Best Son-in-law

Chapter 835 Collapse

Just like that, the image of a good person that Ma Bangqi had finally built up completely collapsed overnight. Now everyone looks at him like a fool or a monster.

Ma Bangqi felt uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

"Ma Bangqi, what else do you have to say now? You stole Mr. Liu's family heirloom and framed this little brother for your own benefit. You are guilty of an unforgivable crime. Do you know that the law of heaven is clear and you will die if you do many unjust things? You have done many evil things in your life, but today will be the day when the truth is revealed? Now, what else can you say? If you don’t have anything to say, you don’t need to say it, everything can be over." Boss Xu narrowed his eyes, he was most happy to see Those who arrived at such a scene in Mabang Banner.

At this time, the more uncomfortable Ma Bangqi felt, the happier and happier he felt.

"After a while, everyone will call the police and let him settle the matter. This will make Ma Bangqi famous." Boss Xu was so excited at this time that he couldn't help but make some funeral arrangements.

But at this moment, Ma Bangqi, who was unwilling to give up, stretched out his hand and shouted: "No, no, everyone can't be like this. Don't be deceived by these people. Don't be deceived by this little girl and this brat." Come on, think about it, this silver needle belongs to this brat. If there is something wrong with this silver needle, wouldn’t it be a premeditated frame-up? This painting is not ours at all. This brat just wants to frame him. To pierce our paintings with silver needles, and then use another set of silver needles to pierce someone else's paintings, this is premeditated assassination."

"Of course, I know that I wronged this little brother in what happened before, but I can apologize. I can do anything. You can't beat me to death with a stick. I just think he has no quality. And I don’t know the situation at the time. How do I know whether he stood for a day or five minutes? I don’t know.” Ma Bangqi still refused to give up. He rolled his eyes and tried to do the last The struggle.

In fact, Ma Bangqi was forced into a desperate situation when he spoke like this. If this matter was revealed, he would be ruined and his reputation would be small. He was not willing to see his decades of hard work go to waste.

He will have nothing by then.

So Ma Bangqi looked at Li Fan in a panic. He knew that Li Fan was in charge of everything now. As long as he convinced Li Fan to let him go, everything would turn around. Likewise, if Li Fan refused If you let yourself go, Ma Bangqi will die here today, and he will die completely without a burial place.

So Ma Bangqi walked up to Li Fan, held Li Fan's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Little brother, no, Mr. Li, what just happened was my fault, just be noble and don't frame me. I won’t let you pay for the painting. I’ll bear the loss myself, okay? I really give in. As long as you don’t care about it, not only will I not take the money for the painting, I will also treat you to dinner.”

At this time, although Ma Bangqi apologized to Li Fan on the surface and only said what happened just now, in fact, Ma Bangqi came close to Li Fan's ear and said some words, but these words could not be heard by others. Only Li Fan and Ma Bangqi The two of them could hear clearly.

"Little brother, you have to be merciful and merciful. If you let me go this time, I will be very grateful to you. I won't let you pay compensation. I will also make peace with Mr. Fan. I think you are indeed very kind. Those who know antiques, do you want to be in the antique business in the future? As long as you let me live, leave these things to me and I will arrange them, okay? As long as you give me a chance, I want a chance, let's have a good time Speak and put all the problems on the table and solve them, okay?" Ma Bangqi's words at this time were considered a prayer.

But in the next sentence, he also said a harsh word: "If you kill everyone, it will not do you any good. You have to know that you have offended Mr. Fan now. What kind of person is Mr. Fan? His power, Killing you is as easy as killing an ant. You don't have any chance, so don't try it easily. You will die miserably. In addition, even if you destroyed me this time, I won't let you go. Yours, would you rather have a grudge against two people than do this thankless thing? Help me, not only will I not bear your grudge, I will also help you deal with Mr. Fan, and you will be my benefactor from now on. , If you don’t help me, Mr. Fan and I will deal with you together. As long as I live and you live, our affairs will never end."

Ma Bangqi threatened in a cold voice. He hoped that by saying these threats, he could scare Li Fan and let Li Fan let him live.

It's just that Ma Bangqi really thinks too much. Li Fan has no intention of letting him go, nor does he want to let Ma Bangqi go.

"Mr. Liu is your benefactor, right?" After listening to Ma Bangqi's words, Li Fan just said this.

But this sentence made Ma Bangqi's heart freeze completely.

"Mr. Liu? What do you mean?"

"Mr. Liu is your benefactor, how did you treat him? I'm afraid you'll do the same to me. It's not like I haven't heard of the story about the farmer and the snake, and I'm not afraid of offending you and Mr. Fan, and I don't need you. The kind of benefits you mentioned, so what you just said to me has no value at all and is equivalent to saying nothing." Li Fan said with a slight smile, he had no intention of letting Ma Bangqi go.

"You, you are looking for death!" After hearing this, Ma Bangqi immediately understood that he seemed to be dead. He was angry at that time, his eyes widened, and he was furious, thinking about killing Li Fan. To death.

At this time, Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "Since Boss Ma said so, let's be fair and exchange some silver needles for some, buy them on the spot, and test them on the spot. After the test, let's see what else Boss Ma has. By the way, we can’t make Boss Ma feel dissatisfied, right, Boss Ma?”

After Ma Bangqi heard this, he clenched his fists. He also realized that there was no way Li Fan would let him go. He would definitely be ruined this time.

Thinking that he had been a bully and a horse for many years and was looked down upon by others, and all the achievements he had achieved through hard work were all gone, Ma Bangqi hated him so much that his teeth itched with hatred, but now all the power was in Li Fan's hands , he can only let others slaughter him.

Ma Bangqi was really powerless to resist. What he was thinking about now was that as long as he went out, he would definitely cause trouble for Li Fan. He must avenge this and Li Fan must die.

At this time, no one around believed Ma Bangqi anymore. They all knew who he was and that he was quibbling, so it didn't matter when they heard what Li Fan said.

But these people kept shaking their heads beside them, with helpless expressions on their faces: "It's already like this, why bother?"

"That's it, do you have to have your face swollen to feel better?"

"Having done such a thing, I know I can't deny it, but I still want to deny it. What on earth is Ma Bangqi thinking? I really can't understand it. I can't figure it out." Everyone said helplessly.

At this time, Boss Xu was very happy. He waved his hand: "Which of you wants to buy a silver needle? I will pay for it and I will appraise it on the spot!"

At this time, there were many people who wanted to watch the excitement, and to add insult to injury, I saw one person waving his hand: "I'll buy it."

So the man ran out and went to buy a silver needle.

Soon, the silver needle was bought back. Li Fan took an experiment and the result was the same as before. At this time, Li Fan looked at Ma Bangqi with a half-smile and asked: "How is it? Boss Ma, do you want to try it again?" ? Otherwise, why don’t you buy one yourself and ask your shop assistant to buy it again, and then I’ll try it again, and you can’t make Boss Ma feel wronged, we are not the ones who want to wrong Boss Ma.”

At this time, Ma Bangqi had a sinister look on his face, his eyes were full of evil light, and he stared straight at Li Fan. He no longer had any excuses. Whatever he said was now sophistry, and he didn't need to say anything more. Because it is useless, everyone will just look at him like a fool.

He himself feels like a fool now.

At this time, Ma Bangqi's eyes were full of viciousness. He didn't want to let go of Li Fan, nor did he want to let go of Mr. Liu's granddaughter, nor did he want to let go of Boss Xu.

Anyway, he doesn't want to let go of the people who attacked him here today. This is Ma Bangqi.

"Boss, how about I go buy it?" At this time, a clerk volunteered.

"Get out!" Ma Bangqi roared angrily. He was about to collapse emotionally now, roaring and shouting.

Seeing Ma Bangqi getting angry, the clerk was also startled. Without saying a word, he slowly retreated to the back.

"What's wrong? Are you anxious? Don't be afraid of him. He is finished now, and his reputation will be ruined. How can he open a store here? Don't be afraid, just follow him. Anyway, you can come to my store by then. Ah, I'm going to open a branch soon. It's when we need manpower. Everyone can come. This Ma Bang flag is already useless, hahaha." At this time, Boss Xu was not to mention how proud he was. He had to avenge his great revenge. He started laughing like no one else was watching.

But after his laughter, Ma Bangqi's face became a little ugly again.

"Boss Xu, do you think it's true?" At this time, Ma Bangqi's clerk couldn't help asking. They felt too much pressure now. They all knew that Ma Bangqi might be finished, but no one dared to say more. Half a word.

So now these clerks in Mabang Banner also want to leave this antique store with no future and find other places. At this time, Boss Xu provided an olive branch.

"Of course it's true. Can I still lie to you?" Boss Xu laughed and said.

The proudest person now is Boss Xu. He did nothing. He just stretched out his hand and solved his enemy. Moreover, he can openly use the enemy's manpower to expand the camp and grow stronger. I, how could Boss Xu be unhappy and excited?

After hearing Boss Xu's affirmative words, some other people could not sit still at this time. They knew that Ma Bangqi had gone bankrupt in just a few days. After all, its reputation had been ruined. There was no hope for such a store to continue. When the police call the police, Ma Bangqi will still be sued, and they are afraid that they will not be able to pay their wages. In this case, they might as well leave early. It just so happens that Boss Xu wants someone now, and for them, it is a chance.

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