Best Son-in-law

Chapter 716 A pleasant look

At this time, he had to be prepared. After all, these people who came in this time were not simple.

Not to mention these two people from the Gu family, the so-called Mr. Wang in their mouth is not a simple person.

The two-meter-tall figure and bulging muscles all impact the vision of those around him, making people's hearts tremble.

Now, Mr. Liu is the only one who can sit calmly looking at such a powerful lineup. He even crosses his legs, holds the tea cup, touches the tea bowl with the tea cup, and then gently blows in the white smoke that floats into his nose. Taste carefully and slowly in your mouth.

Bite after bite.

He felt that he was very powerful. Even if so many people came to the Gu family, he still looked down upon them.

Mr. Liu casually glanced at the two-meter-tall strong man who had just entered the door, and just smiled and shook his head. Although this man had full visual impact in other people's eyes, when it came to him, it was nothing more than that.

Mr. Liu is very conceited. He knows that he has mastered a technique. Under such a technique, all his fists and kicks are nothing more than this.

No matter how powerful the physical body is, it will never be able to match the skill he has learned.

Therefore, in the eyes of Mr. Liu, this Mr. Wang is just an empty frame, and he does not take him seriously at all.

Mr. Liu shook his head helplessly, thinking that the Gu family just found someone who was good at boxing and kicking. He didn't know that Mr. Wang had actually mastered that skill.

The ignorant are fearless. Mr. Liu feels that he is powerful, so he naturally does not take everyone in the Gu family seriously.

In his opinion, although these people in the Gu family are all tough and tough, like eagles and wolves, they are actually a bunch of chickens and dogs, vulnerable to him.

He can even subdue all of them without any effort.

The two people from the Gu family walked in and took a look around, and naturally discovered a person like Mr. Liu.

Their eyes were always focused on Mr. Liu, but most of them just sneered.

They all had smiles on their faces, as if they didn't pay attention to Ding Hongsheng's little move.

But these two people did not realize that there was another person brought by Ding Hongsheng.

Li Fan.

At this time, Li Fan seemed to have automatically become invisible, and no one took him seriously.

Almost everyone just regarded him as an ordinary bodyguard.

Even though a few of the bodyguards brought by the Gu family glanced at him, they quickly averted their gazes because Li Fan really had nothing worth looking at.

The reason why I looked at him twice was because of what he was wearing. He was just wearing very ordinary coarse linen clothes. He was a little different from the people present, a little unconventional, and nothing more.

No one would have thought that Li Fan was actually a master.

The people in the Gu family just thought that Li Fan was just an ordinary person who liked to be unconventional, an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

He didn't have a very strong aura on him, nor did he have some gas gathered in front of him like Mr. Liu, nor did he have the explosive muscles and height of Mr. Wang. He looked too ordinary, so ordinary that those who observed him were a little disappointed.

Such people have also been invited. It seems that Ding Hongsheng is really at his wits end.

Everyone's attention was no longer on Li Fan, and no one looked at Li Fan anymore.

Mr. Liu, Ding Yanan is like this, and so are the people from the Gu family.

Li Fan entered the most neglected corner, and he was happy about it.

Li Fan likes such a quiet environment where no one is observing. He can see more people's perspectives from more angles.

He can observe everyone's situation calmly and analyze all situations calmly.

No one paid attention to him, so he was happy and free.

As soon as the Gu family arrived, Ding Hongsheng immediately stood up, surrounded by two bodyguards, and immediately greeted them. He said respectfully to the two arriving people: "Young Master Gu, Young Master Chang, you are here. Is this the legendary Mr. Wang? It’s better to meet him than to be famous, and it’s better to meet him than to meet him.”

After Ding Hongsheng said this, he gently bowed and extended his hand to the Gu family.

The two young men from the Gu family over there didn't hesitate. They both smiled and stretched out their hands, shaking hands with Ding Hongsheng's.

This grip didn't have much power, so I let go with a light grip.

After Ding Hongsheng shook hands with Mr. Gu and Chang Xuan, he looked at Mr. Wang who was silent and stretched out his hand. He felt a little uneasy at this time. He didn't know whether Mr. Wang would Shake hands with yourself.

However, when he reached out, Mr. Wang took off his sunglasses, stretched out his hand, and held Ding Hongsheng's hand.

Mr. Wang is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, and thick lips. He does not look very good from a distance, but it gives people a heavy feeling. There is a special sense of crisis when standing next to him.

Mr. Wang is an absolute master.

Mr. Wang did not have such airs as Mr. Liu. He smiled slightly at Ding Hongsheng and nodded.

And at this time, Mr. Wang actually didn't make any unnecessary movements. He just shook his hand lightly and then immediately let go.

If two evenly matched parties faced each other, they would naturally want to give the other party a blow, but when it came to the Gu family and Ding Hongsheng, there were not so many rules.

Because the Gu family itself has the power to crush Ding Hongsheng at will.

So the Gu family didn't bother to mess with Ding Hongsheng at all, and just talked normally. If you talk well, you can talk about anything. If you don't talk well, they will kill you.

The Gu family is so powerful and majestic.

After shaking hands with Mr. Wang, Ding Hongsheng no longer looked like the big brother he used to be. With a smile on his face, he immediately made an invitation gesture to several people, wanting to invite them to sit down immediately.

"Young Master Gu, Young Master Chang, Mr. Wang, hurry up, hurry up, please take a seat. You see, you have been here in Yannan for so long. I have been busy with many small things and have no time to entertain you. It's really me It's your fault, my fault. I won't say anything today. I'm here to treat you to this meal. Mr. Gu, Mr. Chang, Mr. Wang, you can just play and eat. All the accounts will be recorded in my account. On the head." Ding Hongsheng said politely and respectfully, smiling at Young Master Gu and the others.

"Okay, who doesn't know that you, Ding, are always a busy man? You have to worry about so many things every day. We, a bunch of idlers, don't need you to worry about it. As long as it doesn't delay your things, it will be fine. Besides, come to Yannan and let us It’s not just for fun, it’s just that you, Mr. Ding, are a bit too arrogant. If we don’t have anything important to do, we wouldn’t dare to come here to disturb you. Mr. Ding, there’s no need to be polite. You can take your seat first.”

Young Master Gu here is also extremely polite in his words, giving people a very comfortable feeling. If you don't know the depth of things, you would think that Young Master Gu is just a rich young man who is harmless to humans and animals and is easy to talk to.

At this time, only Ding Hongsheng understood that this Young Master Gu was much more dangerous than he appeared on the surface.

These people in the Gu family all look harmless and kind, but in fact they are all smiling tigers. On the surface, they are all kind and kind. In fact, they are more ruthless and more unscrupulous than the other when they do things. , you have to be careful when dealing with this group of people. What they say and what they do are two extremes and are not trustworthy at all.

And the nicer they are to you, the more dangerous you are, just because everything is a gentle trap.

Ding Hongsheng knew the power of Young Master Gu, so of course he didn't dare to show any slightness. He quickly said to Young Master Gu: "Young Master Gu, please come first. How can I have any airs? I don't have anything to do." Ah, besides, nothing is as important as Mr. Gu, right?"

"Hahaha, it's better that you speak nicely, just say some nice words to lie to me." Mr. Gu pointed at Ding Hongsheng with a smile.

"Everything I say is not from the bottom of my heart. It all comes from the bottom of my heart. Mr. Gu, you have to learn from this." Ding Hongsheng said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I won't believe what you are saying now. You are drunk for a while. If you can say this, then I can believe that you are speaking from the bottom of your heart. Let's have two more drinks later. We can only say anything when we are drunk." The young master smiled and patted Ding Hongsheng on the shoulder and said this.

It seems that Mr. Gu and Ding Hongsheng do not have much hatred, but they seem to be old friends who have not seen each other for a long time.

But those who really understand know that there are many mysteries hidden here, and even if you are not careful, you may be in trouble.

Whether it is an old and sophisticated person like Ding Hongsheng or a well-informed person like Mr. Gu, of course, everything he says and does is flawless and unambiguous.

Therefore, the two people's superficial skills are naturally good.

At least to outsiders, they seemed like old friends they hadn't seen for a long time, extremely close.

"It seems that I can't live without this drink. Mr. Gu, you have to spare me. I drank too much, and my body will naturally fail. I can't compare to you young ones." Ding Hongsheng said helplessly to Mr. Gu. He waved his hand and said.

"Hahaha, you still want to run away after having a drink? We will always remember that you have not talked to us openly and honestly over and over again. This is more or less a punishment. If I put it on you, you can't run away from this drink." Mr. Gu smiled.

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