Best Son-in-law

Chapter 826 Heartbroken

Now everyone's faces were so clearly displayed in front of Li Fan. Li Fan felt ridiculous in his heart, and felt chilled at the same time. How could they treat him well just now, and now they are treating him badly? Their thoughts seemed to be manipulated by others. They have the same control, or in other words, they don’t have any thoughts and just follow what others say and do what they do.

This is not the most terrifying thing for Li Fan. The most terrifying thing is that most people in life are like this.

These people are just representatives, including the people who witnessed everything just now, the people who just fought for him, and now they are fooled into changing their minds by a few words like Boss Ma, a person like Boss Ma who didn't even see what happened just now, and this The group of people had a deep hatred for Li Fan. After hearing such a few words, they all wanted to put Li Fan to death.

This made Li Fan feel even more helpless.

For a moment, Li Fan didn't know what to say.

"I just stood in front of this painting for a while like many people, probably only a few minutes. You were speaking for me just now, but now you have changed? Do you have any opinions? Do you have any opinions? Judgment? Follow what others say?" Li Fan now finally knows what it means to defend the people's mouth better than the river.

Many people don't know how to control their mouths, they only hear what they hear, and then even the truth they see with their own eyes will be deceived.

That's the nature of these people.

Li Fan just thought it was funny and chilling.

"Okay, stop quibbling. It's useless no matter how much you quibble. We all know that you are an unqualified country bumpkin. You are just a piece of rat shit and ruined the whole pot of porridge!"

"That's right, why are you still trying to make excuses? Now that the evidence is irrefutable, aren't you afraid that your parents will be ashamed of you?"

"You don't have any shame? Now Boss Ma has made it so clear. He is such a good person, and he still defends you like this. He thinks that you have no money and wants you to pay less. He is just talking for you. It's better for you. The dog bit Lu Dongbin, you don’t know the good heart, you don’t know what’s good, and you’re still talking nonsense here, and you’re not afraid of others beating you!”

For a moment, these people almost jumped up and scolded Li Fan, and then beat him up fiercely.

Li Fan just listened and watched these people jumping and scolding. Each one of them was like a living monkey, expressing his anger towards Li Fan.

The more Li Fan looked at it, the more ridiculous he felt, and the more he looked at it, the sadder he felt.

He just recognized these people and said and scolded them. He didn't say anything more or refute anything. Anyway, these people felt that they were right. Even if they were really being used, they wouldn't reflect at all. , they are willing to be used by bad people, and then fight against good people.

After killing good people with their own hands, they can then attack those who killed good people with peace of mind, as if they were not involved in some things. They can always stand on the highest moral point and criticize others for their faults.

These people are always so at ease and feel that they are right.

Even in the end, Li Fan's lack of argument became the reason for their attack.

"Why don't you speak? Are you feeling guilty?"

"I must be feeling guilty. I don't dare to speak. I am also a little ashamed. I am really a scum and a disgrace."

"You are a person who has no qualities at all. I feel embarrassed and disgusted standing in the same place as you."

"How can there be such a disgusting person like you in the world? Why don't people like you disappear? Why don't you just die? Don't you have a clue in your heart? Don't you know what you should do?"

"I feel so sad for your parents."

Just like that, it's not Li Fan's fault to speak, it's sophistry to say haha, it's not the case not to speak, and it's guilty to not speak. Anyway, once these people decide that Li Fan is wrong, it's not good. No matter what Li Fan says, it won't work. Quibble, the more you talk, the more you quibble.

Not speaking is also a guilty conscience.

Anyway, just because Li Fan stood in front of a painting for so long, he became a heinous sinner and must be held responsible for everything. Regardless of whether the real cause of this incident has anything to do with Li Fan or not, he must be responsible for everything. He's in charge.

Li Fan was helpless in this situation.

He didn't want to talk at all. Where are these people? These are mindless machines. They are used by others and they still think they are right. As a result, they become vicious knives that kill good people in the hands of others. However, these people do not know how to repent. They only know that they will continue to be used by the next person, and then they will continue to use them. Become a murderous knife that kills good people.

Until this murderous knife was stained with the blood of all good people, in the end, this murderous knife still did not realize its mistakes. They still resolutely felt that they were right, that they were not wrong at all, and that it was others who were really wrong.

The reality is so real and sad.

Li Fan can't argue now.

And the more these people talked, the more excited they became, because one thing also revealed that Li Fan had problems with his character and personality.

Now no one has any doubts. They all think that Li Fan is a heinous person. Seeing that Li Fan doesn't speak, they talk even more vigorously.

The more they talked, the happier they became, and the more they talked, the happier they became, with no intention of stopping at all.

These people all spoke sharply and did not give Li Fan any face.

Li Fan just let it go. He couldn't bear it. He just wanted to find an opportunity to slap them fiercely.

Bad guys never lack accomplices, it’s all because these people have no brains and will only be used and led by others.

They didn't even think about it, why did Boss Ma say such a thing? Did he make a profit by saying such a thing? Did Boss Ma suffer any loss in the end?

They don't think about this at all. They only think that Li Fan is not a good person and Boss Ma is a good person. They want to kill Li Fan and protect Boss Ma.

They have lost all judgment, all judgment on some things, they only have the ability to be brainwashed by others.

These people are truly pathetic.

And because of what he said just now, Boss Ma was considered a success, and he got everything he deserved, so he laughed in front of everyone, with a very proud and arrogant smile.

He even cast a provocative look at Li Fan, but quickly took it back, because Boss Ma felt that a person like Li Fan was not qualified to be his opponent. He was too brainless, and... He naively thought that someone would really help him uphold the so-called justice and justice.

"You don't know, right? All justice is subject to change." There was an evil smile in Boss Ma's eyes.

Everything is under his control.

Li Fan will definitely drown in the spit of these people. This is also the first step for Boss Ma to destroy Li Fan's inner defense.

He just wanted a poor boy like Li Fan to completely doubt his life and himself.

Just when everyone spoke out against Li Fan.

An uninvited guest came into the Tonggu antique store. This uninvited guest was not ambiguous or polite at all. He kicked the door directly and stood outside the door and shouted: "You surnamed Ma, you treacherous person." Disciple, how can you be a human being? You are just a beast, you are worse than a beast, if you do such a thing, you will be killed."

The voice that spoke was obviously a female voice. The woman's voice was very loud and quickly attracted everyone's attention. At this time, everyone couldn't help but become curious about who was standing outside the door and said such words to Boss Ma.

After Boss Ma heard this call, his face was still full of smiles, but now his face suddenly became frighteningly dark. Of course he knew who the voice belonged to. The appearance of this voice also meant that he was in trouble.

So Boss Ma's face immediately darkened, and his whole face looked terrifyingly gloomy.

"Who is it? Who is it? How dare you say that to Boss Ma?"

"If Boss Ma is not a good person, then who else will be?"

"That's right, that girl is talking nonsense outside, is she a kid?"

Because this woman's voice is extremely thin, she could easily be mistaken for a child, but this woman is really not a child.

Just when everyone thought it was a trick to tease people, a little girl walked in gracefully. This little girl was wearing overalls and a windbreaker. She looked very mismatched and looked very weird. She Holding a painting in his arms, he looked at Boss Ma in the shop angrily, as if looking at an enemy.

The girl's face is beautiful and can definitely make people shine or even be stunned. However, compared to other girls, she has a bit of a fierce temperament.

Just like that, after the little girl walked in, she stared at Boss Ma. Her eyes were red, as if she had been greatly wronged.

The girl looked at Boss Ma without blinking, and said through gritted teeth: "Don't believe this man, everyone, he is a liar, a liar with no faith at all, no, he has no faith at all. He doesn’t know what faith is at all. He is just a beast with a human face and a beast’s heart. You must not believe his words. Don’t believe every word he says. Whoever believes it is a fool. Whoever believes it is a lunatic. ." The little girl pointed at Boss Ma and cursed unceremoniously.

Just now, Boss Ma had confirmed his status as a good person amidst the compliments of the crowd, and now he was scolded by such a little girl pointing her nose at her face. He must have lost his face. , his face immediately darkened, and he looked at the little girl with a sullen expression.

"Who are you? I don't know you at all. Please leave here immediately. You have recognized the wrong person. I am not the person you are looking for." Boss Ma wanted to avoid this little girl as much as possible. When he faced this little girl , already feeling guilty.

"Ma, you have the nerve to do something, but you don't have the shame to admit it, right? Are you considered a human being?" The girl cursed with her big eyes, as if there were tears hidden in her eyes.

This girl's eyes were already big, but now they were misty, making people feel a little more pity.

It was when the girl appeared that everyone couldn't help but feel a strange feeling.

What happened to this girl? Why do you scold Boss Ma when you open your mouth when you enter the door? Could it be because of Boss Ma's private life?

Just when everyone was getting suspicious, the girl took out a painting, put it on the table, and spread it flat.

"You're a bastard with a human face and an animal heart. Why did you treat me as a friend because of my grandfather? Borrow our family's heirloom and then give our family a fake one?" The girl looked angry. The words were directed at Boss Ma, and she did not show any favor to Boss Ma at all when she spoke. She spoke directly in front of everyone.

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