Best Son-in-law

Chapter 727 A little test

At this time, everyone looked solemn, waiting for Ding Hongsheng's final answer.

Even Chu Mu couldn't laugh at this time, because Ding Hongsheng's next words would determine the direction of this matter and the future trend of Yan Nan.

But Ding Hongsheng looked straight at Mr. Gu and said nothing for a moment.

Chu Mu was knocking on the table beside him and didn't say much.

The atmosphere became more depressing.

Silence, depression.

"It's okay. Don't forget what I said to you before. If something happens, I, Liu, will support you." At this moment, Mr. Liu spoke out at an inappropriate time.

Although Mr. Liu is unreliable, his words still give Ding Hongsheng full confidence.

Following the Gu family would mean death, and not cooperating would also lead to death, but with Mr. Liu here, he still had a glimmer of hope.

So Ding Hongsheng gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and said directly: "It is a great honor for me to cooperate with the Gu family, but it is not the best choice at this time."

Ding Hongsheng's meaning was very clear.

After hearing this, Mr. Gu didn't get angry. He just sneered: "Okay, I understand what Mr. Ding means. In this case, there is nothing more to say here. You are not a troublesome person, and I am not one either." I have all the good things to say for those who like trouble, but if you are stubborn, you can only follow me to the inner courtyard, right? I can let you know the strength of our Gu family, give you some confidence, and also let you know I know the other side of Mr. Wang.”

After sneering, there was no longer any joy on Mr. Gu's face. He stood up directly with a sullen face.

Next to them, Chang Xuan and Mr. Wang also stood up, but the kindness on their faces was completely gone.

The atmosphere was tense, and Ding Hongsheng was ready to take action.

"In that case, can Mr. Ding invite you to the inner court?" Chu Mu had no choice but to stand up and make an invitation gesture towards Ding Hongsheng, asking him to go to the inner court for a talk.

Ding Hongsheng nodded and followed.

"I didn't expect it. I thought you were just joking. I didn't expect that this fight was really unavoidable. Doesn't this boy from the Gu family show no mercy at all? He just fell out with you? No problem, then I will accompany you. Let's have some fun, it's time to stretch your muscles and bones." Mr. Liu stood up and forced out the true energy in his body. He was so shocked that cracks appeared on the table in front of him.

clear and distinct!

Seeing this scene, Ding Yanan's eyes straightened. She had always disliked Mr. Liu's charisma, but when he really used his energy, he really shocked her. He could knock down the table without even using his hands. Shock, what will happen if he takes action?

Ding Yanan didn't even dare to think about it.

Mr. Liu's unique skill can really intimidate people, not only Ding Yanan, but also other people's eyes are fixed.

This is true even for Chu Mu.

Mr. Liu stretched his body, as if doing something ordinary, turned around and glanced at Li Fan provocatively, curled his lips, sneered, and then strode behind Gu Shao and others.

When parting, he said a few heroic words: "Don't worry, Xiao Ding, as long as I'm here, no one in Yannan can touch you, not even anyone else!"

No one would question these heroic words. Ding Hongsheng felt somewhat confident when he saw Mr. Liu's anger shattering the table.

He felt that Mr. Liu's skills should be enough to deal with Mr. Gu's people.

After gaining confidence, Ding Hongsheng no longer hesitated. He just looked back at Li Fan, gently raised his hands to Li Fan and said, "Mr. Li, my dear, please."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ding." Li Fan smiled slightly. He has always been a low-key person. He was smiling but not revealing.

Li Fan was seen looking straight at the gap on the table, lost in thought.

So this energy can still be used like this?

After Li Fan broke through the Water God inheritance, the true energy in his body surged majesticly, but he had never used it. Today can be considered a small test.

When everyone left, only Li Fan stayed. He looked straight at the cracks on the table, thoughtfully.

Suddenly, Li Fan became more playful. He also wanted to test the extent of the true energy in his body, so he raised the energy into his heart, then continuously loosened it to the palm of his right hand, and pushed it out fiercely. , and suddenly there was an explosion in the air.

Just hearing a "bang", the chair in front of Li Fan turned into powder.

After doing this, Li Fan was very frightened. He just wanted to test the true energy in his body, but he didn't want to be high-profile and attract other people's attention. He never liked doing things that were too high-profile.

Therefore, Li Fan did not use all his strength to push out the palm. He probably used 20 to 30% of the true energy in his body, but he had such an effect.

If Li Fan had struck out with all his strength, I'm afraid this room wouldn't even exist.

After the small test, Li Fan looked satisfied. This palm was indeed powerful, but it was just a trick to intimidate people. A real master would not expose his strength easily.

Because real masters understand that the strongest has its own strong hand.

That is to say, a frog in the well like Mr. Liu feels that he is invincible.

It's really ridiculous.

After Li Fan pushed it out with his palm, he immediately retracted his palm, breathed a long sigh of relief, and walked forward calmly.

It's just that this scene happened to be seen by Chu Mu, who hadn't gone far.

As the owner of Yuhuang Villa, Chu Mu has been observing the actions of both parties. He has also seen Qi masters, so although Mr. Liu's methods shocked people like Ding Yanan who had not seen much of the world, they were still Chu Mu could not be frightened.

Chu Mu had seen that with one palm thrown out, the table was all in pieces, and the air seemed to explode. Compared with such a person, this Mr. Liu was really nothing.

Chu Mu couldn't even figure out what Ding Hongsheng was thinking about entrusting his life and fortune to such a person.

Arrogant and arrogant, but his own strength is average.

Such people are looking for death.

Chu Mu thought for a while that the Gu family would take action, and Mr. Liu died miserably.

But Chu Mu accidentally saw Li Fan stretch out his palm and shatter the chair next to him. The chair turned into powder in an instant, which was really scary.

Chu Mu had never seen such a move from the master he had seen before.

Chu Mu couldn't help but fell into deep thought. He touched his chin and thought in his mind: "It turns out that there are experts around Ding Hongsheng. No wonder he dares to challenge the Gu family."

"Ding Hongsheng is much smarter this time. He found a arrogant shield, but he has such a trump card in his hand. He is indeed an old man. He didn't make any move just now. And this person is so powerful, but he doesn't He looks so handsome but his clothes are so ordinary..."

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