Best Son-in-law

Chapter 707 Zhi Rui

But when Mr. Liu came here, he deliberately wanted Li Fan to apologize to him.

With Mr. Liu's arrogant temperament, he felt that this matter gave Li Fan a chance, but it also gave Ding Hongsheng face. If Li Fan didn't apologize, he would be disrespectful.

In Mr. Liu's opinion, everyone has to buy his noodles today.

He himself is a person with an arrogant temperament. Since he gained that extremely powerful power, his temperament has become even more arrogant. He regards the world's heroes as nothing, as if no one has ever appeared in his eyes.

Even Mr. Liu has a feeling that others are eager to say a few words to him and feel proud to talk to him.

Most people will also deliberately make disrespectful actions, then attract his attention, and then apologize to him, in order to gain contact times.

Mr. Liu has obviously been praised to the heavens.

He even felt that Li Fan was being disrespectful to him because he didn't bow his head and smiled next to him.

Ding Hongsheng was very embarrassed, and he didn't know what to say now.

If he had followed the rules of the world, he would have slapped Mr. Liu on the face.

But now he can't follow the rules of the world. Mr. Liu is more cunning than him.

He is now in a situation where he is under the roof and has to bow his head.

He didn't dare to offend Mr. Liu. Although he wanted to go to Li Fan, he had no choice.

Moreover, Ding Hongsheng did not dare to explain too much to Mr. Liu easily now. He was afraid that if he said something wrong, Mr. Liu would walk away and leave the mess to him, and everything would be over.

So Ding Hongsheng is in a dilemma.

Here, Mr. Liu looked at Li Fan with an unkind look, curled his lips and continued: "Boy, you are very skilled at a young age. Being invited here by Xiao Ding is enough to show that you are very skilled. , but you can’t be too proud as a person. Being too proud will hurt yourself. You have to think clearly about everything and don’t do things that make you regret. Sometimes, for some people, it is an opportunity. Sometimes, because of you With your attitude, you missed this opportunity and this golden opportunity to turn around. I don’t want to say more about the rest. That’s it. The road lies at your own feet. How you go depends on you. In fact, I also don’t. I am willing to tell you so much for Xiao Ding’s sake. If it were someone else, would I tell him so much? Is it possible that I would tell him so much? "

When Mr. Liu said this, he thought that he was magnanimous, that he had given Li Fan a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to counterattack, and that he had given Ding Hongsheng face.

But in fact, Li Fan did not accept this favor. Now Li Fan has seen through Mr. Liu, but Mr. Liu has not seen through Li Fan, or in other words, he has not seen through himself.

So when Mr. Liu said this, Li Fan just smiled helplessly, and he was too lazy to say anything more to Mr. Liu.

Li Fan was really helpless. He couldn't say anything now. He couldn't just say that Mr. Liu was just showing off and his skills were too weak, right?

Although this is the truth, Li Fan doesn't want to say it because there is no need and there is no point in saying it.

So no matter what Mr. Liu says now, Li Fan doesn't want to argue. He has no idea to argue, and he doesn't bother to argue. Now Mr. Liu can say whatever he wants, and it is whatever he says.

Ding Hongsheng became a little nervous after hearing this. He wanted to protect Li Fan and did not want Mr. Liu to have any conflict with him.

In any case, he also invited Li Fan here. If he offended Mr. Liu because of this matter, it would be his own fault.

Li Fan himself can avoid everything.

So Ding Hongsheng blocked Li Fan behind him.

Loyalty is also engraved in Ding Hongsheng's bones.

At that moment, Ding Hongsheng winked at Li Fan, telling him not to talk to Mr. Liu to avoid a more intense conflict.

After Li Fan saw Ding Hongsheng's expression, he smiled and said nothing.

Ding Hongsheng quickly smiled at Mr. Liu and said, "Mr. Liu, Mr. Li doesn't mean anything else. He is not in Yannan, so he doesn't know your identity. There may be some misunderstanding between you."

Ding Hongsheng explained to Mr. Liu very tactfully.

After explaining, Mr. Liu also smiled and said to Ding Hongsheng with some disdain: "It turns out that he is a country bumpkin who doesn't understand anything. Can he protect your daughter?"

Mr. Liu himself was unhappy. At this time, when he heard Ding Hongsheng say that Li Fan didn't know him, he was even more unhappy, so he directly said such words in order to step on Li Fan and achieve his own success.

You must know that there are very few people in Yannan who do not know his reputation as Mr. Liu.

When he said this, he was explaining that it wasn't his reputation that no one knew, but that Li Fan was ignorant and didn't know his reputation at all.

What kind of world can a country bumpkin see?

It's not a shame that a country bumpkin doesn't know him. There are many country bumpkins who have never seen the world. How can he follow them one by one?

By saying this, Mr. Liu saved his own face, but he did not care about Li Fan's face at all. However, according to Mr. Liu's own understanding, he did not need to consider any face of Li Fan at all, because Li Fan was not worthy of him. Do.

In his eyes, what kind of existence is Li Fan like a cat or a dog?

When will a country cat or dog fall under Mr. Liu’s eye?

Hearing Mr. Liu's sharp words, Ding Hongsheng's expression immediately changed. He knew how embarrassed Li Fan was at this moment. It was common for him to just throw away his hands and leave after such a sentence. This was a direct insult to his own face. No matter who he was talking about, he couldn't bear this tone. What's more, if he had a bad temper, he should take action against Mr. Liu at this time.

Li Fan didn't take action against Mr. Liu because he had a good temper. Do you still expect him not to leave?

Therefore, Ding Hongsheng's face became extremely ugly. He had thought of some things perfectly. Mr. Liu was the most powerful person he knew who could help him. He confronted Mr. Wang head-on. Then Ding Hongsheng looked at Li Fan has good skills and wants him to follow his daughter and protect her daughter all the time. This is considered a two-pronged preparation.

But what Ding Hongsheng didn't expect was that Mr. Liu would be so arrogant and arrogant. He was simply arrogant and arrogant.

If Ding Hongsheng didn't still need Mr. Liu's help now, he would have wanted to break up with him.

But at this moment, the smile on Li Fan's face was still very calm, as if nothing had entered his heart.

Li Fan smiled, nodded to Mr. Liu and said, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with what he said."

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