Best Son-in-law

Chapter 804 Conspiracy

"Sir, I don't do these things for rewards." The young man said with some dissatisfaction.

"I know you don't do these things for awards or money. You and I are the same. We do it for the honor of the empire, and the insults the empire suffered on this land before. You and I both shoulder the responsibility of the empire for us. expectations, you and I both have a sense of mission for the future of the empire. As long as we live, we must not forget everything that the empire has suffered. One day, we will get everything back."

"By the way, Mr. Dong, are you here?" The middle-aged man paced back and forth in the hall, walked to the table in the living room, then picked up a samurai sword on the table and put it in his hand.


The cold gleam of the samurai sword was revealed, and the flash made people's eyes unbearable.

"Mr. Dong said that he has been in trouble recently. There are many people staring at the Dong family, and it is difficult for them to spare their hands. Sir, I don't know if I should say something." The young man couldn't help but say this. One sentence.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. You don't need to be restrained by anything when you're here with me, understand?" The middle-aged man pulled out his katana, shook it, and then put the katana back into the scabbard.

"I feel that no one in this land can be trusted. We can only trust the people of the empire. This man named Dong is unreliable." The young man said slowly, his eagle eyes looked sharp, and his whole person looked very sharp. , and at the same time, when others see his eyes, they also feel that he is a particularly vicious and sinister person.

"Shut up." The middle-aged man couldn't help scolding.

"Hi." The young man responded subconsciously and nodded sharply.

"Mr. Dong has a pure heart and is very loyal to the empire. We should trust him, and he is the benefactor of our empire, yes, benefactor." The middle-aged man said seriously.

"But in the final analysis, this man named Dong is after our money, or such a treasure." The young man couldn't help but argue. He was afraid that the gentleman in front of him would be deceived. He has no regard for everyone in this land. Any good feelings, even he wants to kill all the people he hates with the katana in his hand.

"No matter what his purpose is, Xiaodaoji, I don't allow you to talk about Mr. Dong. At least, we must rely on Mr. Dong's power now. Our empire is falling apart. This is the critical time. If we can If we regain power, maybe we can set foot on this land that our ancestors dreamed of! Don't forget, how many of our ancestors shed their lives and blood here, they are real men, real men!" the middle-aged man scolded. road.

"Hey, sir, I understand. I will definitely follow your teachings." The young man suddenly stood at attention, nodded and said.

"Xiaodao Jun, you must remember that the land of China is a place that our ancestors admire, a place that our ancestors yearn for, and a place where we want to realize the dreams of our ancestors. But the people and things on this land It's very complicated. When we failed before, we have to summarize the reasons, just for the sake of future victory. If there are some prejudices or anything that affects the empire, then you will be a sinner for the ages. Do you understand?" The middle-aged man was unsmiling and spoke extremely harshly. .

"Hi, sir, I understand." The young man respected the middle-aged man very much. Basically, he would nod in agreement when the middle-aged man said something.

"The Dong family of Yanbei has a great influence in this land. The Dong family is the most dignified family in this land. They have interests in the empire and are the most sincere friends of the empire. This Mr. Dong is also the best in the empire. My friend, do you understand?" the middle-aged man said leisurely.

"Hey, I understand." The young man said quickly.

"Yes, I understand, sir." The middle-aged man corrected: "If you don't love this land, how can you conquer it?"

"Yes, I understand, sir," the young man said.

"Okay, Kojima, is there any progress in the research?" The middle-aged man put down his samurai sword and went to look at some flower pots in the villa. He grabbed a flower leaf and asked.

"The research went well." The young man hesitated for a while and said.

"To be honest, there is nothing smooth or not going well for me. I only want results. How can I call it smooth until the results come out?" This middle-aged man was very rigid. He corrected it directly with a deep look on his face.

"And you and I have nothing to hide. There is no need to report good news or bad news. When the empire entrusted me with this matter, I already swore an oath to repay the filial piety to the empire, so I just want to deal with all difficulties. And to correct my mistakes, I can endure failure, because I was born to fail. If I succeed, it will be time for me to quit." The middle-aged man sighed and said.

"Yes, sir, it's my fault. We encountered some difficulties. There were very key factors that led to the failure of the experiment, so the weapon experiment failed." The young man said.

"Why failed?" the middle-aged man asked angrily.

"Because something particularly crucial is missing." The young man noticed that the middle-aged man was angry and lowered his head.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Because I don't want to distract you, your body has..." The young man raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man, his eyes full of worry.

"Is my body more important, or is the future of the empire more important? Is my body more important, or are the dreams of our empire's ancestors for decades, centuries, and millennia more important, or is the future of our empire's descendants more important? Or is it what we have to follow? Is the historical mission important? Xiaodaoji, are you worthy of the empire? Don’t you think you have failed the empire’s cultivation and hope for you? Cough cough cough..." When the middle-aged man said this, he couldn't help but cough repeatedly. He obviously It was the young people who made me angry.

"Hey, sir, I was wrong." The young man lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

"Xiaojiaoji, you have to know what is light and what is heavy, what you should do and what you shouldn't do. Don't let down the empire's hopes and don't do things that will bring shame to your ancestors." The middle-aged man was so angry that he coughed repeatedly. Twice, he said helplessly.

"Yes, sir, I know I was wrong, and I will tell you the truth truthfully from now on." The young man lowered his head and said.

"Forget it, I can't blame you. I know you are thinking about my body, but you have to know, why should I live? I do it for the future of the empire, for the dream of my ancestors, so I live, and I live to have something. My lifelong mission, if the mission is completed, the highest glory of my life will also be completed. If the future of the empire is shattered, what is the meaning of my life? Not only me, but also you. The same is true for living. You serve the empire. If one day you let me know that you have betrayed the empire, then my knife will be the first to stab you. Do you understand?" The middle-aged man looked at the portraits of gods and Buddhas in front of him, and for a moment, he fell into confusion. In deep thought.

"By the way, has anyone found out about the cases we did? Have our insiders reported anything?" the middle-aged man asked.

"The gang went to investigate. They all thought it was just a murder case. They were helpless to deal with this murder case. We did it very carefully. They couldn't find it out. Even if they found it out, some of us would take the blame. , and this kind of thing is not a crime, it will not have big consequences, so don’t worry, we will make a lot of preparations just in case." The young man said.

"Well, Kojima, I feel relieved that you are responsible for these things. You must be diligent in your career and don't let down the empire and my expectations of you. Do you hear me?" The middle-aged man also repeatedly told the young man. .

After hearing this, the young man nodded in agreement.

"By the way, the Yannan Treasure Appraisal Conference will be held recently. If you are okay, Xiaodao Jun, you can come with me to have a look. Let's appreciate the treasures of this land." The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said. .

"Sir, are you interested in antiques, calligraphy and painting?" The young man leaned forward towards the middle-aged man with a respectful look on his face.

"It's just a hobby. I like the antiques, calligraphy and paintings in this land very much, but what we are looking at this time is not just antique calligraphy and paintings. What we want to see is..." The middle-aged man said this with a sneer on his face, The harsh look on his face was evident.

"What are you looking for?" the young man asked in confusion.

"What we want to see is how deep the water is in the land of Yannan. What we want to see is a good show, an absolute good show, a good show that you may never see in your life." The middle-aged man He emphasized repeatedly, with a smile on his face.

"Then I'll definitely wait and see." The young man put his head in and said.

"That's definitely the case, Kojima. I'll leave these matters to you. You have to take care of them all. I'm already old, and it will still depend on the fate of you young people in the future." The middle-aged man said with a long sigh.

"Where, I still need guidance from my husband. I have learned a lot from my husband during this period. I was too narrow-minded before, but now I have made great progress under his guidance. These are all given by my husband." , I will never forget it in my life." The young man lowered his head and said to the middle-aged man with great sincerity.

He respected the middle-aged man from the bottom of his heart, and every word he said sounded to him like an imperial edict.

"Xiaojiaoji, don't be too harsh on yourself. You've done a good job now." The middle-aged man suddenly smiled. He patted the young man's shoulder twice and said solemnly.

"No, sir, I still have too much to learn, and I still have to let you teach me more, sir." The young man said solemnly.

"Well, it's a good thing to ask for advice humbly. I've looked up past history and have summarized and learned lessons from past failures. In the past, we just relied on our lonesome courage, so failure is doomed. Now we can't just You have to be brave by relying on this. You must be resourceful. You can't do it without learning. And there is a saying in this land that I always thought was very electrostatic." The middle-aged man said with squinted eyes.

"What are you talking about? Sir, please tell me." The young man asked with his hands raised.

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