment.

She just didn't know what kind of situation Ding Hongsheng was exposed to when he came into contact with these gray industries, and she didn't know whether he would be sentenced to a severe sentence.

At this time, Ding Yanan looked at Ding Hongsheng with earnest eyes, hoping to get a positive answer from Ding Hongsheng.

Ding Hongsheng also glanced at his innocent daughter at this time. He felt a pain in his heart and could only shake his head helplessly: "Yanan, I haven't actually touched much, and even if these industries are investigated, they will not be investigated." If it doesn’t happen to me, I’m not afraid of being investigated. I must have been fully prepared when I did it.”

After hearing Ding Hongsheng's words, Ding Yanan's eyes suddenly lit up. She could not hide the joy on her face: "Dad, then it's okay. You won't be held accountable. If you feel unsafe, these industries will If we don't do it and leave it to others, we will lose some money at most. Losing some money is nothing. We only have one Yannan Hotel, which is enough for us to eat and drink without worries. I don't need you to buy a lot of property for me. I just I need you to be by my side, always by my side, that’s enough, I don’t need anything else.”

"We won't be engaged in those industries in the future. Let's just do our part in the hotel industry. As long as we can have a stable income, it doesn't need to be much. I don't care about it. Dad, don't care too much about it either." Ah." Ding Yanan still looked like she didn't know anything, looking straight at Ding Hongsheng and said.

Ding Hongsheng looked at such a serious and innocent daughter, and he smiled helplessly, and finally shook his head: "Yanan, sometimes, I can't escape even if I can't. I'm in the world, and I can't. Youji, do you understand this?"

"Who is in the world and can't help himself? You know that these industries are dangerous, so why do you continue to do them? Can't we just not do it? When the time comes, we won't be able to find anything on you, so why don't we just get rid of it? Why are you still worried? Do you still have something to hide from me? Can you hide it from me? That's it, I want to help you." Ding Yanan looked straight at Ding Hongsheng and said.

Ding Hongsheng looked helpless when he looked at Ding Yanan.

"Yanan, there are some things you still don't understand." Ding Hongsheng really didn't want his daughter to worry about these things, so he deliberately found a reason to refuse.

But Ding Yanan just shook his head: "If you tell me, won't I understand? If you don't tell me, of course I won't understand."

"Yanan, there are some industries that I can't quit if I want to, and I'm not afraid of others investigating. Generally, we have done something, and we are not afraid of being investigated at all. The main reason I mention these industries is that since I have been involved to some extent, If I withdraw from these properties, I will be regarded as a thorn in the eyes of others and must be eliminated. They will not let me off the boat easily, and they will only believe that dead people will not tell their secrets."

"It's not that I want to join them. I just want you to understand what kind of people I have dealt with before. What's more important is that I can't touch them. Don't look at me in our Yannan. He is a person, but when he comes to others, he is nothing. Let me put it this way, Ya Nan, do you understand?" Ding Hongsheng explained to Ding Yanan.

"You mean, others won't let you leave?" Ding Yanan asked.

"Yes, it's impossible for me to get out easily. Once I enter, I can't leave for the rest of my life. When I leave, it must be when I die, otherwise my life will be a threat to some people, because I know their It’s a secret, and I won’t be punished if I tell it. Of course they have done some actions and they won’t be found out. What they are afraid of is that if these are found out, their interests will be damaged.”

"And some of the connections who helped me have some connections in these industries. Many of them are not particularly clean, and they have to be involved in some of these industries to some extent. There is no way. I wanted to stay in Yannan at the beginning. You have to be a part of me, otherwise they won't treat me as one of their own, and they won't sincerely help me, just because I'm not sincere." Ding Hongsheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Then you can't withdraw from these industries, so you must continue?" Ding Yanan looked at Ding Hongsheng and asked.

"Well, this is the Jianghu. In the Jianghu, I can't retreat. And if I enter this Jianghu one day, I will never be able to get out." Ding Hongsheng also said this with a helpless face.

"What consequences will that have?" Ding Yanan couldn't help but ask again. She was now worried about Ding Hongsheng and wanted to know everything about the situation at home.

"The consequence is that I will become a human being, and people will control me. I must be unable to escape from this river and lake. If I leave, I will die. If I stay, I have to abide by the rules set by others. Of course, whatever rules set by others will not matter. It's other people's preferences. He even said that if he is in a good mood and makes a rule, I have to follow it. If he is in a bad mood and makes a rule that requires me to die, I must die. When I say this, do you understand?" Ding Hongsheng put things into perspective. Ding Yanan made it clear in another way that was slightly acceptable.

This time Ding Yanan understood.

"Dad, what should we do? Are others going to change the rules and make you die?" When Ding Yanan said this, her eyes widened and she covered her mouth. He looked at Ding Hongsheng in disbelief.

"You guessed it right, Yannan has to reshuffle the cards. Now some people want to get me out, so that I can change the entire situation in Yannan and move the gears of the situation in Yannan." Ding Hongsheng said with slightly narrowed eyes. .

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