Best Son-in-law

Chapter 745 The Secret of the Family

Seemingly sensing Li Fan's thoughts, Ding Hongsheng smiled slightly and shook his head helplessly: "Mr. Li doesn't know something. Some things in this family are dirtier than you think, and they are not as clean as they appear on the surface."

"First of all, aristocratic families will use some business on the surface as a cover, but in fact, the transactions behind the scenes are more shady than anything else. There will be some gray transactions and shady products, which are also countless, but these are the only ones , The aristocratic family may not be completely dirty. In addition to these, because of the factional disputes, internal and external troubles, internal factional disputes, and various external cooperation, the aristocratic family is in chaos internally, and it is also chaotic externally."

"On the surface, the Aristocratic Family is like a rope, but in fact, this rope has long been forked. There are various factions scattered, each filament, and there are foreign aids. They all want to suppress the inside and get something, so the Aristocratic Family is in chaos internally, and it is also chaotic outside."

"In order to compete for something within the family, they often use all possible means. The competition within the family is more intense than we imagined. It is just like the princes in the past who competed for the heir. If you don't make a move, you will be dead. If you make a move, you will have no room for death. There is no one left, and the internal disputes in this family are just a river and lake. The heads of the family often don't care about these matters of fighting for the heir, and let them do what they want. As long as it does not affect the foundation of the family or the development of the family, these The family heads can let go and let their disciples use various methods."

"There is no benevolence and morality in this, and there are no promises that can be kept. It is common to make alliances today and stab each other tomorrow. It is like the law of the jungle, ruthless and unreasonable. , of course, the person who survives in the end is the person the head of the family trusts the most, and the previous head of the family also used these methods that you can't stand on the table to obtain the position of the head of the family."

"Of course, the one who finally wins the position of the head of the family must be righteous and must do benevolent and moral things, because only the winner has the right to write what kind of past it will be. The loser has already lost the future."

"So the rules of family disputes are like this. Even if you don't understand anything in a family, you will be forced out sooner or later. There is no room for choice, no way out. If you want to survive, you must obtain the final head of the family. In this position, you must get what you should get, otherwise you will be dead."

"Under the Law of the Jungle, people from aristocratic families are very ruthless, but the heads of these families are also very capable, and have the strongest comprehensive abilities, including luck, because the king of the Law of the Jungle does have his own special qualities. , there are indeed areas where ordinary people are inferior.”

"The bad thing about the selection system of the Aristocratic Family is that some candidates of the Aristocratic Family have actively trained themselves very early on, including physical fitness, talents, abilities, business skills, communication skills, and the ability to gather connections, so that they can get good results in all aspects. The ability to take action, of course, in addition to these abilities, there must be other abilities. These abilities are the ability to do gray industries, the ability to communicate with gray industries, the ability to operate gray industries, and how to make gray industries and the bright side The ability to achieve balance among industries. How to use gray industries to interfere with other people’s white industries without being caught.”

"So the heirs of some aristocratic families have faced these things since they were born. They have been tempered and have to face these things. Therefore, these children of aristocratic families are much more powerful than imagined. The law of the jungle is ruthless, and it is really It can train people."

"Of course, this gray industry can't explain the problem. The key is that they still have hidden hands. These are truly powerful methods, and they are also methods that cannot be seen in the light. Outsiders may not know these methods, and only insiders have the opportunity to know. These methods, of course, sometimes only when they are dead can they have a chance to know about these methods."

Ding Hongsheng said a lot in one breath, and after he finished speaking, his face became terrifyingly gloomy.

What happened today is in the past. It seems that Mr. Gu has no intention of letting him go. This is one of the factors that makes Ding Hongsheng feel very bad.

This time I can rely on Li Fan to escape, but it may not be possible next time.

Mr. Gu has so many methods, and those in the gray industry are all overt methods. He, Ding Hongsheng, can still deal with them, but how can he guard against some secret methods? He had no way to defend himself.

So Ding Hongsheng knew that he was being targeted by a poisonous snake. He had to find a point now, a reason for Mr. Gu to keep him.

Because a person must find his own reason to live. If there is no such reason, the person's life will not mean much, and there will be no difference between living and dead.

There is not much reason for Ding Hongsheng to live now, as far as Young Master Gu is concerned.

He is now at a point where there is no way to win over, and there is no way for him to be used by Young Master Gu, so Young Master Gu can directly kill Ding Hongsheng without any mercy, without leaving any room or courtesy.

With Gu Shao's methods, there was no need for him to use overt methods. He could use some secret methods to kill Ding Hongsheng.

Therefore, in order to escape Young Master Gu's pursuit, Ding Hongsheng had to find a reason for Young Master Gu not to kill him.

This is also a major condition for Ding Hongsheng to move around the world and move among the major forces with ease.

Even Ding Hongsheng can always find a balance point. This balance point can also be said to be the reason for the major forces not to kill him.

As long as there is this reason, the major forces have no reason to kill him, so Ding Hongsheng can live.

Although he did some things that offended these forces, killing him would be worse than living, so there was no need to take action.

Of course, this time it was because the balance controlled by Ding Hongsheng had failed, so the major forces chose to take action and kill him.

Because the resources currently controlled by Ding Hongsheng can no longer keep up, for the major forces, Ding Hongsheng is no longer a bargaining chip for his side to gain profits, but is instead an uncertain factor.

What he can feed back is small, and the threat he creates is great, so this is why Ding Hongsheng is not tolerated by the major forces.

No one wants to rely on an uncertain factor to earn a small amount of profits, only to have most of their industry destroyed due to this uncertain factor in the future.

When people reach this level, their thinking and seeing are not as simple as what they see in front of them, and they are all very good at using force to oppress others.

Using strength to suppress people is considered a bad strategy, using means to suppress people is considered a middle strategy. The truly brilliant method is to use force to suppress people.

Because there are already smart people below this level, smart people will naturally only do some smart things and will not do some unsmart behaviors.

Of course, you can't treat others as fools.

If you want to use some means or strength to kill others without leaving any trace, this is just some normal competition between the middle and lower classes, not the attitude of the upper class competition.

The competition at the upper level has reached the point where the complexity is reduced to simplicity. It seems that there are no tricks, no routines or means, just some simple conspiracy, but in fact some details have been taken care of. After these details are put together again, it will be much more powerful.

Therefore, the competition between some upper-level forces may only be about one move. After this move, the outcome has been seen. When preparing for this move, I have been sharpening it for ten years. The details have been taken care of, and everything I can do has been accomplished.

And after the confrontation, there was no way to put the opponent to death.

But the winner has indeed been decided. One party wins and gains profits, while the other party loses profits and wins or loses. Maybe it will be able to make a comeback soon, or it may not recover soon.

Therefore, when some forces compete, they have overt hands and hidden hands, but outsiders can only see the overt hands, and only see a punch, but they don't know how much preparation work was done for this punch.

Li Fan finally learned something about the family from Ding Hongsheng's mouth, and his face darkened. He smiled helplessly and expressed his doubts and some things he wanted to know: "Mr. Ding, what about you?" What is the secret hand behind the family besides the gray industry?"

"Feng shui, demon ways, tricks, deception, and poison!" Ding Hongsheng said a series of words. After saying these words, his face became more and more gloomy, and he looked more and more helpless.

Just as Ding Hongsheng expected, Li Fan and Ding Yanan's first reaction after hearing these words was a look of surprise, a bit incredible, and they couldn't believe it.

Ding Hongsheng just smiled casually and added: "Are you a little unbelievable after hearing this? A little unbelievable?"

"Yeah." Li Fan nodded. It was hard for him to imagine these things.

After all, these are words that may only appear in TV dramas. I didn’t expect that these words actually exist in reality.

And there should be real people and real stories behind these words.

"I didn't expect that the things performed in these TV series and movies were actually reality. It's ridiculous to say that, but these are the real methods of the aristocratic families. Compared with these methods, those gray industries, those gray transactions, and gray methods are all Now you can see the sun, these are things that cannot be seen in the sun, but they really exist. Of course, these things exist if you believe them, and if you don’t believe them, they don’t exist. But for me, I have to believe it, because the family’s People have already made the things performed in these TV series, how can I not believe it?" Ding Hongsheng Xianheng shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"The aristocratic family has its own rules. These things are indeed their internal methods. I have seen them before, but I also wanted to keep them in my stomach at the time."

"Even if these things are said directly, I'm afraid no one will believe it. No wonder, no wonder." Li Fan felt a little emotional after hearing this.

He felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

Today, Li Fan finally saw the true face of the aristocratic family. He had only heard some rumors from outside the aristocratic family, but this time he learned the secrets.

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