Best Son-in-law

Chapter 709 True colors revealed

It turns out that Li Fan is also a coward. He only dares to show off his power in front of some less powerful people. He is afraid of powerful people when he sees them. She, Ding Yanan, simply looks down on such people.

So Ding Yanan couldn't help but pursed her lips and glanced at Li Fan with disgust. Although she didn't speak, the disgust in her eyes was obvious.

Li Fan naturally didn't care about Ding Yanan's eyes. He was smiling and wouldn't pay much attention to his own image.

Mr. Liu just looked at Li Fan with a sneer and said nothing more. He felt that people like Li Fan were a clown, and his common knowledge lowered his own worth. In this way, Mr. Liu also looked down on Li Fan. In his eyes, Li Fan is just an insignificant clown who doesn't understand any rules and can't speak well. He doesn't want to deal with such a person.

At this time, Mr. Liu also completely regarded Li Fan as a country boy who knew how to punch and kick on the street. Ding Hongsheng saw that he was good at martial arts and invited him over for his daughter.

Such a person is not worthy of talking to him, Mr. Liu.

So Mr. Liu gathered all his attention and returned to the arrogant posture just now. He didn't even look at Li Fan. Instead, he sat straight in the car, looked forward, and naturally turned to Li Fan. Where ignored.

Mr. Liu is not willing to talk to people like Li Fan because talking to him will not do him much good.

In this way, Mr. Liu's car slowly drove towards the gate of Yuhuang Villa.

The group of people around said nothing, all with solemn expressions, and just watched Mr. Liu's car pass by on both sides of the road.

The same goes for Ding Hongsheng, whose expression is also extremely solemn.

At this time, Li Fan was the only one smiling, as if he didn't care about anything.

Before, Ding Yanan felt a sense of security with Li Fan's attitude. Looking at it now, she felt that Li Fan was bluffing, pretending to be so indifferent even though he was obviously very scared.

She looked down on Li Fan more and more now. She no longer felt safe when she saw him like this, only disgust and disgust.

Finally, a group of people watched Mr. Liu drive to the entrance of Yuhuang Villa, and then watched the driver get out of the car and open the door for Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu looked arrogant and got out of the car with his hands behind his back. After he got off, he raised his chin and didn't look at other people and things at all, just like a foreigner.

After Mr. Liu got out of the car, he didn't say a word, but Ding Hongsheng quickly came over and covered the door with his hands so that Mr. Liu could get out of the car safely.

After Mr. Liu got out of the car, Ding Hongsheng reached out his hand to guide Mr. Liu forward step by step with an extremely humble expression.

In this way, Mr. Liu walked at the front and in the middle of the crowd. Next to him was Ding Hongsheng, then Ding Yanan and Li Fan.

Ding Yanan and Li Fan walked side by side, but because Ding Yanan disliked Li Fan, when Li Fan came over, she subconsciously walked farther away, deliberately avoiding Li Fan, and did not say a word to Li Fan. Now I particularly look down on Li Fan.

Li Fan naturally had nothing to say about this situation, he didn't care at all.

After Li Fan and Ding Yanan, they were followed by some particularly close bodyguards.

Then the rest of the group followed.

Li Fan knew what his main task was today, so he didn't want to worry about other things. He just wanted to protect Ding Yanan and be done with it.

So Li Fan still looked at Ding Yanan from time to time.

His original intention was to protect Ding Yanan, and to see if anyone would suddenly come around and hurt her.

Li Fan has always been on guard to protect Ding Yanan.

But when this scene fell into Ding Yanan's eyes, it showed a different flavor.

She felt that Li Fan had revealed his true colors. It turned out that he was all pretending, but now he finally showed his true colors. In fact, Li Fan was a suitor who liked her very much. In other words, Li Fan liked all the fair and beautiful people, but he had always suppressed it and did not express it. That’s all.

At the same time, he also pretended to be uninterested, trying to deliberately attract his own or other people's attention.

In the end, his true colors were revealed, and he still looked at himself like this. It turned out that he had been interested in him for a long time, and he deliberately pretended not to be interested, and also deliberately pretended to be cold.

"Finally, the real person has been revealed." Ding Yanan sneered. She still had a complicated mood towards the original Li Fan. Although she was disgusted, she couldn't say she hated him. She even admired him a little, but she couldn't like or like him. degree.

But the current Li Fan is enough to make her feel disgusted. She now feels that Li Fan is no different from the ordinary men who pursue her, even if he is a smarter person.

Knowing that blindly pursuing yourself is of no use, you pretend to be cold and aloof to attract your attention.

Such people are what Ding Yanan hates.

At the same time, Ding Yanan also discovered that Li Fan was a coward who bullied the weak and was afraid of the strong, so he showed off in front of some weak people. If he were in front of the truly powerful people, he would be nothing.

After Ding Yanan sneered, Li Fan felt it didn't matter. He couldn't help shaking his shoulders and followed Ding Yanan with a smile.

Just like that, a group of people entered Yuhuang Villa.

Yuhuang Villa was no ambiguity either. A manager-level figure greeted him at the door, and a group of waiters followed cautiously, wanting to see what Ding Hongsheng and his group needed.

"Mr. Ding, is this Mr. Liu? Come on, come on, please come inside. Mr. Chen has arranged a first-class royal private room. You are right there."

The manager of Yuhuang Villa who came to greet him was a slightly fat middle-aged man. He smiled with a smile on his face and smiled cautiously. He knew that the guests he welcomed today were all great people, so he did not dare to offend or offend any of them. Say half a sentence more.

Ding Hongsheng couldn't help but frowned after hearing the manager's words: "Shouldn't it be in the black village? How come it was arranged to be in the outer garden?"

Of course Ding Hongsheng knew that he was here for the Hongmen Banquet this time. He had already prepared that his next meal would be at the Black Manor in Yuhuang Villa. He also knew everything, so at this time, he didn’t like The ink was stained, and he wanted to ask everything clearly, which was better than not knowing anything for a while.

The Gu family held the Hongmen Banquet in the Black Manor at Yuhuang Villa? How can it be? Is it possible that the Gu family really wants to talk about business?

"No, the royal private room in the outer garden has been arranged, and the best private room in the inner garden has also been arranged. Everything is guaranteed to your satisfaction. Mr. Ding, don't worry." At this time, the manager of Yuhuang Villa spoke They are all cautious, for fear of saying something wrong.

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