Best Son-in-law

Chapter 725: Both kindness and power

Mr. Liu didn't give any face at this time, and directly said it on Li Fan's face.

Hearing this, Chu Mu also hesitated. He originally thought that Mr. Liu valued Li Fan very much, but he did not expect that Mr. Liu looked down on Li Fan so much and showed no mercy at all.

The person eating at this table said it directly on his face.

Of course, Chu Mu was still willing to see what was going on at this time. He was not a good old man and liked to meddle in other people's affairs.

At this time, the atmosphere on the table suddenly cooled down.

Mr. Liu shrugged indifferently: "I am just a country bumpkin who knows a little bit about boxing, but he deserves to sit at this table and eat? Bah, it really embarrasses me and lowers my status."

Mr. Liu spat shamelessly.

After hearing this, even Li Fan, no matter how generous he was, couldn't help it. His face changed and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. He really didn't want to have any conflict with Mr. Liu at this time. It was difficult for Ding Hongsheng to do it, but Mr. Liu was so unrelenting that he couldn't bear it anymore.

He, Li Fan, is not made of clay, not to mention that the clay figure is still somewhat rustic, so how can he not have a temper?

Li Fan clenched his fists, and his whole body became full of momentum. He just didn't bother to fight with Mr. Liu, but it didn't mean that he was afraid of Mr. Liu.

Anyway, Li Fan came here to protect his daughter at Ding Hongsheng's request. He really didn't mind taking care of Mr. Liu as well.

Deal with him and meet the Gu family again.

Of course Li Fan has this strength.

As for the people sitting at the table, Mr. Liu's strength is not ranked high, but his ignorance is.

So Li Fan sneered and wanted to let Mr. Liu know what it means to be so high and mighty. How dare he show off his power here with his three-legged cat skills?

He really didn't know how high the sky was and how thick the ground was.

Li Fan couldn't bear it anymore and was about to take action against Mr. Liu, but Ding Hongsheng patted Li Fan on the shoulder, suggesting that he be patient and save face for himself.

Li Fan looked back at Ding Hongsheng.

Ding Hongsheng looked gloomy at this time and shook his head at Li Fan.

In his opinion, although Li Fan's skills were good, he was far inferior to Mr. Liu.

During this dinner, he was almost unable to bear Mr. Liu, let alone Li Fan, so it was understandable for him to behave like this.

But he didn't want Li Fan to take action because of this, because he felt that Li Fan would not be Mr. Liu's opponent. If he took action rashly, he would definitely suffer.

Besides, wouldn't it be a joke for two people in my family to do something during this dinner?

But Li Fan's performance was in the eyes of Gu Shao and Chu Mu.

These two people were sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers. They really wanted to see the fight between them.

But because Ding Hongsheng stopped them, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But between words, Chu Mu could only make peace at this time, and he couldn't just watch the atmosphere at the scene turn cold. After all, they had something to say.

"You see, there are many experts in the deep mountains and old forests. Of course, this little brother may not be as extraordinary as Mr. Liu, but to us, this little brother can be regarded as a powerful expert. This It's all relative. The people you don't like, Mr. Liu, are worthy of toasting to us. Of course, our table is also able to reach such an elegant state because of you. We are all influenced by you. "Guang Guang, of course it is an honor to toast you, but it is also our honor to toast this gentleman. Please understand Mr. Liu." Chu Mu said this with a very low posture, and when he gave Li Fan face, he also gave Mr. Liu's face satisfied his heart, and his words were flawless.

After hearing this, Mr. Liu was completely praised to the heavens. He looked conceited, raised his chin high, and said no more words.

At this time, Li Fan had nothing to say. Everyone was toasting, so it would be inappropriate for him not to pick up the wine glass.

So Li Fan signaled Chu Mu with his eyes, and they drank the wine in the cup together.

At this time, Ding Hongsheng quickly helped Li Fan introduce himself: "This is Mr. Li, and he is also a master."

"It turns out to be Mr. Li, whom I have admired for a long time." Chu Mu said politely.

After saying this, he looked around and looked at the people on the table for a while, and he had a rough idea.

Young Master Gu did not want to let Ding Hongsheng go. After all, the interests of the Gu family were at stake. From another perspective, if Ding Hongsheng could not be used by them, they would use Ding Hongsheng's enemies, and they would inevitably have to get rid of Ding Hongsheng. .

Ding Hongsheng invited two people here. One of them had high eyesight and may not have full real ability. The other one was inconspicuous. He was dressed in a very ordinary way, but he had an amazing aura.

Mr. Wang is obviously an expert. At this time, the situation on the table is becoming more and more confusing and interesting.

After the toast, Li Fan didn't say much. He just wanted to see what these families meant.

From Li Fan's point of view, he actually didn't understand some of the rules and regulations between Ding Hongsheng and the Gu family, but judging from Ding Hongsheng's conflicting emotions, some of these things were not as simple as he thought.

"Mr. Ding, what do you think? We have enough sincerity. It depends on your courage. You know, at this time, it is impossible for you to be neutral and maintain balance. To be honest, you If you don't cooperate with us this time, you will inevitably cooperate with our opponents. Our two families are either cooperative or antagonistic. You choose one." Chang Xuan said impatiently. He felt that this matter There is no need to make it so complicated. He likes to talk straight to the point. Everyone will be happy if it is agreed. If it is not agreed, everyone will go back to their respective homes and prepare to fight.

He likes to make things clear, but Mr. Gu obviously doesn't mean this: "Chang Xuan."

Chang Xuan was a little angry after hearing this, but he didn't say much.

"What's wrong? If cooperation doesn't work, then we just arrange a fight, right? It seems like me, the middleman, is just a decoration." After hearing this, Mr. Liu immediately shouted, he was already praised to the sky, and he suddenly felt that these people were talking It seems like you are skipping over yourself, it seems like you are not respecting yourself, and you are not happy about it right away.

After hearing this, Mr. Gu and Chang Xuan did not defend themselves. They felt that they had had enough of playing this funny game.

At this time, Young Master Gu narrowed his eyes, his gaze became evil, and he was far less kind than before.

When the Gu family goes out to do things, they always pay attention to the combination of grace and power. Well, they have dispersed just now, and now they pay attention to power.

So the Gu family has no intention of giving in, and they can't help but Mr. Liu's style.

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