Best Son-in-law

Chapter 723 Appearance

At this time, a group of waiters outside opened the door, and then plates of various delicacies with bright colors and mouth-watering dishes were brought up and placed on the table one by one.

There are also some precious and famous products on this table, not to mention the delicacies of mountains and seas.

Dishes are spread all over the table, in various shapes and colors, which are very eye-catching.

At this moment, Li Fan was a little unable to control himself. His eyes were already attracted by these delicious dishes. He focused his eyes on them and could not move even half an inch.

Of course, Li Fan didn't come just for the food. He wanted to see what the dishes at Yuhuang Villa were like.

Because Li Fan also works in the same industry, he is very interested in the dishes here.

But Li Fan's behavior just caught the eyes of Ding Yanan and Mr. Liu.

The former had a look of disgust on his face, feeling that Li Fan had never seen much of the world. The latter snorted coldly and had similar thoughts to Ding Yanan, and even less regarded Li Fan.

Mr. Liu just couldn't figure out what Ding Hongsheng was thinking and why he invited someone like Li Fan here, so he was confused. He felt that Li Fan's appearance was an embarrassment to him.

"Be careful and don't throw your eyes away." Ding Yanan sat next to Li Fan and said something disgusting.

Li Fan smiled lightly and said nothing more.

At this time, the waiters lined up on both sides to make way for the middle.

Then, an extremely well-dressed middle-aged man in a suit and ties walked out from among the group of waiters.

This middle-aged man had an erect parting, a calm expression, thick eyebrows and big eyes, which made him look very calm. As soon as this man appeared on the scene, he gave off a sense of extraordinary bearing, and people around him naturally felt a little pressure.

But his face looked kind-hearted. After noticing his expression, I felt that he was not a particularly difficult person to get along with.

Therefore, when other people present faced this middle-aged man, they had exactly the same mentality.

As soon as this middle-aged man appeared, his eyes were on Ding Hongsheng and Mr. Gu.

Of course, he looked after Gu Shao more often.

Mr. Liu, who was sandwiched between Mr. Gu and Ding Hongsheng, was naturally within the sight of the middle-aged man.

It's just that this middle-aged man still doesn't quite understand why the person sitting in the main seat is not Mr. Gu, but someone he has never seen before.

Is it possible that this person is more important than Mr. Gu?

Of course, with the middle-aged man's calm personality and well-informed vision, his surprised eyes flashed past, followed by a look of indifference.

He has experienced many storms and waves, what kind of scenes has he not seen?

Although Mr. Liu made him feel strange at this time, his face remained calm, and his heart was turning over and over again, and he had already thought of a way to deal with it.

In any case, it is not a simple person who can sit in the main seat.

So this middle-aged man also greeted him with a smile.

He looked at Young Master Gu and Ding Hongsheng, smiled and said, "Mr. Ding, Young Master Gu, who is this?"

Mr. Gu also stood up politely and introduced Mr. Liu beside him with a smile: "This is Mr. Liu, a very capable and powerful person introduced by Mr. Ding."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Mr. Gu's words, but he didn't show any emotion on the surface.

At this time, Ding Hongsheng also stood up quickly and greeted the middle-aged man politely: "You are the owner of Yuhuang Villa, right? I have admired you for a long time."

After Ding Hongsheng finished speaking, he extended his hand to the owner of Yuhuang Villa.

"Mr. Ding is too polite. I, Chu Mu, just call me Xiao Chu. I have heard of Mr. Ding's deeds. I admire Mr. Ding very much. Mr. Ding has always been Mr. Chu's. Idol, it’s such a joy to meet you today.” Chu Mu laughed heartily.

Chu Mu's words were partly polite and partly true.

He really admired Ding Hongsheng, and he also greatly appreciated some of the things Ding Hongsheng had done.

If there is no position or other angle, Chu Mu is very willing to be friends with Ding Hongsheng.

But when Ding Hongsheng came over today, his life and death were unknown, and Chu Mu would not be friends with a dead person.

"Mr. Chu, you're welcome. I actually admire you very much." Ding Hongsheng looked flattered. In front of these people, he was no longer the same person as before. He no longer had the same demeanor as before.

After all, the people he met this time were all big shots.

After shaking hands gently with Ding Hongsheng, Chu Mu shook hands with Mr. Gu again, then looked at Mr. Liu sitting in the middle seat, and extended his hand with a smile on his face: "This is Mr. Liu Well, I have admired his name for a long time, and it is like thunder piercing my ears."

Who knew that Mr. Liu didn't even pay attention to the owner of Yuhuang Villa, he just lazily raised his eyelids and glanced at him, stretched out his hand impatiently, and shook Chu Mu's hand. Then he withdrew his hand and didn't even get up.

Seeing this scene, Chu Mu was naturally very unhappy, but nothing showed on his face.

He still had a smile on his face.

But Mr. Liu didn't want to talk to Chu Mu at all. After shaking hands, he didn't say a word and looked lazy, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Mr. Liu's temper is a bit strange, but he is really a very strong person. There is nothing we can do about it. Strong people have somewhat strange tempers." At this time, it was Mr. Gu who was explaining.

Mr. Liu didn't speak at this time, and the atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

Chu Mu was usually used to observing words and expressions, so he immediately noticed the subtle feeling in it. He smiled slightly and said softly: "Young Master Gu is right. It is not surprising that a person with strength has some temper."

When Ding Hongsheng heard this, he looked embarrassed, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Why are you still showing off at this time?

Even if the opponent is not as strong as you, you still have to put on a show, don't put on such a big show, right?

Ding Hongsheng was speechless at this time, and he was helpless towards Mr. Liu.

"Okay, don't talk about this. Let's get down to business. I, Liu, don't always like so many polite etiquettes. I just like to be straightforward." Mr. Liu said impatiently.

When he speaks, it's still words that others don't like to hear.

After hearing this, Mr. Gu and Chu Mu were not angry at all, but smiled.

"That's what Mr. Liu said."

"Come on, Mr. Chu, would you like to sit with me?" At this moment, Chang Xuan stood up and gave up his seat.

"No, no, no, Yanan, stand up and let Mr. Chu sit." Ding Hongsheng saw this and was polite.

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